Minimum Terms Sample Clauses
Minimum Terms. This Agreement contains the minimum terms and conditions of employment or purchase to which the Writer is entitled. Except for credits for screen authorship, the Writer and Company are free to negotiate and contract for more favorable terms and conditions of employment than the minimum terms provided in this Agreement or the MBA. Only the WGA has the right to waive any of the provisions of this Agreement or the MBA.
Minimum Terms. Each Customer having access to the Software must have executed an End User Agreement. The End User Agreement must be binding on Customers under applicable laws and regulations in the country in which Partner is providing access to the Bundled Solution. The End User Agreement must contain terms not materially less protective of SAP than the Agreement including without limitation the terms required under Section 2.5(a) and the Use Terms. The Minimum Terms will include Partner’s rights to perform audits on Customer’s usage of the SAP Materials. Partner will not make any representations or warranties regarding the functionality or performance of the SAP Solution that conflict with the Agreement.
Minimum Terms. The Agreement states the minimum terms and conditions for employment or continued employment of a faculty member, and Western will not employ a faculty member on terms less favorable to him/her than those stated herein.
14.§6.1 In the event Western wishes to employ a new faculty member on terms more favorable than those specified herein, it may do so. In cases involving a faculty member already employed by Western, Western may give salary increments for market considerations, including temporary adjustments as part of a reassignment to grant/contract supported work, in addition to those increases otherwise provided in the Agreement. Such salary increments shall not be given for other reasons unless the agreement of the Chapter is obtained. When market increments are given to a faculty member already employed, Western will notify the Chapter of such action. The provisions above, regarding market increments, shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
Minimum Terms. This agreement states the minimum terms of employment of a member of the bargaining unit. Agreements and understandings between members of the unit and the Board shall be maintained unless they fall below the minimum terms set forth herein; in such cases this agreement shall be controlling, unless the individual and UConn-AAUP agree in writing to waive these minimum terms. Agreements and understandings between members of the unit and the Board which exceed the minimum terms of this agreement, must be in writing and approved by the Xxxx, or equivalent official in units that do not have a Xxxx.
Minimum Terms. If any law of the Commonwealth of Australia or of the State in which the Employee permanently resides applicable to the position performed by the Employee under this Agreement requires minimum terms to be contained in any employment agreement, then to the extent that this Agreement does not contain such minimum terms, they are hereby deemed to be incorporated.
Minimum Terms. The Minimum Term associated with each Private Line, Frame Relay, ATM Interexchange Service, and dedicated access lines, is ****. ------ **** Confidential material has been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Minimum Terms. This Agreement contains the minimum terms and conditions of employment. The Company shall not enter into any agreement or contract or employ any employee upon terms and conditions less favorable than those set forth herein. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prevent the Company, at its sole discretion, from providing, or any individual employee from requesting or obtaining terms and conditions in excess of the minimum terms and conditions provided for herein.
Minimum Terms a. If a Customer Contract has a Minimum Term: i. you cannot cancel it during the Minimum Term (except in specific cases where these terms say otherwise);
Minimum Terms. The Employer may, in its sole discretion, pay new and current employees above the Across-The-Board Salary Pay Increases. This provision shall not be subject to arbitration.
Minimum Terms. Each Customer having access to the Software must have executed an End User Agreement. The End User Agreement must be binding on Customers under applicable laws and regulations in the country in which Partner is providing access to the Bundled Solution. The End User Agreement must contain terms not materially less protective of SAP than the Agreement including without limitation the terms required under Section 2.5(a) and the Use Terms. The Minimum Terms will include Partner’s rights to perform audits on Customer’s usage of the SAP Materials. Partner will not make any representations or warranties regarding the functionality or performance of the SAP Solution that conflict with the Agreement.最低限度条款。每位访问软件的客户都必须签署最终用户协议。最终用户协议在合作伙伴提供捆绑解决方案访问权限的国家/地区内,必须依照适用法律和法规对客户具有约束力。最终用户协议必须包含对 SAP 的实质性保护效力不低于协议的条款,包括但不限于第 2.5(a) 节以及使用条款中的必要条款。最低限度条款包括合作伙伴有权对客户使用 SAP 材料的情况进行审计。合作伙伴不得就 SAP 解决方案的功能或性能,作任何与协议相冲突的陈述或保证。