OWNER OPERATOR. When a piece of equipment is operated by its owner and is used on work covered by this Agreement, the owner-operator of said piece of equipment shall be paid wages and fringe benefits by the Employer subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the check stubs will show equipment rental rate separate from other items. This Article shall not apply when a written subcontract has been entered into with the owner-operator.
OWNER OPERATOR. 22:01 It is agreed that the Owner Operators, as independent contractors or otherwise, are employees for the purpose of this Collective Agreement and shall be covered by the same as herein set forth;
(a) As a condition of any Owner Operator performing any work covered by this Collective Agreement, it is agreed that:
(i) He/she shall be a member of the Union in good standing;
(ii) He/she shall assign, let or sublet any work covered by this Collective Agreement subject to the terms thereof;
(iii) Contributions to the Refrigeration Workers Local 787 - O.R.A.C. Training Fund, Benefits Trust Fund, Pension Trust Fund and Industry Fund, shall be paid and remitted or deducted and remitted, as the case may be, by or on behalf of such Owner Operators as and when required by this Collective Agreement and schedules thereto.
OWNER OPERATOR. A Dependent Contractor who holds a valid Business Agreement (Schedule B) for services with the Company and is subject to the terms and conditions of that agreement.
OWNER OPERATOR. 22:01 It is agreed that the Owner Operators, as independent contractors or otherwise, are employees for the purpose of this Collective Agreement and shall be covered by the same as herein set forth;
OWNER OPERATOR. The performance of bargaining unit work defined by the scope of this Agreement for the Contractor, by an owner‑operator or operator of leased equipment, shall be governed by the provisions of this Agreement. Operating Engineers who are owner‑operators must be on Contractor or Subcontractor’s payroll unless otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing, by the Union and the Employer. It is understood and agreed that this Section does not apply to the first point of delivery.
OWNER OPERATOR. February 2014 - July 2015. Managed and executed day to day operations of independent renovation/repair business. Responsible for every aspect of customer service including providing accurate cost estimates, ordering parts, diagnosing issues, performing work and invoicing. Effectively managed relationships to ensure repeat business. Completed work such as carpentry, plumbing, welding, electrical, irrigation, tile, drywall, etc. in a timely and professional manner. Customers include West USA Realty, Kachina Investments, State Farm Insurance and private property owners. Purchased and ordered materials on a regular basis to ensure delivery resulting in on time job completion.
OWNER OPERATOR. Section 1. An Owner-Operator is a person who has legal or equitable title to his equipment and operates the equipment himself on work covered by this Agreement. Owner-operator shall display the registration of their equipment to the Contrac- tor and the Union upon request.
Section 2. The individual employer expressly reserves the right to control the details of the manner, time and means by which the Owner-Operator performs his services as well as the ends to be accomplished, and shall be the sole judge of the capability of the Owner Operators equipment to perform the work required to be performed, and may, if the individual employer determines that the Owner-operators equipment is not capable of performing the work required to be performed, terminate such Owner-operators services. Failure to work the day or half day out as directed shall terminate the Owner- Operators employment and he shall not pay for time spent by the Owner-Operator in repairing, servicing or maintaining his equipment after termination of employment, or before or after his shift, as the case may be.
Section 3. The Owner-Operator shall be carried on the payroll of the individual employer as an Operating Engineer, and employee, and as such employee, all of the terms and con- ditions of this Master Labor Agreement and any amendment or amendments thereto, shall be applicable to him, except as provided elsewhere in this Paragraph, and, except that in the event that it is determined that the services of an Owner- Operator Employee where terminated without just cause, any obligation for lost time shall be limited to the wage and fringe benefits payments provided in this Agreement, and shall not in any event include any payments with respect to the equipment or the loss of use thereof.
Section 4. The Union shall be notified of the name and So- cial Security number of the Owner-Operator within forty-eight
OWNER OPERATOR. 1. Whenever “Owner-Operator” is used in this paragraph, it means Operating Engineer equipment Operator-Employee only. The classification of Heavy Duty Repairman/Welder or a Lubrication and Service Engineer of equipment (generators, welding machines, fixed drills, grease trucks, lube trucks) are covered elsewhere in this Agreement. Nothing in this paragraph shall apply to any person or equipment except where the owner of the equipment operates the equipment in the performance of work, covered by this Agreement for an individual Employer.
2. An Owner-Operator is a person who has legal or equitable title to his equipment and operates the equipment himself on work covered by this Agreement and he shall operate only that equipment to which he has legal or equitable title. An Owner- Operator shall have proof of ownership of the equipment being operated in his possession at all times and shall produce such proof of ownership upon request by the Union or the Contractor. It is further agreed that any time an individual Owner- Operator has a piece of equipment operated by someone other than himself on any given job or project, the provisions of this Section S will not apply to such equipment, rather, Article I, Section B, Paragraph 11 of this Agreement shall become applicable.
3. The Owner-Operator shall not be subject to the provisions of Article II, Section I, Paragraphs 2(a), (b) and (c) of this Agreement, provided that the Owner-Operator has signed a W-4 Form and becomes a bona fide employee of the Employer prior to going to work and the Union shall be notified of the name and social security number of the Owner-Operator within twenty-four (24) hours after the Owner-Operator is hired, such notice to be given to the Dispatch Office in the district in which the work is being performed and confirmed in writing within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter. A copy of the notification shall be furnished by the contracting Employer to the Owner- Operator and this copy shall be in the possession of the Owner-Operator at all times, so long as he remains on the job or project. This notice must be produced upon request by the Union. Failure of the Owner-Operator to produce a copy of the aforementioned notification and proof of ownership of the equipment being operated shall be cause for his removal from the job or project until the Owner-Operator and the Employer have complied with the requirements of this paragraph. The Owner-Operator is subject to the provisions of Article I...
OWNER OPERATOR. 22:01 It is agreed that the Owner Operators, as independent contractors or otherwise, are employees for the purpose of this Collective Agreement and shall be covered by the same as herein set forth:
(a) As a condition of any Owner Operator performing any work covered by this Collective Agreement, it is agreed that:
(i) He/she shall be a member of the Union in good standing;
(ii) He/she shall assign, let or sublet any work cov- ered by this Collective Agreement subject to the terms thereof;
(iii) Contributions to the Refrigeration Workers Local 787 - O.R.A.C. Training Fund, Benefits Trust Fund, Pension Trust Fund and Industry Fund, shall be paid and remitted or deducted and remitted, as the case may be, by or on behalf of such Owner Operators as and when required by this Collective Agreement and schedules thereto.
OWNER OPERATOR. Whenever "Owner-Operator" is used in this Section, it means Operating Engineer Equipment Operator-Employee only and does not apply to a Heavy Duty Repairman/Welder or a Lubrication and Service Engineer or equipment (generators, welding machines, fixed drills, lathes, pickup trucks, grease trucks, lube trucks or trucks and trailers) used by them or either of them and necessary or advisable for the performance of any work of a Heavy Duty Repairman/Welder or Lubrication and Service Engineer. With respect to the classifications and equipment above excluded from this Owner-Operator clause, no such equipment shall be used on any job or project if
04.04.01 This Section shall only apply to an Owner-Operator who has legal or equitable title to his or her equipment and who personally operates that equipment in the performance of his or her work.
04.04.02 This Section shall not apply to any other form of business entity, partnerships, limited partnerships, corporations, joint ventures, etc.
04.04.03 Any other business entity shall be subject to Section 05.00.00 APPLICATION TO SUBCONTRACTORS.