School Day The school day for members of the bargaining unit shall not exceed seven and one-half (7½) hours of consecutive time which shall include a duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period of no less than thirty (30) minutes.
Furloughs Appointing officers are encouraged to furlough entire operational units within departments rather than individual employees; or stagger work hours within an operational unit on a reduced hours basis. The decision of the appointing officer to impose furloughs under this subsection, and the appointing officer's determination of what constitutes an operational unit, shall be final. Where, in the discretion of the appointing officer, furlough of an operational unit as prescribed above is not feasible, individual employees within an operational unit may be furloughed. To the extent practicable, furlough shall be equitably distributed among all of the employees in the affected department or operational unit to which the Projected Deficit Notice (PDN) has application; and, all of the employees in the affected class(es). In determining which employees to furlough, an appointing officer shall consider citywide seniority within a class as well as considering the operational needs of the department. In no event shall furlough be imposed upon an employee for more than four days in any three month period or ten days in any fiscal year. Voluntary time off not to exceed a total of five days per quarter or ten days per year, approved pursuant to this section, shall be credited toward the maximum number of furlough days which may be imposed pursuant to this provision. Employees placed on furlough pursuant to this section shall be notified in writing at least 15 calendar days in advance of the effective date for the furlough. The decision to furlough an individual employee within an operational unit shall be final except that an employee given notice of a furlough, which taken together with an employee's prior furloughs in the same fiscal year would exceed five working days within any six month period, may file an appeal. Such appeals must be in writing and filed within three calendar days of the date of the notice of furlough with the Human Resources Director with a copy to the appointing officer. Within three calendar days after receiving the appeal, the Department of Human Resources shall refer the written appeal and the appointing officer's written comments, if any, for determination to the Human Resources Director, the Mayor and the Controller, or their designees, who shall meet on no less than 24 hours public notice. The determination regarding the appeal shall be rendered within seven calendar days of the date of the appeal. This decision is final and shall not be reconsidered by the Civil Service Commission. The Human Resources Director shall notify the employee and the appointing officer of the decision prior to the effective date of the furlough.
BEREAVEMENT/TANGIHANGA LEAVE 15.1 The employer shall approve special bereavement leave on pay for an employee to discharge any obligation and/or to pay respects to a deceased person with whom the employee has had a close association. Such obligations may exist because of blood or family ties or because of particular cultural requirements such as attendance at all or part of a Tangihanga (or its equivalent). The length of time off shall be at the discretion of the employer. 15.2 If bereavement occurs while an employee is absent on annual leave, sick leave on pay, or other special leave on pay, such leave may be interrupted and bereavement leave granted in terms of 15.1 above. This provision will not apply if the employee is on leave without pay. 15.3 In granting time off therefore, and for how long, the employer must administer these provisions in a culturally sensitive manner.
High Winds (i) The occurrence of high winds, whilst constituting ‘Inclement Weather’ affecting some work processes, does not give rise to an entitlement for any Employee whose work is suspended to leave the site and be paid. Payment will not be made for time so lost. The provisions of clauses 32.4 and 32.5 do not apply to the time any work is suspended due to the effects of high wind.
School Calendar The Dual Credit course schedule will be determined by the location of the course delivery, provided that the required contact hours and prerequisites are met. The instructional calendar for the high school portion of the School will be based on the School District calendar and comply with all related TEA regulations for school attendance. The School District will adjust its schedule as necessary to enable Students to enroll in and attend the college- level courses provided by College. The School District and College will coordinate the State Student assessment requirements to ensure said assessments are administered without penalty. The School District, School and College will ensure that the School calendar accounts for the required per-semester contact hours for courses. When the instructional delivery is on the College site, it may be necessary for Students to attend classes on days when the School District is closed (e.g., different holiday closures). When Students take classes at the College scheduled on days when School is closed, the School District will ensure that at least one staff member with administrative authority be on call and available to be reached by the College’s Office of High School Programs or other College staff in case of emergency. The designated School staff member will have access to Student emergency contact information. While the College agrees to make scheduling accommodations for required State assessments, including the STAAR and End of Course Exams, all contact hour requirements must be met. For assessments not mandated by the State, the College and School District will come to a mutual agreement on administration dates in order to appropriately manage disruptions of college courses and ensure contact hour requirements are met.
PAY DAY (a) The Employer shall pay each Nurse every two (2) weeks. The amount shall be in accordance with the applicable hourly rate for the Nurse’s classification and increment level listed in Appendix “A”. Payment will include regular pay and will include any other income earned during the preceding pay period. Every effort will be made to supply requested information to a Nurse as to the amount paid on or before pay day. (b) In the event that an error made by the Employer results in a Nurse not receiving four (4) or more hours or wages earned in any one pay period, the Employer will endeavour to adjust the error and pay the wages within two (2) business days of the error having being identified.
Length of School Day 4.4.1 For each school the length of the “school day” shall be determined according to the requirement that students are normally required to be in attendance for two HD, one before noon, the other after noon. 4.4.2 The normal teaching load in respect of any one day is therefore related to that requirement and takes account of the normal timetabling practices of each school.
Boxing Day If another Federal, Provincial or Municipal holiday should be proclaimed during the term of this Agreement, such additional proclaimed holiday will replace one of the above-named holidays as agreed by the parties. The intent is that there will be no more than twelve (12) paid holidays per calendar year for the duration of this agreement.
Regular Work Day A regular work day shall consist of six and one-half (6½) hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Overnight Trips If the Company determines that overnight travel is required, the employee will be reimbursed for expenses, which are supported by receipts as follows: A. Transportation expenses as described in Section 6.10(D) above. B. Lodging, approved in advance by the Company. C. Meals, not to exceed t h i r t y - f i v e dollars ($35.00) per day, unless management approves a higher amount in advance.