Leaflet. This section provides information that can be used to make a leaflet/poster of your Experiment for promotional purposes This report will not only serve as an evaluation tool to judge payment of the Third Party, but will also serve as: • input to the evaluation of the user-friendliness of the ORCA testbeds, SDR hardware platforms and toolsets, and • identification of missing gaps in testbeds, SDR hardware and/or software toolsets. Part of this report may be used by the ORCA consortium for inclusion in their reporting documents to the EC and in public presentations. Inclusion of confidential information should therefore be indicated and discussed with the ORCA consortium. This report will also be used for the formal review by the European Commission. Each Third Party is expected to attend this formal review meeting with the EC. In exceptional cases (to be motivated by the Third Party), the Third Party can be represented by his Patron. The template for the final report will be made available during the execution of the Experiment.
Leaflet. The main objective of the project leaflet is to provide to all the different types of identified target audience of HECARRUS project with an attractive and written project overview as well as a summary of the main project objectives and characteristics. Therefore, to assist in the overall dissemination strategy, a promotional, tri-fold project leaflet is available online, in .PDF format, at the “Communication Resources” page of the website. The leaflet is written in English, with a clean, modern and attractive design that implements the art of visual communication. The two sides of the unfolded leaflet can be seen in the following page. Figure 17 presents the external side of the leaflet while the internal part can be seen in Figure 18. The graphical representation of the external leaflet page symbolises the main topics investigated and integrated throughout the project’s duration. The outer page of the three-fold includes HECARRUS visual identity, logo and details of funding. Moreover, the main key messages of the project including the challenges at international, national and aircraft level appear along with the project’s goals and objectives that aim to address them. Details of the project consortium, technical advisory board and contact point are also provided. The internal side includes a roadmap that describes some of the milestones of the project, throughout the 36-month duration. Additionally, some key aspects of aircraft conceptual design and hybrid-electric configurations that are assessed in the project are provided. Lastly, part of the key features of the project, including multidisciplinary optimization and CFD studies on boundary layer ingestion-based engine designs are presented. According to project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which are described in the following section, an estimation of more than 1,000 leaflet copies is deemed to be an excellent performance metric for the first round of the project’s dissemination.
Leaflet. An yearly update version of the project leaflet was produced, highlighting the results and the achievements of the different years of the project. These have been used as dissemination materials during meetings and international events. Each partners, as well as AB members and international collaborators, were provided with bunches of hard copies of the leaflet, to be distributed in the context of events as they might have felt appropriate. To see the full version of each leaflet see annex 2. Leaflet year 1 Cover Leaflet Year2 Cover Leaflet Year3 available on the project website for downloading. Press releases Short (1 page) press releases both in Italian and in English have been produced and used to approach journalists and journals to convey the results of the project to a wider audience, not limited to that belonging in the scientific and technologic fields. As a results, a number of articles appeared on the lay-press (see dissemination table for details), helping the consortium to reach and disseminate the results of the projects outside the boundaries of the scientific research. Social Networking and non-conventional dissemination The neuGRID consortium is represented on Facebook (xxxx://xx- xx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxxx/xxxXXXX/000000000000000?x=xxxx). A three-fold page (in Italian, German and French) have been developed on Wikipedia - xxxx://xx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/wiki/NeuGRID. It is also available on PRIMEUR WEEKLY (xxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/primeur/10/articles/weekly/AE-PR-08-10-76.html) WIRE(xxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx/wire/xxxxx.xxx?fuseaction=article.Detail&rcn=23448&rev=0) And ALPHAGALILEO (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=81398&CultureCode=en)
Leaflet. As a way to promote the project at selected events, a set of graphic materials will have to be developed to provide general information to both technical and non-technical public. A leaflet will be the first of these graphic dissemination materials. Its main target will be to serve as a support document for fairs, congresses and forums, but it will be available for download to any visitor of the Elyntegration website as well. Additionally, the leaflet is included in the Annex 1 of this document. The poster will constitute the second of the planned graphic materials to be developed soon in the project timeline. In the same way as the leaflet, the poster will serve as support material for special events where Elyntegration will be introduced. However, the poster will have the specific goal to serve as the main support material for the short-oral presentations that are common in these events. The poster developed is included in the Annex 2 of this document as well.
