Gas Allowance. An employee requested to operate her privately owned vehicle by the Employer will be paid an allowance of forty cents ($.40) per kilometer as a gas allowance.
Gas Allowance. Each employee who uses their own vehicle to perform work for the Co-operative or each employee who uses their own vehicle to travel to and from a work location other than their normal work location shall receive a gas allowance from the Co- operative in the amount of sixty (60¢) cents per kilometre after presentation of a record of travel.
Gas Allowance. Reimbursement of costs.
Gas Allowance. Those employees presently receiving gas allowance for use of their vehicles, shall continue to be compensated at the current rate of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month. Effective July 1, 2013, employee(s) in the title of Assistant Computer Repair and Network Support Technician shall also be entitled to receive the gas allowance.
Gas Allowance. Any unit member regularly required to use his/her personal vehicle for Board business shall be reimbursed per mile traveled on said Board business at that rate allowed by IRS on July 1st of that contract year, so that said amount does not become ordinary income.
Gas Allowance. An employee requested to operate her privately owned vehi- cle by the Home will be paid a kilometer allowance of thirty cents (30¢) per kilo- meter as a gas allowance.
Gas Allowance. The Company will reimburse maintenance employees for use of a personal vehicle while on approved company business. Reimbursement for mileage will be at the rate per kilometer that is determined by the Company from time to time. A mileage log must accompany a claim for reimbursement.
Gas Allowance. A Driver who is assigned a field trip of lengthy duration shall be provided with cash monies, which would be subject to itemization by the employee, in order that the employee would have such monies if needed to purchase gasoline for such field trips. Field Trip Routes Whenever possible, the Transportation Supervisor shall assist the assigned Driver in making a map or set of detailed instructions for future reference to the same destination.
Gas Allowance. Effective July 1, 2011, the transportation/gas allowance will be paid as a component of wages, rather than as a separate non-wage payment. The allowance will be $0.9855 per hour for 40 hour employees and $1.0513 per hour for 37.5 hour employees. In recognition that members of the bargaining unit are required to utilize their personal cell phones for work-related communications as well as City-provided devices to perform certain work tasks, employees are eligible for a $50 monthly stipend. In order to be paid this stipend, supervisors must complete all work tasks utilizing the software and technology determined by the City. Any employee, pursuant to passing a basic computer skills proficiency test in any of the following areas: Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, Access, Power Point, Cambridge Request System, Writing Skills, EnerGov will earn a stipend according to the following schedule: One (1) $.10 Two (2) $.15 Three (3) $.25 Four (4) $.35 Five (5) $.45 Six (6) $.50 Seven (7) $.60 Eight (8) $.75 Eligible employees who pass a proficiency test on or after July 1, 2017 will receive the stipend for that application for five years from the initial payment. Any stipends being paid prior to July 1, 2017 will continue to be paid through June 30, 2022. After that time, employees must re-take and pass a proficiency test in order to continue receiving the stipend. Tests may be re-taken no sooner than six months prior to the expiration of the stipend. The City may, in its discretion, add and remove applications based on technological changes and operational needs. However, if an application is no longer available at the time an employee’s stipend has expired and there is no alternative proficiency test for the employee to take, then the City will continue to pay the stipend for the obsolete proficiency until six months after an alternative becomes available.
Gas Allowance. Effective on the date of ratification, an employee requested to operate their privately owned vehicle by the Home will be paid a kilometer allowance of forty cents ($0.40) per kilometer as a gas allowance.