Half-time. First year in Interlocal, six (6) full days (equivalent (12) half days); succeeding years, five (5) full days (equivalent ten (10) half days)
Half-time. Employment for at least seventeen and one-half (17-1/2) hours or more per week, but less than thirty-five (35) hours per week.
Half-time. Persons permanently employed on a half-time basis or more, but less than full-time, shall be entitled to receive vacation at one-half (1/2) the regular rate.
Half-time a. Vendor may request 1st and 3rd Saturdays or 2nd and 4th Saturdays; every effort will be made to accommodate each individual vendor’s requested schedule but requested schedule is not guaranteed until confirmed by the Market Manager.
Half-time. A half-time member is anyone working at least three (3) and less than five (5) hours per day, or a member working two and one-half full days per week. The benefits received by a half-time member are subject to the same provisions as in the comprehensive full-time language and are pro-rated as follows:
Half-time. Between three (3) and five (5) total hours per day. These hours may or may not be consecutive.
Half-time. An adult education teacher who works at least four hundred eighty-eight (488), but less than 854, instructional hours during a school year is “half-time.”