Housing Provider. 1. In accordance with social housing policies SH-1608 and SH-1609, RGI Eligibility Reviews – Annual and Periodic respectively, every review by a housing provider shall include a review of the unit size eligibility of the RGI household. Unit size eligibility shall be determined in accordance with social housing policy SH-1618 Local Occupancy Standards.
2. Every housing provider shall have a written internal transfer policy that assigns high priority ranking to over-housed units; and a written internal transfer waiting list shall be maintained.
3. Every housing provider shall have written internal transfer policies and procedures for over-housed RGI units/households that are consistent with O. Reg. 367/11.
4. Housing Providers shall report all refusals of offers of internal transfer to Chatham-Kent Housing Services for tracking purposes.
5. Internal transfers for over-housed RGI households shall be exempt from any internal transfer fee, due to the housing provider (and service manager) requiring the internal transfer. [Reference RTA, 2006, O. Reg. 516/06, subsection 17.8.]
Housing Provider. 1. At the time of an annual, or a periodic Review of RGI eligibility, the housing provider will review the RGI tenant/member household’s eligibility for the unit size and category occupied.
2. If the housing provider determines that the RGI household is occupying a unit larger than the largest unit it is qualified for pursuant to social housing policy SH-1618 Local Occupancy Standards, the housing provider shall provide the affected a Notice of Decision advising the tenant/member that they are over-housed. The Notice will also confirm whether the housing provider has a suitable unit in its portfolio.
3. If the over-housed household remains over-housed for at least one year from the
i. The tenant/member household shall be added to its internal transfer list and offered the next available suitable unit in the portfolio. The housing provider shall advise the tenant/member household of the Right to Refuse Offer and if a total of 3 offers are refused, the RGI status shall be terminated and market rent shall be imposed. Housing Provider shall also advise the RGI household that they may also choose to apply to CKHS for consideration of other suitable housing options.
ii. If the household remains on the internal transfer list for one year, the housing provider will advise the tenant/member household, in writing, that it must make application to CKSH within 10 business days. The housing provider shall provide Chatham-Kent Housing Services with a copy of the written notice provided. A blank copy of a Coordinated Access Application (Form # SH-F1601) shall be included with this written notice. If the tenant /member household has not made application to the CKHS within 15 business days, the housing provider shall issue a Notice of Termination of RGI status.
4. If the over-housed household remains over-housed for at least one year from the
i. The housing provider shall advise the tenant/member household to apply to Chatham-Kent Housing Services within 10 business days and said notice shall clearly state the calendar date upon which an application is due to CKHS. As well, this notice shall clearly indicate that failure to comply will result in Termination of RGI status and the household, therefore, would be charged market rent.
ii. The housing provider shall receive a Notice of Decision from Chatham-Kent Housing Services respecting the tenant/member household’s application for social housing. Upon receipt of this notice, further action is not required of the housing prov...
Housing Provider. 1. Access the current, up to date subsidiary waiting list via remote computerized link with the Chatham-Kent Coordinated Access System (CKCAS), upon notification of a vacant unit eligible for RGI assistance.
Housing Provider. 1. Access the current subsidiary list via remote computerized link with CKCAS upon notification of a vacant unit eligible for RGI assistance.
2. Contact the CKHS if unable to access the subsidiary list from CKCAS due to technical difficulties. If required, the subsidiary list may be provided by mail, e-mail or fax.
Housing Provider. Select applicant households from the subsidiary waiting list for the housing project in accordance and compliance with provincial (i.e. special) priority rules and the local priorities established by this policy.
Housing Provider. 1. Access to the up-to-date subsidiary list from CKCAS at the time of going through the process of filling vacancies. See Housing Services Policy SH-1619 Filling Vacancies/Record Keeping.
2. Select applicant households in accordance with the provincially and locally established priorities.
3. Maintain complete records of Outcome of Offers of accommodation, which also includes refusals of offers of internal transfers.
Housing Provider. Inform or advise RGI assistance applicants of the option to indicate a preference for a geographic area of Chatham-Kent and/or specific housing projects. SH-1614 PAGE 2 OF 2
Housing Provider. 1. Make the Chatham-Kent Housing Directory available to all RGI assistance applicants.
2. Provide Coordinated Access application forms to advise RGI assistance applicants of the geographic areas, and/or explain to RGI assistance applicants re their option to select geographic area preferences and/or housing project preferences to be considered for. Or, alternatively, provide the CK Housing Services Application form (SH-F1601) to RGI assistance applicants and direct the applicant to Chatham-Kent Housing Services staff for information concerning the application process.
Housing Provider. 1. Select applicant households from the internal transfer list or subsidiary waiting list for the housing project in accordance and compliance with local occupancy standards and any provincial occupancy standard that has not been replaced with a local occupancy standard.
2. Use the local occupancy standards when carrying out the responsibilities of the housing provider with respect to Annual Reviews and/or Periodic Reviews of RGI Assistance, pursuant to social housing policies SH-1408 and SH-1409 respectively.
Housing Provider. 1. When filling a vacant rent-geared-to-income unit, review eligible households on the internal transfer list and access the up to date subsidiary waiting list via remote computer link to the CKCAS for the housing project. Select an applicant household that is eligible for the size and type of unit coming vacant, in accordance with internal transfer policy and social housing policy SH-1617 Local Priority Rules. Consider in-situ market rent households for RGI assistance if ranked highest on the subsidiary waiting list, meets target plan requirements and has Chatham-Kent Social Housing approval.
2. When reviewing the on-going eligibility of rent-geared-to-income households, regardless of whether the review is annual or periodic, apply local occupancy standards to RGI eligibility assessment.