Leaflet. The second communication material of XXXX is the leaflet, which is distributed in printed and digital format. In 8 pages, it aims to present visually and graphically the activities of the project in an attractive manner. It is used for any face to face meeting, public event, conference or any other occasion by the partners to promote the project and inform stakeholders. According to the needs of the consortium, more will be printed or new versions will be published including updated information. Here is shown a provisional model of the leaflet:
Leaflet. Leaflet31 is a free and open source software and is very similar to OpenLayers. However, as said in their motto “simplicity, performance and usability”, it aims at being simpler and smaller in its core 29 xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ 30 see xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx/change/ , xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxxxx.xx , xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/ and xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ 31 xxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxx/ functions. Then, it is extended by a plugin system offering the more complex and specialized functions. It supports WMS, WMTS, GeoJSON, and vector data and allows for spatial navigation functions and layer control. Alike OpenLayers, the important standards that are HTML5 and CSS3 are also integrated. Dealing with different projection systems also requires the use of an additional library. Many significant institutions32 use Leaflet, such as the Los Angeles Time, Flickr, foursquare, craigslist, OSM, Mapbox, CartoDB and the Institut Géographique National (France). MapFish33 is based on the Pylons Python web framework and extends it with geospatial functionality. MapFish offers a JavaScript toolbox composed of the ExtJS, OpenLayers and GeoExt JavaScript libraries. It is compliant with the OGC standards, such as WMS, WFS, KML and GML. It is distributed under a BSD license and is a project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
Leaflet. A project leaflet was designed at the beginning of the project in order to communicate the core objectives, challenges and purpose of the project. This leaflet content was explained in detail within deliverable 9.7. Link: xxxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xx/wp-content/uploads/SOCRATCES-flyer-pages_web_v2.pdf
Figure 1: SOCRATCES leaflet
Leaflet. This leaflet (Figure 1 and Figure 2) was created by the HALT Team in order to be eye-catching and simple, at the same, time to effectively brand the HALT project to its target audience. It has general information thus to inform people about the idea and the potentials and of the project.
Leaflet. Lot No.3 – Reports, books and manuals in small volume REPORT BOOK MANUAL Lot No.4 – Reports, books and manuals in big volume REPORT BOOK MANUAL Lot No.5 – Promo materials Branded USBs Plastic Branded Pens Note Books T-Shirts – Short Sleeve, Fabric Polo Shirts- Short Sleeve, Fabric Desk Calendars Branded Umbrella Wall Calendars Other Related services Compliance with requirements Details or comments and requirements (based on the information provided in Section 5b) on the related requirements
Leaflet. A leaflet has been produced, the equivalent of two sides of A4, with each side presented in three columns (see
Appendix 1). The outer three parts of the leaflet include practical information. The front part of the leaflet includes the ENLIVEN logo as well as the European Commission’s logo referring to the Horizon 2020 programme. A short abstract of the project has been included as well. The middle part of the outer side includes the names and e-mail addresses of Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx (Project Coordinator) and Xxxx Xxxxx (Project administrator). Links to the website and Twitter account have been provided as well. The bottom part of this column has been reserved for the institutional logos of partners. The last column of the outer side of the leaflet lists all participating universities/research institutions as well as the names and e-mail addresses of their team leads. The inner part of the leaflet is divided into three columns as well. The left column gives a short explanation of the project together with the way in which the project is grouped into four research clusters, representing 11 Work Packages. The middle part mentions the expected outcomes focussing on the policy relevance of the project and the development of an Intelligent Decision Support System. At the bottom of this column, a picture of the ENLIVEN consortium has been included. The final column of the leaflet outlines the dissemination strategies to be applied during the course of the project, referring to three different audiences: the academic community, community of policy makers and practitioners and the wider public. The finalised leaflet has been submitted to the consortium’s Dropbox and partners are asked to have printed versions of leaflets with them whenever they are speaking at or attending events. Leaflets will also be distributed to education and training institutions participating and/or having an interest in the project.