Occupancy As Is Sample Clauses

Occupancy As Is. Tenant shall accept occupancy of the Premises “as is”, and any work necessary to prepare the Premises for occupancy by Tenant shall be performed by Tenant in compliance with the terms and provisions of this Lease at Tenant’s own expense ; provided, however, prior to the Term Commencement Date, Landlord shall, using building standard means, methods and materials, * correct the first office against the left-hand demising wall as required to make it a three window enclosed office, * restore missing building elements, i.e. ceilings, lights and column enclosures, * repaint the walls of the Premises, * replace the carpet and vinyl base in the Premises. The foregoing work to be performed by Landlord prior to the Term Commencement Date shall be deemed “Landlord’s Work”.
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Occupancy As Is. Tenant acknowledges and affirms that Tenant has inspected or has had the opportunity to inspect the Premises and is satisfied in all respects thereto. Tenant shall accept the Premises vacant, in broom clean condition and otherwise “as is”. Tenant shall be deemed to occupy the Premises on and as of the Term Commencement Date. Except if and only to the extent specifically provided otherwise pursuant to this Lease, Landlord shall not be required to make any repairs or improvements or perform any other work whatsoever to deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant or as a condition of Tenant’s acceptance of the Premises “as-is”. Notwithstanding Tenant’s acceptance of the Premises “as-is” otherwise, Landlord specifically agrees to (i) perform the HVAC repairs itemized in the Suburban Mechanical Design Services letter to Xxxxx Xxxxx at X. X. Xxxxx Properties, which letter is dated December 21, 2020 attached hereto as Exhibit F, “SUBURBAN MECHANICAL DESIGN SERVICES LETTER”, and (ii), provided any cracked exterior window glass existing as of the Term Commencement Date is not the result of any act or omission of Tenant or any person or entity claiming by, through or under Tenant, replace any cracked exterior window glass existing as of the Term Commencement Date.
Occupancy As Is. Tenant currently occupies the Premises as a subtenant pursuant to a Sublease, dated October 16, 2017, with Bxxxxxx X. XxxXxxxxx, as sublandlord (the “Sublease”) and a Consent to Sublease agreement dated October 25, 2017 between Tenant, Landlord and sublandlord (the “Consent”). Tenant acknowledges and agrees Tenant has accepted occupancy of the Premises "as is", and any work necessary or desired by Tenant in the Premises shall be performed by Tenant in compliance with the terms and provisions of this Lease at Tenant's own expense; provided, however, notwithstanding the forgoing to the contrary in this sentence, the following shall apply.
Occupancy As Is. Tenant acknowledges that Tenant has inspected or has had the opportunity to inspect the Premises and is satisfied in all respects thereto and Landlord shall not be required to make any repairs or improvements or perform any other work to deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant. Tenant shall accept occupancy of the Premises "as is", and any work necessary to prepare the Premises for occupancy by Tenant shall be performed by Tenant in compliance with the terms and provisions of this Lease at Tenant's own expense.
Occupancy As Is. Tenant acknowledges that Tenant has inspected or has had the opportunity to inspect the Premises and is satisfied in all respects thereto and Landlord shall not be required to make any repairs or improvements or perform any other work to deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant. Tenant shall accept occupancy of the Premises "as is", and any work necessary to prepare the Premises for occupancy by Tenant shall be performed by Tenant in compliance with the terms and provisions of this Lease at Tenant's own expense; provided, however, that, prior to the 15th day after the Term Commencement Date, Landlord shall have removed from the middle portion of the Premises the cubicles existing as of the date of this Lease. As an inducement for Tenant to enter into this Lease, Landlord agrees to reimburse Tenant for certain improvements and renovations completed in the Premises up to a maximum of $1,184,400.00, in one payment (“Tenant’s Allowance”), upon completion of Approved Reimbursable Improvements (as defined below). The following provisions of this Section shall apply with respect to such reimbursement. (i) Tenant shall comply with all provisions of the Lease which relate to work by Tenant in the Premises, including, without limitation, the provisions of Article 8.0 of the Lease, “MAINTENANCE OF AND IMPROVEMENTS TO PREMISES”. (ii) Tenant's Allowance shall be used solely for improvements (“Approved Reimbursable Improvements”) approved in writing by Landlord pursuant to Section 8.2 ("Alterations and Improvements by Tenant.") and completed at a commercially reasonable cost prior to the last day of the twelfth full month after the Term Commencement Date (“Latest Completion Date”). In addition to any information required to be provided by Tenant pursuant to Article 8.0 or otherwise required under the Lease, Tenant shall, upon request of Landlord, provide Landlord with such reasonable information (for example, without intended limitation, quotations, estimates, proposals, unit costs, etc.) as Landlord may from time to time require with respect to the anticipated cost of any improvements for which Tenant seeks Landlord’s approval. Landlord’s agreement in this Section to reimburse Tenant for Approved Reimbursable Improvements shall not be deemed to obligate Landlord to consent to any particular improvement or renovation in the Premises. (iii) Provided Tenant, at the time Landlord is required pursuant to this Section to pay Tenant all or any portion of the Tenant’s Allo...

