Xxxxxx Community Sample Clauses

Xxxxxx Community. College students may apply to Southwestern College program with 30 hours of credit. Although Southwestern College programs only require a minimum of 30 earned hours before entrance, it is preferable that Xxxxxx students enter with an AA, AS, or AAS from Xxxxxx Community College. The Xxxxxx general education coursework completes the Southwestern College general education program requirements. General Education CoursesEG 101 Composition I EG 102 Composition II SP 100 Public Speaking orSP 102 Interpersonal CommunicationMA 131 College Algebra with Review or MA 135 College AlgebraBA 104 Information Processing Systems or Computer Literacy Computer Literacy Elective Humanities (6 hours) Behavioral Sciences (3 hours) Laboratory Sciences (5 hours) Health & Physical Education Elective (1 hour)Technical RequirementsBA 126 Accounting I BA 127 Accounting II BA 204 Managerial AccountingEC 200 Principles of Microeconomics EC 201 Principles of Macroeconomics MA 148 Calculus with Applications MA 210 Applied Statistics or MA 220 Statistics for Management, Life and Social Science.Related Electives (choose 9 hours) BA 109 Small Business Management BA 110 Introduction to Business BA 112 Personal FinanceBA 140 Introduction to Marketing BA 178 Payroll Accounting BA 184 Human Resource Management BA 210 Principles of Management Recommended Prerequisites ECON 326 Economic Theory BUS 395 Corporate Finance Required Major CoursesBSAD 310 Financial Accounting Systems BSAD 430 Financial Management BSAD 320 Managerial Economics BUS 394 Marketing BSAD 340 Legal Environment of Business BSAD 410 International Business BSAD 420 Management Information System Analysis BSAD 440 Strategic Management Required Common CoursesHRD 210 Entrance Seminar (1 credit hour)ENG 420 Business and Administrative Communication BQM 427 Professional Communication and Presentation BUS 337 Business Ethics BUS 445 Management Decision Making LAS 499 Responsibility for the Future BQM 425 Research Project 62 Total Hours 43 Hours 19 hours of elective classes will need to be taken for the60 hour 4 year university/college requirement to be met. 124 Total Hours needed to graduate
Xxxxxx Community. Where there is a conflict between the language of this Employment Manual and that of a benefit plan, the language of the benefit plan will control. • Full-time employees are eligible for the benefits described in this Employment Manual, provided they qualify for each individual benefit. • Part-time employees are eligible for those employee benefits specifically designated, provided they qualify for each individual benefit. • Seasonal employees are eligible for benefits described in this Employment Manual, provided that they qualify for each individual benefit. • Contract employees are eligible for such benefits as authorized under the employee’s contract with the Tribe. • Interim employees are not eligible for benefits. • Temporary, call-in and fill-in employees are not eligible for benefits. • Acting employees retain existing benefits. • Volunteers and independent contractors are not eligible for benefits. Xxxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx government offices observe the following paid holidays: • New Year’s Day, • Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Xx. Day (third Monday in January), • Sachem Day (third Monday in February), • Xxxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx Day (third Monday in March) • Good Friday (afternoon only), • Memorial Day, • Fourth of July, • Labor Day, • This Land Is Our Land Day (second Monday in October), • Veteran’s Day, • Thanksgiving Day, • Day after Thanksgiving, • Christmas Eve Day, • Christmas Day, and • New Year’s Eve Day. Holidays falling on Saturday are observed the preceding Friday, while holidays falling on Sunday are observed the following Monday. For the Christmas and New Year holidays, when there is one weekend day and one-week day, only one day of paid holiday will be observed. Temporary, call-in, and fill-in employees, employees on approved family-medical leave, and employees on a leave of absence are not entitled to receive holiday pay. The Xxxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx Community may schedule work on observed holidays, subject to the business needs of the Tribe. If an employee works on an observed holiday, the employee will get paid double normal rate of pay for each holiday hour worked. All employees must work the scheduled day before and the scheduled day after a holiday in order to be paid for the holiday, unless the employee has previously scheduled and obtained approved paid time off. If an employee is absent on the holiday and/or the day before and after the holiday because of illness or injury, the Tribe may require verification of the reason for the absence before approving...
