Leave Bank Sample Clauses
Leave Bank. 1. A sick leave bank shall be maintained within the District. The purpose of the Leave Bank is to provide a bank of sick leave days from which staff may draw in cases of extended absences due to illness or injury which renders the staff member incapable of working.
2. The bank was funded initially by a mandatory contribution from each employee of one (1) day from that employee’s individual sick leave account, as well as a 100-day contribution from the school district.
3. The sick leave bank shall be administered by the Superintendent and the Association President(s).
4. For new employees, a mandatory contribution of one (1) day shall be made by them on the day on which their initial individual leave time is allotted to them. Leave days in the bank will carry over from year to year. The bank will contain a maximum of 500 days and a minimum of 250 days. Employees who leave the district, excluding staff who retire under PERA, shall contribute any remaining accrued days to the leave bank. At such time as the bank drops below 250 days, an additional contribution of one (1) day per employee shall be made to replenish the bank’s days at the beginning of the school year
5. Persons who have used all of their leave entitlement shall be eligible to draw from the leave bank under the following condition:
a. Only when under a doctor’s care.
b. For each first day granted from the leave bank per occurrence the employee shall be docked the current substitute pay.
c. For a recurring illness or a medical condition that requires periodic and consistent medical treatment of a severe disablement, Sick Leave Bank Days (in increments of half days) may be granted for all absences resulting from these conditions
d. Any individual who is absent as a result of a medically diagnosed catastrophic illness or injury may access the bank for up to and including sixty (60) additional days. Utilization of these days shall require the submission of a new Leave Bank Application to the bank.
6. An individual who meets the requirements stated above can use a total of no more than thirty (30) days per school year from the leave bank.
7. An individual may request days from the Leave Bank any time prior to but within thirty (30) calendar days after the individual returns to work. Applications submitted at a time outside these limits will not be considered by the Superintendent and Association President(s). The request must be submitted to the Superintendent office using the Leave Bank Application....
Leave Bank a. Any employee may donate accumulated leave but MUST retain no fewer than twenty (20) days or 160 hours of sick leave in his/her personal account. An employee who is retiring or terminating and wishes to donate unused sick leave may do so with no limitation; 50% of their donation will be credited to the leave bank.
b. Accumulated vacation days/hours may be donated with no restriction.
c. All donated days/hours are irrevocable.
d. Unused donated days will revert to the Leave Bank for use by other catastrophically ill or injured employees who request and are approved to use days/hours from the bank.
e. Donated sick leave or vacation days/hours are credited and charged on the basis of day-for-day regardless of the classification and/or salary of either the donee or the donor.
f. Leave may be donated either to an individual account or to the District wide leave bank at the option of the donee.
Leave Bank. The Employer agrees to begin exploration of creating and maintaining an account or mechanism to permit donation of Paid Time Off hours from members of the bargaining unit to bargaining unit employees who are on family or medical leave and who have exhausted or are projected to exhaust their accrued leave before they are able to return to work.
Leave Bank participants who suffer a catastrophic illness or injury or disability which results in the employee using all available paid leave, including regular sick leave, shall become eligible to use this Leave Bank, subject to the restrictions of this article.
Leave Bank. 1. Certified Staff may voluntarily contribute a portion of their accumulated sick leave to a leave bank each year. Certified Staff who contribute to the bank and who have exhausted their accumulated sick leave and personal days will be entitled to request leave assistance from the bank.
2. The Bank will be administered by the Association Leave Bank Committee. The committee shall be composed of Association members and the Business Manager.
3. Certified Staff may elect to become members of the bank during the first ninety (90) school days after they have become employed in the District. If the Certified Staff elects not to become a member within this period, they will be allowed to become a member if they donate the number of days they would have donated if they had joined in year one plus one extra day.
4. Certified Staff may elect to cancel membership in the bank at any time, however, once they have canceled their membership they will not be allowed to resume membership in a subsequent year unless they separate from employment in the District for a period of at least one half of a school year. Any sick leave days that the Certified Staff may have contributed while a member of the plan may not be withdrawn if the Certified Staff elects to cancel his/her membership.
5. Certified Staff shall contribute one (1) day of sick leave to the bank upon joining and one (1) additional day at the beginning of each year thereafter. Part-time Certified Staff of half-time or less shall contribute one-half (.5) day of their sick leave to the bank upon joining and one-half (.5) additional day at the beginning of each year thereafter. Part-time Certified Staff of more than half-time shall contribute as a full time Certified Staff. Certified Staff with more than a half- time administrator contract are not eligible.
6. If all of the days in the bank are used up prior to the end of the school year, the bank will cease to operate during that year and will begin anew in the next school year. Days not used at the end of each year will remain in the bank and will be allowed to accumulate. There will be no limit to the number of days that can accumulate in the bank. When the sick leave bank has accumulated 300 days or more, members who have 75 or more days of sick leave will not be required to make the annual contribution to the bank. If the bank falls below 300 days, all members will contribute the following fiscal year.
7. This bank is designed to provide sick leave to members who ...
Leave Bank. The District annually, or as needed, will promote a "call for leave donations" for the Leave Bank. In addition, the District will give each Officer who terminates resigns or retires, an opportunity to donate unused vacation or sick leave to the Leave Bank.
Leave Bank. 8.1 The Association and the District agree to maintain the Teachers Association of Lancaster Catastrophic Leave Bank which began January 1, 1992. The Catastrophic Leave Bank shall be implemented in accordance with the terms of Appendix "C".
8.2 The Association agrees to defend and indemnify the District against any grievance or arbitration brought by any certificated employee challenging "Teachers Association of Lancaster’s Catastrophic Leave Bank."
8.3 The Association agrees the District's obligation and liability is limited only to the deduction of the unit member's sick leave, adding the leave to the Catastrophic Leave Bank, and supplying the Association with accounting records necessary for the administration of the "Catastrophic Leave Bank."
Leave Bank.
12.1 The District and CEU agree to the establishment of a joint Classified/Confidential/Director/Faculty/Administrator Catastrophic Leave Bank eligible to all permanent employees who enroll and donate.
Leave Bank. Started in the 1996-1997 school year.
a. This bank would be available for all teachers who donate to the leave bank in case of any emergency situation;
b. The bank would be developed by having each teacher donate one sick leave day per year from their own sick leave days to the bank (donating to the leave bank is voluntary);
c. Any teacher who has used up all of their sick leave days may draw from the bank in order to cover an emergency situation;
d. If no one used any of the days set aside in the leave bank, then those days will simply carry over to the next year and no one will have to donate again the next year.
Leave Bank a. At the beginning of the school year each newly employed teacher shall contribute two (2) days of leave allowance to a common leave bank. Part-time employees shall donate the equivalent leave days on a prorated basis. A committee of three (3) persons from the association shall administer the leave bank. The Association shall select the three (3) representatives. This committee shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations which shall govern the bank.
b. Teachers who have exhausted their accumulated leave may petition this committee for additional leave days from the bank. This petition must be supported by the statement of a physician. In no case will a teacher be paid leave for more than the number of working days specified in the current contract year.
c. The bank shall be replenished with one (1) day from each member teacher when the number of days remaining in the bank equals the number of teachers in the system.