Other Duties and Responsibilities. In addition to the duties and responsibilities set forth in Section 4.2.c, above, Employee shall have the following additional duties and responsibilities:
Other Duties and Responsibilities. (A) Each faculty member is responsible for determining and developing the content, structure, and teaching methods, for each course which he/she is assigned to teach, in accordance with the approved course description. Each faculty member is also responsible for determining the means of evaluation for each assigned course consistent with the approved grading system.
(B) Regular Full-Time faculty members, Regular Pro-Rated, Limited Term and Sessional faculty members, except during sabbatical or other approved leaves, shall be available to consult with students at least seven (7) days before classes begin and seven (7) days after classes end. They shall not, however, be required to be available between December 21 and January 1 inclusive.
(C) At least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of classes, faculty members shall prepare and give to the Division Chair, with a copy to the Office of Academic and Research, course outlines for each course assigned. Outlines shall include day(s), time and location of the class, official course description and code, an overview of the subject matter to be taught, course objectives, the workload, the probable dates and values of any tests, examinations, term papers or critiques, attendance requirements, and a statement where appropriate that students should familiarize themselves with relevant health and safety issues. Faculty members shall be responsible for distributing course outlines to students at the commencement of classes.
(D) Faculty members shall comply with written and circulated procedures for reporting grades and performance of students. Normally, grades for graduating students will be reported five (5) days before the last day of the Winter Semester, and for all other students within four (4) working days after the end of the Fall Semester, within five (5) working days after the end of the Winter Semester, and within three (3) working days after the end of the Summer session.
(E) Each Regular Full-Time and Regular Pro-Rated faculty member shall provide the Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Research with a completed Professional Activities Report (Appendix “C”) on or before May 7 each year. Updated curriculum vitae shall be provided upon request from the Office of Academic and Research.
Other Duties and Responsibilities. NCTPA shall carry out such other duties and responsibilities as the Member Jurisdictions, by unanimous approval expressed through amendment of this Agreement or resolutions of their respective governing boards, may delegate to NCTPA.
Other Duties and Responsibilities. The Town Manager shall perform whatever additional tasks required by the Town Board.
Other Duties and Responsibilities. It is the responsibility of the Manager and the Company to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the Business, including but not limited to:
Other Duties and Responsibilities. Keeps case records and provides summaries or written referrals to appropriate agencies and school officials.
Other Duties and Responsibilities. 1. School bus keys shall be picked up in the Transportation Office in the a.m. and returned in the p.m.
2. Drivers are responsible for thoroughly cleaning the inside of their assigned bus on a daily basis. Exterior cleaning may be assigned as directed by the Transportation Supervisor
3. Buses and spare buses should maintain one-half (½) tank and shall only be fueled when leaving or returning to the bus yard.
4. Normal bus maintenance shall be pre-scheduled by the Transportation Supervisor on a calendar basis. This may be revised by the Transportation Supervisor in emergency or unforeseen safety situations.
Other Duties and Responsibilities. 7.1 Limitation of Responsibilities
Other Duties and Responsibilities. NVTA shall carry out such other duties and responsibilities as the Member Jurisdictions, by unanimous approval expressed through amendment of this Agreement or resolutions of their respective governing boards, may delegate to NVTA.
Other Duties and Responsibilities. Serves as a role model for students in how to conduct themselves as citizens and as responsible, intelligent human beings;