Long-Term Suspension. If the suspension is for more than ten percent (10%) of the scheduled competitions/games of the in season activity or non-seasonal activities, as well as non competitive organizations, the superintendent shall docket the matter for discussion and possible action at the next Board of Education meeting. At that meeting the Board may either hear the appeal or postpone the appeal to a date certain for a special meeting of the Board. In order to properly rule upon the appeal, the Board may hear evidence in executive session or public session, but the vote to render a decision on the appeal must be made in public session and recorded in the minutes. After hearing the evidence, the Board may modify the suspension, establish new dates or provide for more or less days of suspension. The decision of the Board shall be final. If the appeal is while school is in session, the Board must make a decision on the appeal within sixty (60) days, otherwise the decision on the appeal must be made no later than thirty (30) days following the start of the next school year. During the pendency of the appeal to the Board, the student shall not be suspended from extracurricular activities until a decision on the appeal has been made, unless the Board, on application of the superintendent and by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, finds that the circumstances are such that the suspension should be ordered during the appeal.
Long-Term Suspension. A long-term suspension means an exclusion from school and any school functions for a period of more than five school days but less then twenty school days. A student who on a long-term suspension shall not be permitted to be on school grounds without the express permission of the Principal. A notice will be given to the student and the parents/guardian when the Principal recommends a long-term suspension. The notice will include a description of the procedures for long-term suspension; the procedures will be those set forth in the Student Discipline Act.
Long-Term Suspension. A long-term suspension is considered to be out of class suspension for eleven (11) or more consecutive days. During all full suspensions: A parent, student, teacher, counselor and principal conference will be held to discuss a plan of intervention.
Long-Term Suspension. A suspension in which a student is excluded from school for more than ten (10) consecutive school days.
Long-Term Suspension. Within 15 days after the meeting described above, the Chancellor or designee, generally college President Chancellor/ Deslgnee) shall, pursuant to a recommendation from the VPSS/Xxxxxxxx, decide whether to Impose a long-term suspension. Written notice of the Chancellor/Designee decision shall be provided to the student. If the Chancellor/Designee decision is to impose a long-term suspension, the notice will include the right of the student to request a formal hearing before the long-term suspension is imposed, and a copy of this policy describing the procedures for a hearing. Expulsion - Within 15 days after the meeting described above, the Chancellor/Desi gnee shall, pursuant to a recommendation from the VPSS/ Deslgnee, decide whether to recommend expulsion to the Board of Trustees. Written notice of the Chancellor/Designee' s decision shall be provided to the student. If the Chancellor/Designee decision is to impose an expulsion, the notice will include the right of the student to request a formal hearing before expulsion is imposed, and a copy of this policy describing the procedures for a hearing.
Long-Term Suspension. A long-term suspension is considered to be out of class suspension for eleven (11) or more consecutive days. During all full suspensions:
1. A parent, student, teacher, counselor and principal conference will be held to discuss a plan of intervention.
2. A Behavior Plan may be designed.
3. Every effort will be made to provide work missed. However, as much of the work is oral in-class instruction, it may not be possible for all the work to be provided. Any long-term suspension includes the denial of admission to or entry upon real or personal property that is owned, leased, rented, or controlled by Kalama School District.
Long-Term Suspension. In accordance with Ohio State Law, the School Director reserves the right to suspend and/or expel a student. A student who has committed any one of the actions listed below is subject to long term suspension (defined as a period of more than five days) or expulsion from school. In addition, a student who commits any of the acts previously described as causes for short term suspension may, instead or in addition, be subject to a long-term suspension at the School Director’s discretion only if the student has committed the act on multiple occasions. Commit, or attempt to commit arson on school property Possess, use, attempt to use, or transfer of any firearm, knife, razor blade, explosive, xxxx, tear gas, or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the student in school Assault any other student or staff member Possess or use alcohol, tobacco, or other forms of illegal drugs. Intentionally cause physical injury to another person, except when student’s actions are reasonably necessary to protect him or herself from injury Vandalize school property causing major damage Commit any act which school officials reasonably conclude warrants a long-term suspension
Long-Term Suspension. When a suspension of more than ten days is contemplated, the administration should follow the procedures for implementing a short-term suspension and notify the students and/or parents of the recommended long-term suspension. The student and/or parents shall have three days from the date of the suspension to advise Central Tech in writing fi the will request a hearing to appeal the suspension. The hearing will be held before a Hearing Committee composed of three members of the staff identified by the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction. The hearing will be scheduled within ten school days of the date of the initial suspension.