Related to Occupancy As Is

  • Occupancy and Use Except for (i) the period of time permitted by this Lease for Tenant to perform Tenant's Work to prepare the Premises for Tenant's initial occupancy as set forth in Section 3.2.1 and (ii) a period of six (6) months at the end of the Term, and (iii) temporary vacancies of not more than forty percent (40%) of the Premises at any one time, continuously from the Commencement Date, to use and occupy the Premises only for the Permitted Uses, and from time to time, to procure all licenses and permits necessary therefor at Tenant's sole expense, and to the extent set forth in Section 10.21 hereof, with Landlord's cooperation. Without limitation, Tenant shall comply in all material respects with all federal, state, and municipal laws, ordinances, and regulations governing, and all Development Approvals, Subsequent Approvals and Title Exceptions applicable to, Tenant's particular use or manner of use of the Premises. Tenant shall be solely responsible for procuring and complying at all times with any and all necessary permits directly relating or incident to: the conduct of its office activities on the Premises; its, transportation, storage, handling, use and disposal of any chemical or radioactive or bacteriological or pathological substances or organisms or other hazardous wastes or environmentally dangerous substances or materials or medical waste. Within thirty (30) days of a request by Landlord, which request shall be made not more than once during each period of twelve (12) consecutive months during the Term hereof, unless otherwise requested by any mortgagee of Landlord, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with copies of all such permits which Tenant possesses or has obtained together with a certificate certifying that such permits are all of the permits which Tenant possesses or has obtained with respect to the Premises. Tenant shall be entitled to redact any Confidential Information from the copies of such permits and accompanying certificates of Tenant. Tenant shall promptly give notice to Landlord of any warnings or violations relative to the matters described in this Section 5.1.2 received from any federal, state, or municipal agency or by any court of law and shall promptly cure the conditions causing any such violations. Tenant shall not be deemed to be in default of its obligations under the preceding sentence to promptly cure any condition causing any such violation in the event that, in lieu of such cure, Tenant shall contest the validity of such violation by appellate or other proceedings permitted under applicable law, provided that: (i) any such contest is made reasonably and in good faith, (ii) Tenant makes provisions, including, without limitation, posting bond(s) or giving other security, acceptable to Landlord to protect Landlord, the Building, the Lot and the Complex from any liability, costs, damages or expenses arising in connection with such violation and failure to cure, (iii) Tenant shall agree to indemnify, defend (with counsel reasonably acceptable to Landlord) and hold Landlord harmless from and against any and all liability, costs, damages, or expenses arising in connection with such condition and/or violation, (iv) Tenant shall promptly cure any violation in the event that its appeal of such violation is overruled or rejected, and (v) Tenant shall certify to Landlord's satisfaction that Tenant's decision to delay such cure shall not result in any actual or threatened bodily injury or property damage to Landlord, any tenant or occupant of the Building, the Lot or the Complex, or any other person or entity. Landlord agrees that any Confidential Information gained or obtained by Landlord pursuant to this Section 5.1.2 shall be kept confidential in accordance with Section 10.15 hereof.

