FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Considered a recognized authority within the company. Works on unusually complex technical problems and provides solutions which are highly innovative. Minimum General Experience. 5 or more years of functional experience. Minimum Education. BA/BS in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, Electrical Engineering, or related field, or equivalent experience.
FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. 20 A. CONTRACTOR shall provide the subject services, in accordance with California Health and 21 Safety Code Sections 1797 et seq., Orange County Ordinances, and all regulations promulgated 22 thereunder including any amendments or revisions thereof. All costs associated with the services 23 referenced herein shall be the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR, unless otherwise stated.
24 B. In performing the required services, CONTRACTOR shall work cooperatively with Orange 25 County Emergency Medical Services (OCEMS), which shall include the OCEMS Medical Director 26 and/or any other OCEMS employee or designee.
27 C. CONTRACTOR is expected to perform 9-1-1 Emergency Ambulance Response, Transportation 28 and Related Services to the complete satisfaction of OCEMS, which shall include, but not be limited to:
29 1. Basic Services
30 a. Provide the services in this Agreement twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days a 31 week (24/7) and without interruption throughout the term of the Agreement.
32 b. Provide the services in this Agreement without regard to any illegally discriminatory 33 classification, including without limitation, the patients’ race, religious creed, color, national origin, 34 ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, 35 sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age (40 and over), sexual orientation, military and 36 veteran status. 37 //
1 c. To the extent that any provision contained within CONTRACTOR’S proposal conflict 2 with any provisions of this Agreement, the provisions contained in the Agreement shall prevail.
FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. 13 A. CONTRACTOR shall provide the subject services, in accordance with California Health and 14 Safety Code Sections 1797 et seq., and their implementing regulations, as well as applicable Orange 15 County Ordinances and OCEMS policies, as they exist now or amended hereafter. All costs associated 16 with the services referenced in this Agreement shall be the sole responsibility of CONTRACTOR, 17 unless otherwise stated.
18 B. In performing the required services, CONTRACTOR shall work cooperatively with OCEMS, 19 including the OCEMS Medical Director and/or any other OCEMS employee or designee.
20 C. CONTRACTOR is expected to perform 9-1-1 Basic Life Support Emergency Ambulance 21 Response, Transportation and Related Services to the complete satisfaction of OCEMS, which, in 22 addition to other descriptions elsewhere in this Agreement, shall include, but not be limited to:
23 1. Basic Services
24 a. Provide the subject services 24/7 and without interruption throughout the term of the 25 contract.
26 b. Provide the subject services without regard to any illegally discriminatory 27 classification, including without limitation, the patients’ race, color, national origin, religious affiliation, 28 sexual orientation, age, sex, or ability to pay.
29 2. Service Description
30 a. Provide all management, personnel, facilities, equipment, training, materials, fuel and 31 supplies necessary to provide the required services in each awarded EOA region at the 32 9-1-1 BLS level, 24/7.
33 b. Provide the subject services in the awarded EOA to the CONTRACTOR, as the sole 9-
34 1-1 Basic Life Support emergency ground ambulance service provider, as authorized by this Agreement 35 with the County.
FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. CONTRACTOR shall provide the subject services, in accordance with California Health and 33 Safety Code Sections 1797 et seq., and their implementing regulations, as well as applicable Orange 34 County Ordinances and OCEMS policies, as they exist now or amended hereafter. All costs associated 35 with the services referenced in this Agreement shall be the sole responsibility of CONTRACTOR, 36 unless otherwise stated. 37 //
FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Ensures that the requirements of a contract are known and followed. Verifies work products are in compliance with the contract. Coordinates resource schedules. Minimum General Experience. 0-2 years of functional experience. Minimum Education. BA/BS in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, Electrical Engineering, or related field, or equivalent experience. Functional Responsibility. Limited experience with use and/or application of technical principles. Develops solutions to routine technical problems of limited scope following detailed instructions. May provide solutions to technical problems of moderate scope/complexity. Work is closely supervised. Minimum General Experience. 0-2 years of functional experience. Minimum Education. BA/BS in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, Electrical Engineering, or related field, or equivalent experience.
FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. 30 A. CONTRACTOR shall provide the subject services, in accordance with California Health and 31 Safety Code Sections 1797 et seq., and their implementing regulations, as well as applicable Orange 32 County Ordinances and OCEMS policies, as they exist now or amended hereafter. All costs associated 33 with the services referenced in this Agreement shall be the sole responsibility of CONTRACTOR, 34 unless otherwise stated.
35 B. In performing the required services, CONTRACTOR shall work cooperatively with OCEMS, 36 including the OCEMS Medical Director and/or any other OCEMS employee or designee. 37 // DocuSign Envelope ID: 749AFCDA-8017-4D91-B85F-512A22D793D6
1 C. CONTRACTOR is expected to perform 9-1-1 Basic Life Support Emergency Ambulance 2 Response, Transportation and Related Services to the complete satisfaction of OCEMS, which, in 3 addition to other descriptions elsewhere in this Agreement, shall include, but not be limited to:
4 1. Basic Services
5 a. Provide the subject services 24/7 and without interruption throughout the term of the 6 contract.
7 b. Provide the subject services without regard to any illegally discriminatory 8 classification, including without limitation, the patients’ race, color, national origin, religious affiliation, 9 sexual orientation, age, sex, or ability to pay.
10 2. Service Description
11 a. Provide all management, personnel, facilities, equipment, training, materials, fuel and 12 supplies necessary to provide the required services in each awarded EOA region at the 13 9-1-1 BLS level, 24/7.
14 b. Provide the subject services in the awarded EOA to the CONTRACTOR, as the sole 9-
15 1-1 Basic Life Support emergency ground ambulance service provider, as authorized by this Agreement 16 with the County.
FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Manages experienced professionals who exercise latitude and independence in their assignments. Often heads one or more sections or a small department. Plans, conducts, and supervises assignments, generally involving larger and more important projects or multiple projects. Evaluates and determines changes in methods or procedures in assigned area of responsibility. Determines candidates for employment/termination, conducts performance evaluations and salary reviews for assigned staff and is responsible for the application of company policies. Minimum General Experience. 8 or more years of relevant experience. Minimum Education. BA/BS in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, Electrical Engineering, or related field, or equivalent experience. Functional Responsibility. Supervises, coordinates, provides leadership to and reviews the work of assigned staff. Directly supervises individual contributors in technical positions and/or entry level professionals. Estimates staffing needs, assigns work, recommends candidates for employment, makes recommendations for termination, conducts performance evaluations and salary reviews for assigned staff and is responsible for the application of company policies. Minimum General Experience. 5 or more years of functional experience. Minimum Education. BA/BS in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, Electrical Engineering, or related field, or equivalent experience.
FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Considered a recognized authority within the company. Works on unusually complex technical problems and provides solutions which are highly innovative. Minimum General Experience. 4 or more years of functional experience. Minimum Education. BA/BS in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, Electrical Engineering, or related field, or equivalent experience. Functional Responsibility. Provides objective advice, expertise, and specialized skills with the aim of creating value, maximizing growth, or improving the business performance of their clients. Has expertise and operates across one or more industries and variety of services such as business strategy, manpower planning, policy analysis, management controls, information technology, e-business and operations. Primarily concerned with the strategy, structure, management, and operations of an organization. Identifies options with recommendations, and/or the implementation of solutions. Manages all project resources to perform tasks according to plan; sets expectations concerning deliverability, performance, maintenance, design, and costs. Minimum General Experience. 5 or more years of functional experience. Minimum Education. BA/BS in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, Electrical Engineering, or related field, or equivalent experience.
FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Recognized industry specialist with technical insight in multiple fields and disciplines. Complexity of work is state of the art and may be new to the company and to the industry. Serves as consultant to the business unit in long-range planning concerning new or projected areas of technological research and advancements. Is instrumental in attracting/obtaining major new business. Minimum General Experience. 10 or more years of functional experience. Minimum Education. BA/BS in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business, Electrical Engineering, or related field, or equivalent experience.