Hepatitis. (Applies to SB1, SC1, SD1, and SI1)
13.5.1 SB1, SC1, SD1 unit members, not currently covered by the City’s Infectious Disease Control Program may submit a request for a Hepatitis B vaccination (HBV) to the CMO – Risk Management Division for follow-up as deemed appropriate by CMO – Risk Management Division.
13.5.2 For SI1 members, the City will provide Hepatitis B vaccinations to part‐time Unit SI1 employees in job classifications determined by the City's Risk Manager to be at risk of contracting Hepatitis B in the course of their duties.
13.5.3 Newly employed unit members who are in classifications requiring Hepatitis B vaccinations should receive such shots as soon as possible after employment. Hepatitis B, C, and AIDS/HIV will be discussed in bloodborne pathogen training and additional information regarding these two diseases will be posted on City bulletin boards. Unit members may decline a Hepatitis B inoculation.
Hepatitis. B" shots shall be provided to those members who request it.
Hepatitis. Hepatitis B infection is a risk to public health. Mortality rates from liver disease are rising in the UK. Whilst there are multiple causes of progressive chronic liver disease, around 25% of all liver disease cases in the UK are due to hepatitis infections. A major cause of liver disease is infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV). When not treated, persistent HBV infection leads to premature death due to either cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma in a large proportion of infected individuals.
Hepatitis. 41.01 41.02
Hepatitis. The District agrees to reimburse for hepatitis vaccinations for Regular Full-time, Regular Part-time and Part-time employees as per Article 14.01 of the Collective Agreement, in the following departments if they choose to receive the immunization: All Public Works employees Engineering Technologists Stores Persons Leisure Services All Lifeguards Aquatic Helpers All Recreation Attendants All Recreation Service Clerks Designated first Aid Attendants in all departments Summer Students will not receive the immunization due to the time period required for the medication to take effect. As the inoculation consists of three sessions over an extended period any eligible employee that submits the receipts indicating the vaccinations are complete will be reimbursed to a maximum of four hundred dollars ($400.00) plus all applicable taxes. Reimbursements will be provided once all three vaccinations are complete, not after each vaccination.
Hepatitis. If needed, the Board shall provide for inoculation for Hepatitis B through a certified practitioner designated by the Board. The cost of the inoculation shall be the Employer's.
Hepatitis. 21.6.2 The Employee must, at the request of the Employer, produce a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner which specifically names the disease as soon as is reasonably practicable.
Hepatitis. Rubella
Hepatitis. A medical certificate for any absence, under this clause, must be provided to Kingston and state:
Hepatitis. B – upload your document into the appropriate category (vaccination, titer, declination) ⮚ 3 dose series of Recombivax AB OR 2 doses of Engerix-B OR 2 Heplisav-B vaccinations (4 weeks apart) required OR ⮚ Positive Surface Antibody titer lab report is required. If the titer is negative/low/equivocal must receive one dose of vaccine and re-test the titer 1-2 months post-vaccination. OR ⮚ Upload signed declination waiver (for medical reasons only).