Lakes Sample Clauses

Lakes. During meal breaks or rest breaks, Lakes DHB will supply free tea, coffee, milk, and sugar. Where it is impractical to supply tea, coffee, milk, and sugar free of charge, an allowance of $1.26 per week in lieu shall be paid. This allowance will continue during all periods of leave except leave without pay.
Lakes. During meal breaks or rest breaks, Lakes District will supply free tea, coffee, milk, and sugar. Where it is impractical to supply tea, coffee, milk, and sugar free of charge, an allowance of $1.26 per week in lieu shall be paid. This allowance will continue during all periods of leave except leave without pay.
Lakes. Lakes shall make an additional capital contribution to the Company equal to $7,895,000 and shall receive additional Membership Units, the number of which shall be determined by dividing the total Additional Capital Contribution made by 22.1120. For fully funding its Additional Capital Contribution, Lakes shall receive 357,045 Membership Units.
Lakes. There shall be no swimming, skating, boating, and/or fishing in or on or other recreational use of any lake, pond, creek, ditch or stream on the Subdivision; except, however, fishing by residents and their guests only may be allowed on one or more occasions per year, that occasion or those occasions to be announced in advance and supervised by the board of directors of the Association.
Lakes. Trimming the edge of common area lakes shall be provided as needed to keep a neat appearance. Lake edge trimming shall be performed at a minimum of every second service visit.
Lakes. Members of SL 1 and SL 2 may fish in each other’s lakes within the rules established by the respective associations. In SL 1, a fishing permit is required and can be obtained at the SL 1 clubhouse. Only SL 1 homeowners may bring pets to SL 1 lakes and common areas; Only SL 2 homeowners may bring pets to SL 2 lakes and common areas.
Lakes. The general data analysis approaches employed in the 46 lake equivalent case studies are summarised (Figure 10). The majority of the lakes employed ‘before and after’ and ‘time series’ approaches. The majority of lakes employed multiple data analysis approaches (4 lakes used 1 approach; 34 lakes used 2 approaches; and 8 lakes used 3 approaches). The use of statistical analyses to validate the data analysis approaches across the 46 lakes is summarised (Figure 11). The majority of the 21 lakes in which statistical analyses were used to test some aspect of the recovery process used ANOVA or regression analyses. 26 % of the 46 lakes considered longer- term recovery effects (i.e. > 10 years; Figure 12). No. of LECs % of all LECs 120 100 Number and % of LECs 80 60 40 20 Space for time Control/impact Time series Before/after No. of LECs % of all LECs 30 25 Number and % LECs 20 15 10 5 T/Z test Correlation Regression ANOVA 0 No. of LECs % of LECs 50 Number and % of LECs 40 30 20 10 6-10 11-15 Years of monitoring in excess of max. reported transient period The majority of lake xxxxxx studies lack robust pre-xxxxxx conditions. Indeed, most xxxxxx projects were started simply if lake water pH dropped below 6.0. Knowledge of biological conditions was seldom measured as were other water chemistry variables. Analyses to determine the effects of xxxxxx are generally based on time-series data of surface water chemistry and comparison of lake biology with nearby reference lakes. Palaeolimnology has proved an important means of assessing the timing, extent and causes of acidification since the mid- ninteenth century. In particular the development of the diatom-pH transfer function and the use of sub-fossil material from lake sediments to identify pollution from long-range sources have provided valauble information in the absence of historical / monitoring data over this period. Palaeolimnological data can now be compared with observational time series data from monitored sites to provide a means of validating the sub-fossil based reconstructions. Diatoms and the remains of other organism groups stored in lakes sediments have been used to track both degradation and recovery phases.
Lakes. Lakes shall be responsible for all services reasonable and necessary to develop and operate the Casino, including all financial and accounting decisions and record-keeping therefor, subsequent to the approval of the Referendum. Lakes’s obligations hereunder shall be conditioned on the successful adoption of the Referendum and amendment to the Ohio Constitution that will permit the Casino to be developed, the JV receiving all necessary permits required for develop and operation thereof, and purchasing the land on which the Casino will be built. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lakes shall only be required to use reasonable best efforts to obtain third party financing to finance the development of the Casino, and in no event shall Lakes be required to finance the development using its own funds.
Lakes. The literature review returned 333 lakes in which the recovery of at least one BQE was reported following external nutrient load reduction alone, 130 lakes in which only in-lake management was conducted and 51 lakes in which in-lake and external nutrient load management measures were conducted (Figure 22). Reports on phytoplankton were most common (44% of case studies reporting ecological recovery) followed by macrophytes (15%), zooplankton (14%), macroinvertebrates (13%), fish (12%), waterfowl (2%) and bacterioplankton (<1%). External In lake + external In lake Number of LECs Phytoplankton Macrophytes Zooplankton Macroinvertebrates Fish Waterfowl Bacterioplankton The study did not separate the individual restoration measures taken. A number of studies have analyzed post-xxxxxx conditions of lakes and watercourses. As mentioned, chemical response is almost immediate, while response of different organism groups is taxon-specific. Fish, phytoplankton and benthic invertebrate assemblages are often monitored to determine the effects of xxxxxx on lake communities. Response times varying considerably and are often site-specific, but in general phytoplankton respond > benthic invertebrates > fish. Post-xxxxxx biological restoration has often focussed on two areas of study; namely, measures to facilitate natural recolonization and re-establishment of locally extinct populations and reintroduction of locally extinct species by restocking (Xxxxxxxxx 1995). For example, removal of migration obstacles and improvement of habitat are two measures used to facilitate recolonization and establishment. In contrast to assessing the effects of xxxxxx, fewer studies have looked at natural recovery of acidified lakes and watercourses. For lakes, fossil remains of diatoms and other organism groups (e.g. chironomid midges) have been frequently used in the Nordic countries, the UK and Canada. Although seemingly costly and requiring a substantial amount of taxonomic expertise, paleo approaches have been shown to be extremely good at establishing pre-acidified conditions as well as for tracking long-term changes in assemblage composition. More recently these approaches have been used to determine if recovery trajectories follow degradation pathways. By contrast, use of contemporary data is someone limited by the scarcity of long-term monitoring data. Recent studies have shown that assessment of recovery is dependent on the response variable chosen, and that factors other than improv...
Lakes. Employees who qualify for a lieu day pursuant to the collective agreement may elect to accumulate up to five (5) lieu days at any given time during any one year period. Employees must provide notice in writing prior to the four (4) week schedule of their intention to take accumulated lieu Lieu days may not be attached to booked vacations. The Union proposes that a Restorative Aide Classification be added to the Collective Agreement. The Union further proposes that employees who work as Restorative Aides and who hold a Restorative Aide certificate will be paid the same rate as the Maintenance classification. ON BEHALF OF THE EMPLOYER ON BEHALF OF THE UNION