Librarian II Sample Clauses
Librarian II. To qualify for appointment or promotion to the rank of Librarian II, the candidate shall have met the minimum educational requirement and shall have at least one year's professional experience or equivalent. As a primary criterion for appointment or promotion to this rank, a candidate shall have a record of successful performance as a librarian. Performance shall be assessed with respect to the candidate's achievement of goals which have been mutually established between the candidate and the candidate's supervisor(s), and those duties documented in a job description. It is expected that successful candidates will have demonstrated the ability to use effectively their professional education and will have shown the capacity to develop and extend their professional expertise.
Librarian II. A Librarian II, in addition to meeting the qualifications of Librarian I, shall ordinarily have three (3) years of successful relevant experience as a Professional Librarian and evidence of professional development.
Librarian II possession of a Master's Degree in Library or Information Science or its equivalent, a minimum of three (3) years of professional experience as a librarian, and either a second Master's Degree in a pertinent field, or a demonstrated capacity to apply professional and related academic expertise in the library;
Librarian II. To qualify for appointment or promotion to the rank of Librarian II, the candidate shall have at least one (1) year of professional experience or equivalent. As a primary criterion for appointment or promotion to this rank, a candidate shall have a record of successful performance as a Librarian. A Librarian promoted to this rank shall receive a three (3) year contract. A Librarian initially appointed to this rank may receive a contract for a shorter period where previous experience warrants this, but in no case shall the contract be for less than one year.
Librarian II. A Librarian II demonstrates significant achievement on a sustained basis in: librarianship, including evidence of sound independent judgment, an understanding of, and commitment to, teaching and learning, creativity and demonstrated ability in his areas of expertise, specialization, and/or administrative capacity; and a combination of research and scholarship and service to the University and/or external professional bodies. There should be clear evidence of commitment to continuing professional development.
Librarian II. To qualify for appointment or promotion to the rank of Librarian II, the candidate shall have met the minimum educational requirement and shall have at least one year’s professional experience or equivalent. As a primary criterion for appointment or promotion to this rank, a candidate shall have a record of successful performance as a librarian. A librarian promoted to this rank, shall receive a three- year contract. A librarian appointed to this rank may receive a contract for a shorter period where previous experience warrants this, but in no case shall the contract be for less than one year. When performance is judged, the nature of the candidate’s assignment is to be considered, e.g., supervisory responsibility, subject area or language specialization, instructional duties, preparation of reports, etc. It is expected that successful candidates will have demonstrated the ability to use effectively their professional education and will have shown the capacity to develop and extend their professional and academic expertise.
Librarian II. To be eligible for the rank of Librarian II, a professional Librarian must have a record of substantial professional contributions in the field of Library Science, as well as a high level of competency in bibliographic activities, research, or recognized professional contributions in his/her field. It is normally expected that the Librarian appointed to this rank shall have earned a minimum of twenty-four (24) graduate credits beyond the master’s degree from an ALA accredited program or accredited institution, or have at least five (5) years of effective and relevant experience directly related to his/her anticipated responsibilities.
Librarian II. A Librarian who holds this rank normally has met the criteria for Librarian I and has successfully completed his or her Probationary Appointment.
Librarian II. To qualify for promotion to the rank of Librarian II, the candidate shall have the minimum qualifications as required for Librarian I and shall have at least five (5) years’ professional experience as a Librarian I or other pertinent experience, with at least two of these years at Saint Xxxx University. As a primary criterion for appointment or promotion to this rank, a candidate shall have a record of successful performance in professional practice and demonstrated potential in scholarly endeavours and/or professional development activities, with the greatest weight placed on academic qualifications and professional practice. One who is hired at the rank of Librarian II will be granted a permanent position after a minimum of two years of full time employment at Saint Xxxx University and having received a successful performance evaluation conducted by the LRC as set out under Article 16.10.