Immediate Supervisor The first (1st) District-designated supervisor or manager not within the same bargaining unit who has immediate jurisdiction over the grievant.
Qualified Medical Child Support Order A child who would otherwise meet the eligibility requirements and is required to be covered by a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO) is considered an eligible dependent.
Deadlines for Providing Insurance Documents after Renewal or Upon Request As set forth herein, certain insurance documents must be provided to the OGS Procurement Services contact identified in the Contract Award Notice after renewal or upon request. This requirement means that the Contractor shall provide the applicable insurance document to OGS as soon as possible but in no event later than the following time periods:
Individual Grievance Subject to clause 19.5 and as provided in section 208 of the PSLRA, an employee is entitled to present a grievance in the manner prescribed in clause 19.10 if the employee feels aggrieved (a) by the interpretation or application in respect of the employee, of (i) a provision of a statute or regulation, or a by-law, direction or other instrument made or issued by the Council, dealing with terms and conditions of employment; or (ii) a provision of a collective agreement or an arbitral award; or (b) as a result of any other occurrence or matter affecting the employee’s terms and conditions of employment.
Management Grievance The Employer may initiate a grievance at Step 3 of the grievance procedure by the Employer or designate presenting the grievance to the President of the Union or designate. Time limits and process are identical to a union grievance.
Commercial or Marketing Use Prohibition Contractor agrees that it will not sell PII or use or disclose PII for a Commercial or Marketing Purpose.
Principal Personnel The management of the Bidder company who make operational decisions. Proposed Price – The Vendor’s maximum hourly rate for an associated Job Title or Scope Variant for the initial and renewal term. A “not to exceed” price. Scope Variant – A gradation of experience within a Job Title. Staff – The temporary staff provided by the Contractor or Contractor’s subcontractor(s) to render information technology services identified by Customers. State – The State of Florida.
Technical or Contractual Problems Contractor shall meet with the Department's personnel, or designated representatives, to resolve technical or contractual problems occurring during the contract term or to discuss the progress made by Contractor and the Department in the performance of their respective obligations, at no additional cost to the Department. The Department may request the meetings as problems arise and will be coordinated by the Department. The Department shall provide Contractor a minimum of three full working days notice of meeting date, time, and location. Face-to-face meetings are desired; however, at Contractor's option and expense, a conference call meeting may be substituted. Contractor’s consistent failure to participate in problem resolution meetings, Contractor missing or rescheduling two consecutive meetings, or Contractor’s failure to make a good faith effort to resolve problems may result in termination of the contract.
Professional Development; Adverse Consequences of School Exclusion; Student Behavior The Board President or Superintendent, or their designees, will make reasonable efforts to provide ongoing professional development to Board members about the adverse consequences of school exclusion and justice-system involvement, effective classroom management strategies, culturally responsive discipline, appropriate and available supportive services for the promotion of student attendance and engagement, and developmentally appropriate disciplinary methods that promote positive and healthy school climates, i.e., Senate Bill 100 training topics. The Board will conduct periodic self-evaluations with the goal of continuous improvement. New Board Member Orientation The orientation process for newly elected or appointed Board members includes:
Your Billing Rights: Keep this Document for Future Use This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act.