Xxxxxx Community. These policies regulate the employment relationship between the Tribe and its governmental employees, but do not have the same force and effect as applicable laws. In addition, the Tribe has additional procedure documents that address the step-by-step operational process of how these policies are applied. Significant permanent changes to such procedure documents require the approval of the Tribal Council. Descriptions of various fringe benefits are summaries only. Should the descriptions in this Employment Manual differ with any formal agreement or document involved, the formal agreement or document shall be considered controlling. Similarly, certain departments and divisions may have specific policies and procedures that are applicable to the department or division. If there is a specific policy or procedure that conflicts or differs from this Employment Manual, the specific procedure or policy should control. The policies, procedures, practices and benefits described replace all earlier written and unwritten ones. We will devote our best efforts to conducting business with an atmosphere of harmony and opportunity for all employees. If an employee has any concerns with work-related issues, the employee should bring the issues to the attention of his or her immediate supervisor.
Xxxxxx Community. The Local Transit Service Area for the boundaries of the Prince Xxxxxx Transit Service Area shall be the municipal boundaries of the City of Prince Xxxxxx. The Annual Service Level for Prince Xxxxxx Transit Service shall be 5,000 Revenue Service Hours. The Exception Days recognized annually for the Prince Xxxxxx Transit Service are: Good Friday Sunday Service Easter Monday Regular Service Victoria Day Sunday Service Canada Day Sunday Service BC Day Sunday Service Labour Day Sunday Service Thanksgiving Day Sunday Service Remembrance Day Sunday Service Christmas Day No Service Boxing Day Sunday Service New Year’s Day No Service Family Day Sunday Service
Xxxxxx Community. College agrees all officers working for the College shall be Independent Contractors of the College and not City of Albemarle employees. If the College fails to adhere to state law, the College agrees to reimburse the City for any expenditures for which the city is held liable.
Xxxxxx Community. Medical Center of North Florida, LLC acknowledges that Relator and his attorney are entitled to reasonable expenses that the Court finds to have been necessarily incurred, plus reasonable attorneysfees and costs under 31 U.S.C. § 3730(d); provided, however, Xxxxxx Community Medical Center of North Florida, LLC expressly reserves the right to challenge the amounts, the necessity, the appropriateness, and all aspects of Case 3:19-cv-00834-TJC-LLL Document 118-1 Filed 10/26/23 Page 5 of 22 PageID 1867 the reasonableness of Relator’s claims for attorneys’ fees, expenses and costs. Xxxxxx Community Medical Center of North Florida, LLC agrees to pay such reasonable expenses and attorneys’ fees and costs at such a time as they are determined to be payable by the Court, or as otherwise agreed by Relator and Xxxxxx Community Medical Center of North Florida, LLC.

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  • Xxxxxx Act Any provisions required to be contained in this Agreement by Section 126 and/or Section 130-k or Article 4-A of the New York Real Property Law are hereby incorporated herein, and such provisions shall be in addition to those conferred or imposed by this Agreement; provided, however, that to the extent that such Section 126 and/or 130-k shall not have any effect, and if said Section 126 and/or Section 130-k should at any time be repealed or cease to apply to this Agreement or be construed by judicial decision to be inapplicable, said Section 126 and/or Section 130-k shall cease to have any further effect upon the provisions of this Agreement. In a case of a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any mandatory provisions of Article 4-A of the New York Real Property Law, such mandatory provisions of said Article 4-A shall prevail, provided that if said Article 4-A shall not apply to this Agreement, should at any time be repealed, or cease to apply to this Agreement or be construed by judicial decision to be inapplicable, such mandatory provisions of such Article 4-A shall cease to have any further effect upon the provisions of this Agreement.