Park Fees. A. The park fees shall be as established or revised by resolution of the Board of Pacific County Commissioners (Presently Resolution No. 2022-029, adopted March 22, 2022).
B. All camping fees will be collected by the HOST and deposited with the Parks Manager every Friday before 4:00 PM.
C. A consecutively numbered receipting system shall be provided by the HOST and used to receipt all camping fees. This system shall consist of a three-part receipt with the original copy to the customer, the second copy to be kept by the HOST and the third copy to be sent to the COUNTY with weekly deposits.
Park Fees. The Authority shall be authorized to seek legislative action from the Colorado Legislature affecting the Authority, including but not limited to legislation authorizing the collection of fees, rates, and charges at State parks and recreation facilities to support the services, functions, and facilities of the Authority, and legislation imposing a tax to be determined by the Members to generate revenues to be utilized by and for the benefit of the Authority.
Park Fees. The determination made by the City is that park fees will not be owed in exchange for improvement and dedication of the Parks to the District. The District agrees that it will not collect any development impact fees from the Property Owner.
Park Fees. A. The park fees shall be as established or revised by resolution of the Board of Pacific County Commissioners (Presently Resolution No. 2022-029, adopted March 22, 2022).
B. The HOST shall collect fees and applicable taxes, including Lodging Taxes in accordance with Chapter 67.28.180 RCW. Said fees collected by the HOST shall be retained by the HOST and shall constitute partial payment to the HOST for services provided.
C. The HOST understands and agrees to forward the taxes collected to the Washington State Department of Revenue and other appropriate parties at the appropriate times and provide proof to the Department of Public Works of such annually.
D. The fiscal records of such collections and disbursements will be kept by the HOST, and reported monthly on the attached form (Attachment A) to the Department of Public Works, no later than the 10th day of each month. A consecutively numbered receipting system shall be provided by the HOST and used to receipt all camping fees. This system shall consist of a three-part receipt with the original copy to the customer, the second copy to be kept by the HOST and the third copy to be sent to the COUNTY with weekly deposits.
Park Fees. Landowner is required to develop recreational facilities to serve the Project, and City agrees that said recreational facilities satisfy the Project’s obligation to provide parks in accordance with the Xxxxxx Act (Government Code § 66477). The location, extent, timing, and development of parks and open space facilities to be provided within the Project are specified in Section 5.3. City agrees that the Project shall not be subject to Section
Park Fees. Section 2.8.2(i), established by Section 7 of the First Amendment, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Park Fees. Based on the fees that are in force and effect on the Effective Date and an assumed Project size of 250 dwelling units, Land Owner shall pay when due Park Impact Fees in the amount of $1,010,500, which amount may be adjusted based on the actual Project size. If the Land Owner proposes to modify the Project by constructing any more or less dwelling units or square footage on the Property, the amount of the Park Impact Fees shall be adjusted accordingly based on the fee schedule in force and effect when the Park Impact Fees are due, consistent with the provisions of this Agreement regarding Impact Fees.
Park Fees. The park, open space and Amenities set forth in the PD and in Exhibit K shall satisfy the requirement for any parkland or open space dedication requirements or fees in lieu of as well as any park development fees.
Park Fees. The Owner agrees to pay the sum designated in Schedule "M" to this Agreement for park fees with respect to the development.