Multiple Contracts Sample Clauses

Multiple Contracts. (i) The Individual Specialist certifies and declares that he/she only holds one contract of any type with UNESCO at any one time. Any failure to respect this condition renders this present contract liable for immediate termination, without notice or indemnity. (ii) The Individual Specialist certifies and declares that he/she is not a beneficiary of any type of UNESCO Fellowship. Any failure to respect this condition renders this present contract liable for immediate termination, without notice or indemnity.
Multiple Contracts. (ITT 33.4)
Multiple Contracts. Tenders are invited for individual lots, the contract will be awarded to the tenderer offering a substantially responsive Tender(s) and the lowest evaluated cost for individual lots, subject to the selected tenderer(s) meeting the required qualification criteria (this Section III, Sub-Section ITT 36 Qualification Requirements) for each lot. In determining tenderer that offer the lowest evaluated cost to the Procuring Entity for each lot, the Procuring Entity shall apply the following steps in sequence:
Multiple Contracts. If for any taxable year an Owner is covered by this Contract and any other TSA, all such contracts shall be treated as a single contract. PLAN PROVISIONS The Plan, including certain Plan provisions required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 or other applicable law, may limit the Owner's rights under this Contract. The Plan provisions may:
Multiple Contracts. (ITT 33.4) (a) evaluate individual lots to determine the substantially responsive Tenders and corresponding evaluated costs; (b) for each lot, rank the substantially responsive Tenders starting from the lowest evaluated cost for the lot; (c) apply to the evaluated costs listed in (b) above, any applicable discounts/price reductions offered by a tenderer (s) for the award of each Lot based on the discounts and the methodology for their application offered by the respective Tenderer; and (d) determine contract award based on the lots that offer the tender offers each of which has the lowest evaluated cost to the Procuring Entity
Multiple Contracts. 4.1 Multiple contracts will be permitted in accordance with ITT 35.4. Tenderers are evaluated on basis of Lots and the lowest evaluated tenderer identified for each Lot. The Procuring Entity will select one Option of the two Options listed below for award of Contracts.
Multiple Contracts. Where there is more than one contract for a construction project, applicable laws and regulations shall also apply to all related contracts and subcontracts. All construction contracts and subcontracts will include labor standards relating to kickbacks.
Multiple Contracts. The ITSM Tool must include functionality that allows users to define multiple contract types and contracts per customer. FR-9.12 Priority Definitions and Action Times The ITSM Tool must include functionality to handle different priority definitions and action times for each customer. FR-9.13 Agreement and Contract Review The ITSM Tool must include functionality that allows users to schedule agreement and contract review cycles and renewals. FR-9.14 Service Level Achievement Against Target The ITSM Tool must include functionality that allows users to report on service level achievements vs. service level targets in real-time and at regular planned intervals. FR-10.1 Event Monitoring and Incident Management Integration The ITSM Tool must have the capability to integrate event and alert monitoring tools with Incident Management to allow for automatic creation and update of incidents from these tools, based on business rules.
Multiple Contracts. If the CONTRACTOR provides Services under multiple contracts, it must maintain an accounting system that separates expenditures by contract to ensure appropriate expense allocation and contract billing (i.e. fund accounting).
Multiple Contracts. (a) The definition of “Bargaining Unit” in the Definitions Article of the Collective Agreement is “all persons employed by St. Jerome’s University as members of the academic staff and professional librarians holding contracts for less than 12 months, save and except administrators at the rank of Associate Xxxx or higher” and Article 3, Recognition provides that “the Employer recognizes the St. Jerome’s University Academic Staff Association as the certified exclusive bargaining agent for all Members of the Bargaining Unit.” (b) It is not the intention of either Party in connection with potential multiple contracts for Members to amend or expand the scope and recognition of the Bargaining Unit beyond that described and defined in paragraph 1 above, nor shall anything in this Memorandum of Understanding be construed as or referred to or relied on by either Party in any proceedings or forum as supporting or reflecting any mutually agreed amendment to or expansion of the scope and recognition of the Bargaining Unit as currently defined. (c) Where a Member has both Seniority Status and Right of First Refusal in a course, and the Department Chair or Program Director of the Department in which the course is offered is of the view that the Member will receive more than one right of first refusal offer in the upcoming twenty- four (24) month period, the Chair or Director will recommend to the VPAD and the VPAD will normally offer to the Member multiple four (4) month and/or eight (8) month contracts covering a period of up to twenty-four (24) months. (d) Any decision of the VPAD to offer or to not offer multiple contracts in whole or in part shall not constitute a difference between the Parties in connection with the Collective Agreement and shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration provisions of the Collective Agreement and an arbitrator shall have no jurisdiction to hear or grant any remedy in respect of such a decision by the VPAD other than a grievance alleging that the VPAD’s decision was discriminatory contrary to Article 9.3 of the Collective Agreement. (e) Where the VPAD decides to offer multiple contracts, the Member will receive details with respect to course offerings prior to the first term of the multiple contracts and in accordance with the schedule in Article 18.1. (f) Members who are offered multiple contracts pursuant to the above may choose to accept the offer or may instead make a written request to the VPAD to continue their eligibili...