SCHEDULING PRACTICES. Xxxx Xxxxx agrees to continue its current practice of posting a schedule for a two week period not later than 6:00 P.M. on Thursday preceding the start of the workweek. In the future, prior to making any changes to those practices, the Company will meet with the Union to discuss those changes.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. It is the intent of the LCCFAHE and the District to establish fair and consistent practices for the development of the schedule, base workload, and the assignment of overload and adjunct courses. Base load, overload, and adjunct assignments are subject to the approval of the appropriate supervising administrator. All parties are encouraged to work collaboratively to allow for fair and timely schedule development.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. Appendix B sets forth the scheduling practices that prevail with respect to the length of the normal workweek, starting and quitting times, days off and shifts. Hereinafter where changes in schedules affecting bargaining unit employees are sought by the Sheriff, except in an emergency, the Sheriff shall notify and shall discuss such changes with the Union within forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the effective date of the changes. In addition, the Sheriff shall notify the affected employees twenty-eight (28) calendar days prior to the change.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. For QFC: QFC agrees to continue its practice of posting a schedule for a two week period not later than 6:00 P.M. on Thursday preceding the start of the workweek. In the future, prior to making any changes to those practices, the company will meet with the union to discuss those changes. For Albertsons: Albertsons agrees to post a work schedule not later than 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday preceding the start of the workweek. For Xxxx Xxxxx: Xxxx Xxxxx agrees to continue its practice of posting a schedule for a two week period not later than 6:00 P.M. on Thursday preceding the start of the workweek. In the future, prior to making any changes to those practices, the company will meet with the union to discuss those changes. For Safeway: Safeway agrees to post a work schedule not later than 4:00 P.M. on Thursday preceding the start of the workweek. Under that practice, Safeway employees who wish to do so may submit a request for a preferred regular day off each week. In their request employees state the reason and timeline, if any, for the preferred regular day off. Store management then considers the employee’s request, including the significance of the reason for the request, and determines if it can be granted on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, based on the needs of the business. During our discussions, the Union proposed and the Company has now agreed to clarify and/or add to its current practice the following:  The employee’s designation of a preferred regular day off is subject to the needs of the business and shall be granted in accordance with seniority;  There shall be no bumping of established days off under this provision;  Employees may arrange trades of regular days off with the permission of the Store Manager;  The Employer’s designation of a preferred day off shall not affect or modify any other seniority rights provided by this agreement. Lastly, during our discussions the Company advised the Union that it currently has no plans to discontinue or modify the above and expects it will continue for the duration of this Collective Bargaining Agreement. If during the term of this CBA either party desires to make any changes in the above the parties agree to meet and discuss such modification.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. Schedules will be established by the Employer in compliance with this Agreement and to meet work site needs. The Employer will not change the permanent schedule of an Employee, without first notifying the Employees seven (7) days in advance of the changes except in cases of emergency or unusual circumstances. The Employer shall, when practical, consider seniority in these schedule changes.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. The following priority will be used: 1. Bargaining unit employees with committed hours will be scheduled first. 2. Bargaining unit Per Diems will be offered the ability to pre-schedule shifts/hours according to the skill needs of that cost center for that shift. If two or more bargaining unit Per Diems with the same skill and ability request the same shift/hours, the bargaining unit Per Diem with the most cost center seniority will be given that shift/hours. Bargaining unit Per Diems may fill out an “availability form” to assist the scheduler. (See Article 9 – Per Diem for additional information.) Agency employees will be scheduled after Per Diem bargaining unit employees have completed their pre-posting process. Agency employees will be scheduled after Per Diem bargaining unit employees have completed their pre-posting process. 3. The schedule will be posted and will include a posting of the vacant shifts/hours. The schedule will have the date it was posted. 4. Any remaining vacant shifts will be offered to bargaining unit employees employed in the cost center. If the additional shift/hours creates overtime or premium pay, prior management approval is required. 5. Once the schedule is posted, bargaining unit employees from other cost centers may sign up for vacant shifts/hours. Bargaining unit employees signing up for shifts in other cost centers must have: § Demonstrated skill and ability to work in the cost center § Performed the cost center competencies § And are familiar with the service and its procedures. 6. Voluntary cost center on-call may be available in cost centers that do not have on-call as a condition of employment as of the effective date of this agreement. Cost center on-call will follow the on-call Article 24 and be voluntary. If a cost center utilizes voluntary on-call, a system will be developed by the cost center to fairly distribute on-call shifts.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. Schedules shall be posted seven (7) days in advance of the proposed work schedule. Notice of any permanent, facility-wide schedule change shall be given to the Union thirty (30) days prior to implementation.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. The Parties agree that the present practice of self scheduling shall continue. Either party may serve notice, with four weeks’ notice, to revert to the scheduling regulation under Article 15 of the Collective Agreement, after which this letter of understanding shall no longer apply.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. The Employer shall determine and schedule hours based on overall practicability, seniority, availability, and ability to do the work. The Employer retains the right to determine the needs of the business and to establish weekly work schedules in accordance with said needs. The Employer agrees that it will not reduce the hours of current employees for the sole purpose of giving hours to new employees. An employee with seniority, as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, performing a comparable work assignment within the same job classification as a junior employee who has been assigned a longer weekly work schedule, shall be entitled, upon request, to said junior employee’s work schedule up to a maximum of forty (40) straight time hours per week, provided that the senior employee’s qualifications and ability are equal, that said employee is available to perform the longer weekly work schedule, and that said employee has previously notified the Employer, in writing, of the employee’s desire to work additional hours. The senior employee’s request for said longer weekly work schedule shall be made in writing to the employee’s immediate department or section supervisor within twenty-four (24) hours of the publication of the weekly work schedule in question. It shall be the obligation of the Employer to promptly investigate alleged abuses upon presentation, and to rectify such abuses when justified within the meaning of this Article.
SCHEDULING PRACTICES. Albertsons, LLC Safeway Inc.