Involuntary Reassignment In the absence of volunteers to fill a vacancy internally, the college may administratively reassign from any overstaffed area that qualified faculty member with the lowest seniority.
Voluntary Reassignment If a vacancy occurs in the same or other department or division outside the unit member’s normal assignment, the unit member may submit a written request to the College President to be reassigned. Such requests, if received at least one (1) week prior to the closing date for application for an advertised position, shall be considered before those of other applicants.
Assignment/Transfer The Credit (or a portion thereof as earned) under this Agreement may be assigned to an “Affiliated Corporation” in accordance with RTC section 23663. As stated in RTC section 23689(i)(1), this Agreement shall not restrict, broaden, or alter the ability of Taxpayer to assign the Credit in accordance with RTC section 23663. In order to transfer this Agreement as a result of a sale or merger, prior written consent of GO- Biz must be obtained or the transfer will be void. Such transfer shall be permitted if GO-Biz determines that the transfer would further the purposes of the CCTC program and benefit California. Prior to GO-Biz consenting to the transfer, the new entity must disclose to GO-Biz the number of California full-time employees it employed at the time of acquisition or merger and any other information GO-Biz requests that applicants for a CCTC provide pursuant to a CCTC application.
DEED OF ASSIGNMENT/TRANSFER Upon full payment of the TPP and subject to the consent (if applicable) being obtained by the Purchaser from the Developer/Proprietor and other relevant authorities and further subject to Clause 7.2 hereof, the Assignee/Bank and the Purchaser shall observe the following:- 8.1 The Assignee/Bank shall execute or cause to be executed as soon as possible at the Purchaser’s costs and expenses including legal, stamp and registration fees in favour of the Purchaser an Assignment in the form and format duly approved by the Assignee/Bank, of all the rights, title, interest and benefits under the principal Sale and Purchase Agreement entered into between the Developer/Proprietor and the original Purchaser upon the terms and conditions stipulated by the Assignee/Bank at its absolute discretion. Thereafter and upon payment by the Purchaser of all such costs and expenses including the vetting fee of the Assignment, the Assignee/Bank shall deliver to the Purchaser the Assignment duly executed or caused to be executed by the Assignee/Bank, the original of the principal Sale and Purchase Agreement or duplicate copy or certified true copy and the original of the previous Assignment(s) or duplicate copy or certified true copy as in the Assignee/Bank’s possession; 8.2 If the Property is a housing accommodation under the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) (Amendment) Act 2007, the Purchaser shall upon payment of the TPP forward to the Assignee/Bank’s solicitor the following:- a) a letter of undertaking by the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s financier in favour of the Developer to deliver to the Developer the duly stamped assignment within fourteen (14) days after the same has been stamped, and b) the Purchaser’s payment in favour of the Developer of the Purchaser’s portion of the Developer’s outgoings charges pursuant to Clause 13 hereof, or a certified true copy of the Developer’s official receipt evidencing the Purchaser’s payment of the same. 8.3 In the event that the separate document of title or strata title for the Property has been issued whether before, on or after the successful auction sale, the Purchaser shall bear all costs, expenses, levies, penalties and charges relating to stamping and/or registration of the transfer either directly from the Developer and/or Proprietor OR a double transfer where the Developer and/or Proprietor or any relevant authority requires the title to be transferred into the name of the Assignor prior to it being transferred to the Purchaser, all costs, expenses, levies, penalties and charges relating to stamping and/or registration of the transfer into the Assignor’s name shall be borne by the Purchaser.
VOLUNTARY TRANSFERS AND REASSIGNMENTS 12.3.1 A listing of tentative vacancies for which the District will interview shall be posted annually in each school on or about March 30 and April 15. The transfer or reassignment closing date will be April 30. Those employees applying within this window shall receive placement prior to consideration of outside applicants.
Transfer and Reassignment An academic staff member may, by agreement between the member and the University, be assigned to a new academic unit (Article 13.
Involuntary Demotion An employee assigned to a lower rated position shall continue to be paid at the employee's current rate of pay until the rate of pay in the new position equals or exceeds it.
Room Reassignment The Manager may in its sole and unfettered discretion, relocate the Resident to another Room upon 48 hours advance written notice. The Resident agrees to comply with the terms of any relocation notice and to remove and relocate the Resident’s property to the Room designated in the relocation notice. Residents are required to comply with any de-densifying efforts required on campus due to Covid-19 or other public health or safety emergency, including, but not limited to, the relocation of all or some residential students to alternative housing. Relocation does not constitute a termination of a residential student’s housing contract. In the event that the Manager must relocate students as part of a de-densifying strategy due to public health, safety or other concerns for an extended period of time and alternative housing is not available, the Manager may, in its sole and unfettered discretion, pay impacted students fair and reasonable reimbursement (as determined by the Manager) as appropriate and based on information available at that time and in full and final satisfaction of the Manager’s and the Institution’s obligations hereunder.
Pledge or Assignment With respect to Contracts that are “electronic chattel paper”, the authoritative copy of each Contract communicated to the Custodian has no marks or notations indicating that it has been pledged, assigned or otherwise conveyed to any Person other than the Trust Collateral Agent.
Permitted Transfers Within Escrow 5.1 Transfer to Directors and Senior Officers (1) You may transfer escrow securities within escrow to existing or, upon their appointment, incoming directors or senior officers of the Issuer or any of its material operating subsidiaries, if the Issuer’s board of directors has approved the transfer. (2) Prior to the transfer the Escrow Agent must receive: (a) a certified copy of the resolution of the board of directors of the Issuer approving the transfer; (b) a certificate signed by a director or officer of the Issuer authorized to sign, stating that the transfer is to a director or senior officer of the Issuer or a material operating subsidiary and that any required approval from the Canadian exchange the Issuer is listed on has been received; (c) an acknowledgment in the form of Schedule “B” signed by the transferee; (d) copies of the letters sent to the securities regulators described in subsection (3) accompanying the acknowledgement; and (e) a transfer power of attorney, completed and executed by the transferor in accordance with the requirements of the Issuer’s transfer agent. (3) At least 10 days prior to the transfer, the Issuer will file a copy of the acknowledgement with the securities regulators in the jurisdictions in which it is a reporting issuer.