OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. 1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to set out the basic principles on the basis of which the Parties will jointly develop and operate the Website so as to provide updated medical and healthcare information for free to the medical and healthcare professionals and general public in the PRC (the "PROJECT") with a view to:
(a) remaining objective in the presentation of the website content and not endorsing any one third party organization over any other; and
(b) maintaining the non-profit, altruistic vision intended by this Agreement and refraining the Website from accepting any contributions that require WJPF or the Website to endorse any particular product or company unless approval by the Advisory Committee as contemplated herein.
(c) The website will be a non-profit website. The capital for building the website will be raised by WJPF through obtaining donations from local and overseas donors and the donated funds will be used in accordance with the requirements of the donors.
1.2 The Parties agree that if there is any spin-off business project from the Website, a contribution from the profits of such business project shall be made to WJPF in order to support its charitable projects.
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. The purpose of this project is to develop Content and allied activities for Participant Handbook and Facilitator Guide including Assessment Guide, Model Curriculum, Training Delivery Plan and Session Plan for the 12 Job Roles listed in Appendix A as meeting the norms and guidelines of NSDC and conditions specified in RFQ (Appendix B).
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. The objective of this agreement is for AQUATIC CONTROL to mechanically by harvester, remove the aquatic vegetation - Water Chestnut (Trapa Natans) - infesting up to a combined
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. The objective is to
a. Create an Indian Open-Source Mobile Computer Network (IOS MCN) platform ● Create an Open-Source, 3GPP, and ORAN Compliant Mobile Communication software platform (IOS-MCN) ● Provide a commercial grade, common and open software platform to enable vendors to rapidly use, customise, make derivative works from and thereby create Mobile Communication (5G and beyond) products and services ● Provide deep technical support to the industry in using IOS-MCN platform
b. Onboard members to the Project to facilitate proliferation, usage and enhancements to the IOS MCN platform
c. Evolve a sustainable model for the Project to consistently contribute to the open-source Telecom ecosystem This Project shall promote vendor diversification and allow start-ups and more established companies to focus on their unique innovation instead of replicating common software components, hence accelerating the development of 5G & beyond products and services.
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. The objective is to:
a. Create an Indian Open-Source Software platform for Mobile Communication Networks (XXX XXX). ■ Create an Open-Source, 3GPP, and ORAN Compliant Mobile Communication software platform (IOS-MCN) ■ Provide a commercial grade, common and open software platform to enable vendors to rapidly use, customise, make derivative works from and thereby create Mobile Communication (5G and beyond) products and services. ■ Provide deep technical support to the industry in using IOS-MCN platform.
b. Onboard members to the Project to facilitate proliferation, usage, and enhancements to the IOS MCN platform.
c. Evolve a sustainable model for the Project to consistently contribute to the open-source Telecom ecosystem. This Project shall promote vendor diversification and allow start-ups and more established companies to focus on their unique innovation instead of replicating common software components, hence accelerating the development of 5G & beyond products and services.
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. The primary objective of NCS2030 is to fill knowledge gaps and provide solutions for maximizing value creation of subsurface resources to reach the Net Zero Emission (NZE) goals on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The secondary objectives are to: - Build integrated near field subsurface holistic models for increasing reserve base and evaluate the potential of geological CO2 and H2 storage; - Develop new IOR solutions for improved and accelerated HC production at low environmental footprint; - Develop data-driven and machine learning approaches to integrate subsurface characterization, uncertainty quantification and management workflows; - Recommend field cases with high potential for NZE production; - Create awareness and acceptance of NCS2030 activities; - Establish an innovation platform for technology development with industry; - Attract and train future scientists and skilled professionals for the energy transition and disseminate results.
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. The objectives of the SafeBoosC phase II trial are to: complete an investigator-initiated randomised, blinded, multinational, phase II feasibility clinical trial in which we examine the benefits and xxxxx of a) NIRS with visible cerebral oxygenation reading and subsequent treatment according to a predefined guideline versus b) NIRS with concealed oxygenation reading and treatment as usual. strengthen the multinational European SafeBoosC Consortium to enable a phase III trial with a clinically relevant outcome. consolidate Denmark’s interdisciplinary clinical research capacity. serve as a model for testing other diagnostic methods in intensive care. The overall objectives are to: reduce brain injury in the smallest, most vulnerable children to the benefit of the children, their families, and society at large. give the health system a more rational basis for the use of expensive intensive care.
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. The direct aim of this Project, under the present SSFA, is to support the organization of the third face-to-face meeting of the EWG on the review of Annexes, by implementing the following activities: Pre-meeting preparation (September – October 2019) Purchase return air tickets for participants Logistical arrangements made for the meeting Meeting (5-8 November 2019) Support during the meeting Post meeting (by 31 March 2020) Final certified financial/progress reports for the third face-to-face meeting of the EWG Activity Based Budget (in USD) Activity Quantity Unit Unit Cost (USD) Total Cost (USD) Air fares for 25 funded participants (Average of USD 1,300 per participant) (in line with UN travel rules on most economic route) 25 Travel of participants 1,300 32,500 Per diem for 25 participants (Bratislava rate: 232 USD (as of 1 July 2019). Arrival day (50% DSA, accommodation provided); Four days 32% DSA (Accommodation, breakfast and lunch provided) 25 Daily subsistence allowance 413 10,325 Terminal expenses for 25 participants 25 Terminal expenses 188 4,700 Coffee breaks for 60 participants over 4 days (unit cost USD 420) 8 Coffee breaks 420 3,360 Accommodation and breakfast over 5 nights for 25 funded participants (unit cost 120.- per night) 25 Accommodation 600 15,000 Lunch over four days for 25 funded participants (unit cost USD 25 per lunch) 25 Lunch 100 2,500 Meeting rooms (1 room to hold 60 people over 4 days, incl. equipment rental for 4 days (i.e. computer, projector, microphones, printers/photocopiers, internet wifi access, etc.) 4 Meeting room Incl. equipment 1500 6,000 Stationery and workshop material (badges, names plates, writing pads/ pens) 60 Meeting material 20 1200 BCRC-Bratislava support (logistics, etc.) Staff time/Logistics support 4,000 Total Cost 79,585 FT30_CLASS_010 Staff Personnel Administrative support – 4 staff @ USD 1,000 (4,000) USD 4,000 FT30_CLASS_120 Contract Service Venue and equipment for a four-day Meeting: Plenary Meeting room, including projector, Wi-Fi, electricity plugs, sound, microphones, etc. for 4 days (USD 6,000) USD 11,860 Food and beverage service for participants: Lunch for 25 funded participants (USD 2500) Coffee breaks for 60 participants for 4 days (USD 3,360) FT30_CLASS_130 Suppl Com Mater Meeting materials package (badges, names plates, banners, writing pads, pens, etc.) (1,200) USD 1,200 FT30_CLASS_160 Travel Airline tickets for 25 funded participants (USD 32,500); Daily Subsistence Allowance for funded par...
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. To appoint a registered service provider to offer service management and contract evaluation of Telecommunications Towers within the City of Mbombela for a period of three (3) years contract on risk basis,
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT. The main objectives of the Project are as follows: 1. ..............