One and one Sample Clauses
One and one quarter (1-1/4) days per month during the first eight (8) years of continuous service (15 days per full calendar year);
One and one half (1-1/2) times the applicable straight-time hourly rate shall be paid for all work performed before a shift begins and after it ends and for all work performed on Saturdays. Double
One and one quarter (1 1/4) days for each calendar month in which the employee has received pay for at least ten (10) days and such leave credits shall be on a cumulative basis from year to year.
One and one quarter (1 1/4) days until the month in which the anniversary of the employee's eighth (8th) year of service occurs;
One and one half (1.5) for the case manager of single service IEPs
One and one quarter (1-1/4) days of credit for sick leave will be granted for each calendar month of continuous service in which the employee has worked or been on paid vacation for more than one half of the normal workdays each calendar month. An employee who has exhausted accumulated sick leave my use earned vacation for these purposes.
One and one quarter (1 1/4) days for each month of employment up to September 1st of each school year running from September 1 to August 31. As of September 1 of each year, all employees will be credited with fifteen (15) days of sick leave for the ensuing school year. Unused sick leave may accumulate to a maximum of two hundred and sixty (260) days. These accumulated days are in addition to any sick leave due the employee for the current year. Holidays and other days not included in the employee's scheduled work week shall not be included in the computation of the number of days allowed hereunder. In cases of undue hardship, the EMPLOYER, at its discretion, may allow an employee additional sick leave. Proof of illness may be required as a prerequisite for payment for illness or injury. An accurate accounting of sick leave will be given to each custodian not later than September 15 each year. Use of three (3) days sick leave, of the fifteen (15) allocated, will be granted for care of family members.
One and one third (1 1/3) quarter units of academic credit from an accredited college or university.
One and one half (1-1/2) times the employee’s regular rate of pay. Payment for overtime compensation shall be made on the first payday following the pay period in which such overtime is worked, unless overtime compensation cannot be computed until some later date, in which case overtime compensation will be paid on the next regular payday after such computation can be made.
One and one half (1 ½) of the employee's regular hourly rate of pay shall be paid for work under the following conditions:
a. For any work performed in excess of eight (8) hours in any workday or in excess of forty (40) hours in any workweek.
b. There shall be no duplication of premium pay for the same hours worked under the provisions of subsection a. of this Section.