  • Occupancy After Foreclosure Any sale of the Mortgaged Property or any part thereof will divest all right, title and interest of Mortgagor in and to the property sold. Subject to applicable law, any purchaser at a foreclosure sale will receive immediate possession of the property purchased. If Mortgagor retains possession of such property or any part thereof subsequent to such sale, Mortgagor will be considered a tenant at sufferance of the purchaser, and will, if Mortgagor remains in possession after demand to remove, be subject to eviction and removal, forcible or otherwise, with or without process of law.

  • Early Occupancy If Tenant occupies the Property prior to the Commencement Date, Tenant's occupancy of the Property shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Lease. Early occupancy of the Property shall not advance the expiration date of this Lease. Tenant shall pay Base Rent and all other charges specified in this Lease for the early occupancy period.

  • Lessee as Prior Owner/Occupant The warranties made by Lessor in Paragraph 2 shall be of no force or effect if immediately prior to the Start Date Lessee was the owner or occupant of the Premises. In such event, Lessee shall be responsible for any necessary corrective work.

  • Occupancy The Assuming Institution shall give the Receiver fifteen (15) days’ prior written notice of its intention to vacate prior to vacating any leased Bank Premises with respect to which the Assuming Institution has not exercised the option provided in Section 4.6(b). Any such notice shall be deemed to terminate the Assuming Institution’s option with respect to such leased Bank Premises.

  • Tenant’s Compliance With Landlord’s Fire and Casualty Insurance Tenant shall, at Tenant’s expense, comply with all insurance company requirements pertaining to the use of the Premises. If Tenant’s conduct or use of the Premises causes any increase in the premium for such insurance policies then Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for any such increase. Tenant, at Tenant’s expense, shall comply with all rules, orders, regulations or requirements of the American Insurance Association (formerly the National Board of Fire Underwriters) and with any similar body.

  • Rental Abatement Provided that any damage to either or both of the Property and the Premises is not caused by, or is not the result of acts or omissions by, any or all of Tenant and Tenant’s Parties, if (a) the Property is damaged by fire or other casualty thereby causing the Premises to be inaccessible or (b) the Premises are partially damaged by fire or other casualty, the Rent shall be proportionally abated to the extent of any actual loss of use of the Premises by Tenant.

  • Multi-Tenant Floors If other tenants occupy space on the floor on which the Premises is located, Tenant’s identifying signage shall be provided by Landlord, at Tenant’s cost, and such signage shall be comparable to that used by Landlord for other similar floors in the Building and shall comply with Landlord’s then-current Building standard signage program.

  • Property Insurance Building Improvements and Rental Value 9.2.1 Lessor shall obtain and keep in force a policy or policies of insurance in the name of Lessor, with loss payable to Lessor, any ground-lessor, and to any Lender insuring loss or damage to the Premises. The amount of such insurance shall be equal to the full insurable replacement cost of the Premises, as the same shall exist from time to time, or the amount required by any Lender, but in no event more than the commercially reasonable and available insurable value thereof. If the coverage is available and commercially appropriate, such policy or policies shall insure against all types of direct physical loss or damage (except the perils of flood and/or earthquake unless required by a Lender), including coverage for debris removal and the enforcement of any Applicable Requirements requiring the upgrading, demolition, reconstruction or replacement of any portion of the Premises as the result of a covered loss. Said policy or policies shall also contain an agreed valuation provision in lieu of any coinsurance clause, waiver of subrogation, and inflation guard protection causing an increase in the annual property insurance coverage amount by a factor of not less than the adjusted U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the city nearest to where the Premises are located. Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, Trade Fixtures, and Lessee’s personal property shall be insured by Lessee not by Lessor unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease.

  • Possession Of Premises Tenant shall not be entitled to possession of the premises designated for lease until the security deposit and first month’s rent (or prorated portion thereof), less any applicable promotional discount, is paid in full and the premises designated for lease is vacated by the prior tenant.

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