Learner Support. English is my second language Yes No Is there support that would help you while learning at this tertiary institution? Do you describe yourself as disabled, deaf, neurodiverse, tāngata whaikaha māori, or living with a long-term physical or mental health condition?
Learner Support. Funding to enable Providers to support Learners with a specific financial hardship that might prevent them from being able to start or complete their learning.
Learner Support. The teachers provided asynchronous support on Facebook and live sup- port during the contact lessons.
Learner Support a comprehensive suite of academic and personal wrap around supports, customized to meet the individual needs of Inuit participating in Post- Devolution Strategy programming;
Learner Support. A household includes either one person living alone or a group of people, not necessarily related, living at the same address with common housekeeping, i.e sharing at least one meal per day or sharing a living or sitting room. Exclusions: Collective households or institutional households (e.g hospitals, old people’s homes, residential homes, prison, military barracks, religious institutions, boarding houses, workers’ hostels, etc). No household member is in employment and the household includes one or more dependent children No household member is in employment and the household does not include any dependent children You live in a single adult household with dependent children None of the above Household Situation - Please indicate which situations applies to your household Entry level or qualifications below level 1 Level 4 e.g. First Degree, Teaching qualifications including PGCE, NVQ Level 4, BTEC National HNC/HND, RSA Higher Diploma, Nursing (SRN) Level 1 e.g. GCSE/O Level (5 or more at grades D-G or less than 5 at grades A-C), CSE below grade 1, NVQ Level 1, 1 AS Level, RSA Elementary/First Level, GNVQ Foundation, BTEC First Certificate, C&G Operative Award, Foundation 14-19 Diploma Level 5 e.g. Higher Degree, NVQ Level 5, other high level professional qualifications Level 6 e.g. Bachelors Degree Full Level 2 e.g. GCSE/O Level (5 or more at Grades A-C), 1 A Level, 2/3 AS Levels, CSE Grade 1 (5 or more), NVQ Level 2, BTEC First Diploma, RSA Diploma, C&G Higher Operative/Craft Level 7 and above e.g. Masters Degree, Doctorate Full Level 3 e.g. 2 or more A Levels, 4 or more AS Levels, NVQ Level 3, GNVQ Advanced, BTEC National ONC/OND, City & Guilds Advanced, RSA Stage 3 Advanced Diploma, Access to Higher Education Courses No qualifications Other (please specify) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Learner Support. Coursera may provide, at its sole discretion, technical support to Administrators and Users who submit support requests through designated channels on the Platform. Aside from such technical support or other support outlined in the Existing Terms, Organization shall remain responsible for addressing and resolving its Users’ questions or complaints relating to Authoring Tools, Authored Content, or Course Builder Course Content.
Learner Support. If No, how long have you lived in the UK for? Date of Entry to the UK How did you hear about the programme/BCA? BCA website Social Media Advertising Are you homeless or living in temporary accommodation? Are you a traveller? Yrs/mths Are you an asylum seeker or refugee? Are you a full time carer for a dependant? Are you living in a hostel or residential care? (Please specify) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Internet Newspaper Friends/Family School Current Student BCA Mailshot/flyer/poster Search engine Local Paper Magazine Other website Other Course details Course title Start date Time Fee Employment Status information I am paying the full fee myself Employed less than 16 hours / week Employed more than 16 hours / week How many hours per week? Company name Contact name Tel Company Address Email Postcode Unemployed-looking for work/available to start Unemployed-not looking for work/not available to start Self employed Employed Unemployed - How long have you been unemployed Months Employed - How long have you been employed Months Job Seekers Allowance Universal Credits Household Situation Employment Support Allowance (in a Work Related Activity Group) Other (please specify) The household includes only one adult (individual aged 18 or above) The household includes one or more dependent child (aged 0-17 years or 18-24 if full time student) No household member is in employment None of these statements apply I prefer not to say Declaration Please fully read the section below before signing • I declare that all the information I have provided is accurate and that I have read and understood the Privacy Statement (below). • I authorise the College to contact external bodies and share information as outlined in the Privacy Statement (below). • I accept that fees are not refundable, except where the College cancels a course and that, if I stop attending a course, I will not be entitled to a refund. • I authorise the College to provide appropriate progress and attendance information to my employer or sponsor, for the course on which I am enrolled. • I agree to comply with the College’s policies and procedures • I agree to my image/photo being kept on file for security and identification purposes and that, I may be required to participate in college activities where photographs, video or digital images or audio recordings are taken. • I agree that any photographs taken of me whilst undertaking my course may be used for college promotion or marketing purposes.
Learner Support. Learner course support and technical assistance support, including: implementation support, train-the-trainer sessions, course recommendations, competency and course mapping for all administrators and learners.
Learner Support. Stride Career will provide learner support for users for technology-related issues in connection with registration, access, and career platform functionality. The set-up, configuration, and hosting of the applicable courseware for the delivery of courses for the provision of educational services to students in theTerritory and enrolled in Customer’s educational programs.
Learner Support. The Third Party must implement support mechanisms to ensure all provisions for learner support are being met to accommodate for Language, literacy and numeracy, holistic assessment and delivery methods, and all learners are provided with as much information prior to attendance on any program. Name of document: RLSSWA 1046 – Third Party Agreement For Trainers Version Number: 3.0 Location: Standard 1 Reviewed: 1st March 2020 Next review due: March 2021 RTO Number: 0854 Written by: RLSSWA