Xxxxxx Act Any provisions required to be contained in this Agreement by Section 126 and/or Section 130-k or Article 4-A of the New York Real Property Law are hereby incorporated herein, and such provisions shall be in addition to those conferred or imposed by this Agreement; provided, however, that to the extent that such Section 126 and/or 130-k shall not have any effect, and if said Section 126 and/or Section 130-k should at any time be repealed or cease to apply to this Agreement or be construed by judicial decision to be inapplicable, said Section 126 and/or Section 130-k shall cease to have any further effect upon the provisions of this Agreement. In a case of a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any mandatory provisions of Article 4-A of the New York Real Property Law, such mandatory provisions of said Article 4-A shall prevail, provided that if said Article 4-A shall not apply to this Agreement, should at any time be repealed, or cease to apply to this Agreement or be construed by judicial decision to be inapplicable, such mandatory provisions of such Article 4-A shall cease to have any further effect upon the provisions of this Agreement.