Future Land Use Plan. See the attached map from the 2004 Grand Island Comprehensive Plan. All of the area around the site in private ownership is planned for Downtown Commercial development; this includes housing and commercial uses within the same structure. This property is in private ownership. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111] The attached map also is an accurate site plan of the area after redevelopment. [§18-2111(5)] City of Grand Island Future Land Use Map
Future Land Use Plan. See the attached map from the 2004 Grand Island Comprehensive Plan. The site is planned for commercial development. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111] The attached map also is an accurate site plan of the area after redevelopment. [§18-2111(5)] City of Grand Island Future Land Use Map
Future Land Use Plan. Implementation of the Future Land Use Plan of the Regional Comprehensive Plan shall be achieved via local zoning ordinances and local comprehensive plans.
Future Land Use Plan. See the attached map from the 2004 Grand Island Comprehensive Plan. All of the area around the site in private ownership is planned for low to medium density residential and manufacturing development. It is anticipated that the future land use map will be modified to reflect residential development across the entire site prior to approval of this plan or any redevelopment contract. This property is in private ownership. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Future Land Use Plan. The Future Land Use Plan is a policy document that is intended to guide City staff and officials as they make decisions on where, when and how the City should grow and redevelop. The development of a future land use plan will ensure a cohesive and unified vision for the City is presented to developments and property owners as future development and redevelopment occurs within the community. The CONSULTANT will develop a future land use plan that will take into account existing land use information, neighborhood compatibility, current zoning regulations, economic development strategies, past development patterns, infill and redevelopment opportunities, and integrate them into a graphic depiction of the community’s future. Various choices for growth and development will be analyzed to understand the long-term consequences of varying investments, land use patterns, economic development strategies, social patterns and other decisions. Associated consequences and metrics will be presented to help the public and elected officials make informed decisions. This will allow leaders as well as the public to understand tradeoffs involved in different approaches to the City’s future. Analytics may include land consumption, energy use, water use, walk accessibility, transit accessibility, transportation, emissions, household costs, fiscal performance, and risk and resilience. Fiscal analysis will be grounded in the local market potential, the real cost of services for the City and the primary revenue sources for cities: property, sales tax, and fee revenue. Additionally, the future land use plan will seek to balance and bridge the gap between current market demand, long-term desired state or aspiration goals of the community that emerge from the plan, and financial resources required (if any) to accelerate preferred development if the market is not yet aligned. Analysis and recommendations regarding alignment of market to vision may be addressed in Task 9. The Future Land Use will depict color-coded land uses or development types within the City’s planning area. The map will consider the following:
a. Location of future residential, non-residential, mixed uses, open space and institutional land uses along with associated intensities.
b. Location of environmentally sensitive areas or barriers that should be considered when making future development decisions.
c. Location of future land uses along major transportation and transit corridors along with associated intensitie...
Future Land Use Plan. The general plan for the growth and development of the City and its environs; and including any elements of such plan, such as a land use plan, Thoroughfare Plan, utilities plan, schools and parks plan, and others.
Future Land Use Plan. See the attached map from the 2004 Grand Island Comprehensive Plan. This property is planned for low to medium density residential. This property is in private ownership. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111] The area is zoned R-4 High Density Residential and the proposed use would be permitted in this district. No changes are anticipated in street layouts or grades. No changes are anticipated in building codes or ordinances. Nor are any other planning changes contemplated. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Future Land Use Plan. See the attached map from the 2004 Grand Island Comprehensive Plan. All of the area around the site in private ownership is planned for low to medium density residential development at the south end and manufacturing in the northwest corner. It is anticipated that changes to the plan will be made to accommodate and support this development as proposed. This property is in private ownership. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111] The attached map also is an accurate site plan of the area as proposed after redevelopment with 278 single family detached lots, 25 duplex lots, 53 townhouse/condo lots, 300 units of apartments and 6.3 acres of retail and 9 acres of light industrial backing on to the industrial property to the north.. [§18-2111(5)]
Future Land Use Plan. In conjunction with the development of Plan and Policy Framework, we will prepare recommended changes to the Future Land Use Plan map. If appropriate, alternatives or “key choices” in specific opportunity areas may be developed to align with the plan’s policy options. The future land use map will reflect existing physical conditions and planning influences, and analysis of likely future needs to accommodate growth and development to the year 2040. The map will be supplemented with descriptions of the land use categories shown on the map.
Future Land Use Plan. Review and update (where needed) the City of Tea future land use plan where the Study Advisory Team believes deficiencies exist (if required). The current future land use plan will be provided by the City of Tea.