PAY DAY Sample Clauses
PAY DAY. (a) The Employer shall pay each Nurse every two (2) weeks. The amount shall be in accordance with the applicable hourly rate for the Nurse’s classification and increment level listed in Appendix “A”. Payment will include regular pay and will include any other income earned during the preceding pay period. Every effort will be made to supply requested information to a Nurse as to the amount paid on or before pay day.
(b) In the event that an error made by the Employer results in a Nurse not receiving four (4) or more hours or wages earned in any one pay period, the Employer will endeavour to adjust the error and pay the wages within two (2) business days of the error having being identified.
PAY DAY. SECTION 1. Employees shall be paid in full once each week (on the same day), but in no event shall more than five (5) days’ (Saturday, Sunday and holidays excluded) wages be withheld.
A. If the regular payday falls on a holiday, the employees shall be paid on the last regular work day before the holiday. The check must be dated for the last regular work day before the holiday.
B. The Employer will have the following options of making payment: 1.) negotiable check made on a local bank, paid prior to quitting time at the job site; 2.) direct deposit, into employee’s bank account; or by mail, at the election of employee, in writing at the time of hire or with ten (10) days advance notice of a change. If paid by mail, the check shall be postmarked not later than two (2) business days prior to the established payday.
C. No employee shall be discharged, laid off, disciplined, replaced, transferred or have any other adverse action taken against him/her for refusing to use the direct payroll deposit or mail option.
D. The Employer shall furnish to each employee, at the time of payment of wages, an itemized statement showing the pay basis (i.e., hours or days worked), rate or rates of pay, gross wages and all deductions from that pay period. In addition, the name, address and phone number of the Employer shall be indicated.
E. No adjustment of disputed pay will be made unless the employee or the Union shall make a claim in writing to the Employer’s representative within fifteen (15) days from the pay period in question.
SECTION 2. Employees who quit shall be paid not later than the next regular pay period.
SECTION 3. Employees who are laid off or discharged shall be paid not later than the end of the next regular business day. If the employee is on direct deposit payment, payment shall be deposited into employees’ bank account within two
PAY DAY. SECTION 1. Employees shall be paid in full once each week (on the same day), but in no event shall more than five (5) days’ wages be withheld (Saturday, Sunday and holidays excluded).
SECTION 2. Employees who quit, shall be paid not later than the next regular pay period.
SECTION 3. When Employees are laid off or discharged, they shall be paid in full immediately. Employees laid off or discharged, who are paid by direct deposit in their bank accounts, shall be paid not later than the next regular business day. In the event that the employee is not paid immediately, he shall receive two (2) hours pay at the appropriate hourly wage rate for each twenty-four (24) hour period for the first forty-eight (48) hours. Thereafter the Employee will be paid four (4) hours pay at the appropriate hourly wage rate for each twenty-four (24) hour period until said check is mailed to an address of the Employee’s choice. The postmark on the envelope will serve as the cutoff for any penalty.
SECTION 4. If the payment is not made expressly as provided in this article, then the Employee shall be paid two (2) hours pay at the appropriate hourly wage rate for each twenty-four (24) hour period for the first forty-eight (48) hours (Saturday, Sunday and holidays excepted). Thereafter, the employee will be paid four (4) hours pay at the appropriate hourly wage rate for each twenty- four (24) hour period until payment is made. In the case of payment by mail, the postmark on the envelope will serve as the cutoff for any penalty.
PAY DAY. The Employer shall pay each Nurse every two (2) weeks. The amount shall be in accordance with the applicable hourly rate for the Nurse’s classification and increment level listed in Appendix “A”. Payment will include regular pay and will include any other income earned during the preceding pay period. Every effort will be made to supply requested information to a Nurse as to the amount paid on or before pay day.
PAY DAY. Employees shall receive their pay each week. Upon request, extra Meat Department employees shall be paid in full when their work is completed. Failure to pay such extra Meat Department employees upon completion of work shall require the Employer to pay the employee eight (8) hours pay for each twenty-four (24) hour period until payment in full has been made. In the case of termination of employment of any employee, the final paycheck shall be given to the employee not later than seventy- two (72) hours after the completion of his last shift.
PAY DAY. 24.1 Payday shall be biweekly and in no case shall more than six (6) days' pay be held back. Employees shall be paid prior to the end of their assigned shift.
24.2 Employees that are laid off, quit or are discharged, shall receive their pay in compliance with State law.
24.3 Upon request by the employee the City will make any earnings-related payroll data not regularly provided on the pay stub available to the employee without unreasonable delay.
24.4 Prior to implementing direct deposit the Union and City will meet to review the procedures and reporting requirements for direct deposit.
PAY DAY. (a) The regular pay day shall be once a week, not later than Thursday of each week. Wages shall be paid on the jobsite before the normal quitting time, in cash or by cheque payable at par in the locality of the job site and the Employer shall arrange that the pay cheques will be honoured at a local bank. However, the employer may require the employee to open a bank account and/or receive direct deposit into the bank account in lieu of payment on the job site. At the discretion of the employer, and with the consent of the employee, the employer may make a direct deposit into the bank account of the employee in lieu of payment on the job site. Should the Employee cease to work on Thursday before the normal quitting time due to inclement weather, he/she shall be paid at such quitting time provided the cheques are available. Any Employee required to wait for his/her pay shall be paid waiting time at straight time rates not to exceed eight (8) hours in any day for each regular working hour he/she is required to wait. No payment will be made for waiting time on Thursday. No payment will be made for waiting time on Friday, if the pays are available at the job site before the normal quitting time on Friday, instead of Thursday, for the following reasons only:
1. Employees have left the job site before quitting time on Thursday due to inclement weather.
2. Pay cheques cannot be delivered on Thursday, due to extreme emergency.
3. A double holiday occurs.
4. The Monday of that week was a Statutory Holiday.
(b) Employers may withhold where necessary, a reasonable amount of wages due to enable them to prepare the payroll; (not more than one week).
(c) Accompanying each payment of wages shall be a statement identifying both the Employer and the Employee, showing the total earnings, vacation pay, the amount of each deduction, the purpose thereof, and the net earnings. When direct deposit is used in lieu of payment on the jobsite, cheque stubs will be delivered no later than Thursday of each week.
(d) Arrangements shall be made for new Employees hired for out-of-town projects to secure an advance at the job site, not exceeding the necessary Board Allowance for the first week of employment. Allowance not to exceed wages owing.
PAY DAY. Pay day shall be every second Friday. Each pay period, employees shall receive a statement showing deductions and adjustments and their pay shall be deposited into the employee's bank account(s). The employee is accountable to provide bank account numbers for up to two (2) deposit accounts. If a pay day falls on a general holiday, then the pay day shall be the preceding business day. For purposes of this clause, “business day” shall mean any day between Monday and Friday, inclusive, which is not a statutory holiday.
PAY DAY. (a) Except in weeks in which a statutory holiday is observed:
(1) Regular day shift employees will be paid on Friday morning for work performed during the previous week.
(2) Employees on a regular night shift will be paid on the completion of their shift on Friday morning for work performed during the previous week. In weeks in which a statutory holiday is observed, every effort will be made to maintain the above schedule.
(b) All full-time and part-time employees will be paid by means of mandatory direct payroll deposit.
PAY DAY. Employees' paychecks will be available on a weekly basis no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday.