Life Safety. Tenant (or Contractor) shall employ the services of a fire and life-safety subcontractor reasonably satisfactory to Landlord for all fire and life-safety work at the Building.
Life Safety. Tenant, at its expense, shall connect the life safety systems serving the Ancillary Space to the life safety Building System in the applicable Ancillary Building.
Life Safety. 3 EXTERIOR ................................................... 5 LOBBY/ENTRANCE/FRONT DESK .................................. 9
Life Safety. Modify and add to existing emergency lighting (wall hung), exit signs, fire extinguishers and fire Alarm horn/strobe units as required by new layouts.
Life Safety. When an employee is serving as an FTO for another employee who is in the same classification, the FTO will receive additional compensation equal to five percent (5%) of regular base salary. The additional five percent (5%) will be for the period of time during which FTO duties are actually performed and shall be calculated to the nearest quarter hour.
Life Safety. A. The General Contractors shall not disconnect, tamper with, delete, obstruct, relocate, or expand any life safety equipment except as indicated on approved Final Plans.
B. The General Contractors will take necessary precautions to prevent accidental fire alarms. Any unit or device temporarily incapacitated will be red-tagged “Out of Service” and the Construction Supervisor will be alerted prior to the temporary outage.
C. All tenant installed special fire extinguisher /alarm detection systems shall be monitored by the base Building fire alarm system.
D. Tenant installed fire alarm initiation and notification devices operating directly from the base Building fire alarm system shall be specified by the Landlord.
E. All connections to the Building’s existing fire alarm system are to be made only by the subcontractor specified by the Construction Supervisor.
F. Fire alarm testing will be scheduled, if possible, at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance with the Construction Supervisor and any required governmental agent.
G. Combustible and hazardous materials are not allowed to be stored in the Building or anywhere else on the Project without prior approval of the Construction Supervisor. Material safety data sheets on all other materials to be stored in the Building must be kept onsite and a copy submitted to the Construction Supervisor.
H. Dust protection of smoke detectors must be installed and removed on a daily basis. Dust protection is required during construction to avoid false fire alarm. Filter media must be installed over all return air paths to any equipment rooms prior to demolition. The media must be maintained during construction and removed at substantial completion.
I. All of the Premises is to be fully protected by automatic sprinkler systems.
J. All systems and equipment are to be designed and installed in accordance with the current standards of the National Fire Protection Association.
K. Any sprinkler work shall be permitted by the local municipality authority.
L. All equipment, devices and materials used in the installation should be listed by UL and FM Approved.
M. Connection to the base Building sprinkler/standpipe riser shall be provided with a control valve and water flow alarm device. Sprinkler systems control valves shall be UL Listed and FM Approved, clockwise closing, indicating valves with supervisory switches.
N. The entire system shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No. 13, 231 and 231C latest iss...
Life Safety. Landlord shall provide capacity for the following:
a. Life Safety Systems
b. Multiple Power Grid Feeds
c. Emergency generator capacity to service tenant exit lighting and exit signs
d. Landlord is to provide a conduit raceway for the Life Safety System
1. Low Voltage
Life Safety. Verify all emergency lighting in the hotel. An emergency generator is present, but the hotel staff is not aware which areas of the hotel are protected by emergency lighting. Emergency lighting is needed in the follow areas and must be verified that it does exist:
Life Safety. A) One (1) building standard horn. (Allowance — One (1) per 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area.)
Life Safety. It is agreed that Tenant (or Contractor) shall employ the services of Allen Automatic, Landlord's approved subcontractor, in the event Tenxxx xesires any modification or addition to the existing ESFR fire sprinkler system.