Pavement Design Sample Clauses
Pavement Design. If applicable, the Engineer shall incorporate the pavement design developed by the State for this project. If the pavement design is not available, the State may request the Engineer to perform pavement design and submit to State for review and approval.
Pavement Design. The Engineer shall incorporate the pavement design developed by the State for this project.
Pavement Design. Design criteria for temporary excavation and temporary protection such as excavation sheeting, underpinning and temporary dewatering systems.
Pavement Design. The Engineer shall prepare pavement designs for this project in accordance with the latest edition of TxDOT’s Pavement Manual. Proposed pavement designs include permanent pavement, interim condition transition pavement, and temporary detour pavement. The latest edition of TxDOT’s Pavement Manual may be accessed at xxxx:// The Engineer shall submit a signed and sealed pavement design report to the Owner. The pavement design report must be reviewed and approved by the Owner prior to its implementation. The pavement design report must document assumptions and design considerations. The pavement design report must include the following: • Cover sheet with roadway name, geographical limits, and signatures of persons involved in the preparation and approval • Existing and proposed typical sections • Soils map of the project area with a brief description of each type of soil located within the project area • Design input values and output • Conclusion consisting of recommended pavement design or designs based on the data, analyses, and procedures included in the report. • Pavement design details specified for each location that includes structural layer materials, general specifications, and layer thicknesses • Relevant pavement evaluation data (structural and functional) and condition information on adjacent roads • Site conditions that might influence the design and performance of pavements • Relevant geotechnical data and drainage requirements including boring logs, laboratory soil test results, active or passive drainage system design, ground penetrating radar (GPR) data, falling weight deflectometer (FWD) data, dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) data, pavement coring and report log (up to 5-foot depth), and soil classifications with Atterberg limits • Results of the field explorations and testing of pavement sections • Recommended pavement rehabilitation methods and designs for new pavements • Design criteria used in determining pavement designs, including traffic loads, pavement material characterization, environmental conditions, and pavement design life • Design summary from the program used to design (e.g., FPS 21, DARWin, TxCRCP - ME, MODULUS 6.1) • Life-cycle cost analysis, as required by TxDOT’s Pavement Manual, including the periods for resurfacing, reconstruction, and other rehabilitation measures and what these activities are likely to entail o Traffic control plans required for subsurface geotechnical and pavemen...
Pavement Design a. Develop pavement section for roadway improvements based on adjoining property usage;
b. Provide R-values and CBRs of sub-grade for pavement design; and
c. Prepare technical report.
Pavement Design. If applicable, the Engineer shall incorporate the pavement design developed by the State for this project. If the pavement design is not available, the State may request the Engineer to perform pavement design and submit to State for review and approval. If requested, the Engineer shall implement mainlane and frontage road pavement design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP), Asphalt Stabilized Base (ASB), Portland Cement Treated Base (PCTB), and Lime Treated Subgrade (LTS) as specified in the work authorization.
Pavement Design. The Engineer shall review and implement the pavement design provided in Phase I and supplement the pavement design as needed for final design. This pavement design shall be submitted to State for review and approval.
Pavement Design. IDCS Chapter 5 9. Height. Solar equipment required for the project will not exceed twelve (12) feet above surface grade. This does not include electrical interconnection equipment and pole lines that may be required by the public utility to interconnect to the electrical grid.
Pavement Design. Design-Build Contractor shall design all pavements within the Project Limits using the most updated version of AASHTO-ME Pavement Design software and the Indiana Design Manual, Chapter 304 - Comprehensive Pavement Analysis. Where there are conflicts between the requirements in these two documents, the requirements in this document shall take precedence.
1. Performance criteria for MEPDG shall be based on Indiana Design Manual Chapter 304. The pavement design shall use input parameters from INDOT’s “Pavement ME Design input files for traffic and HMA” zip file found on INDOT’s website: xxxx://
2. The RID contains preliminary pavement designs provided by INDOT based on the field investigations and testing conducted by INDOT. The Design-Build Contractor shall prepare a final pavement design that meets all of the design parameters specified in this Section 7.0 and shall be based on actual in-situ properties of existing subgrade value.
3. New and reconstructed PCCP shall be designed for a minimum design life of 30 years. Flexible pavement shall be designed for a minimum functional life of 16 years; and a structural life expectancy of 25 years.
4. Pavement rehabilitation of existing pavement shall be designed for a minimum functional life of 16 years; and a structural life expectancy of 25 years. Proposed rehabilitation shall address both functional and structural deficiencies. Rehabilitated pavement shall address functional distresses in such manner that corrective maintenance activities like pot holes and fatigue cracking will not be required for 10-years after completion of the project.
5. Design-Build Contractor shall include the proposed permanent pavement designs as a Hold Point and shall indicate the applicable roadway and station limits for new, reconstructed and rehabilitated areas on mainline lanes, auxiliary lanes, shoulders, ramps, and intersecting roadways. Design-Build Contractor shall provide a tabulation of the design inputs such as FWD data, resilient modulus, or other basis for the pavement thickness designs, and including station limits.
Pavement Design. Developer shall design, construct, and maintain roadway pavements using Good Industry Practice and the subsurface geotechnical data collected by the Developer. Roadway pavements shall meet the operation standards and requirements contained in Sections 19 and 22. Developer shall prepare a pavement design report for record that documents the assumptions, considerations, and decisions contributing to the Developer’s pavement design, including the following: • Pavement design details by location, including structural layer materials, general specifications, and thicknesses • Lifecycle management analysis, including the periods for resurfacing, reconstruction, and other rehabilitation measures and what these activities are likely to entail • Relevant pavement evaluation data (structural and functional) and condition information on adjacent roads • Site conditions • Relevant geotechnical data and drainage requirements • Design criteria used in determining the pavement design(s), including annual average daily traffic, percentage heavy vehicles, cumulative traffic loading, pavement material strength factors, and pavement design life • Design methods adopted in developing the pavement design(s) and the rationale for their selection • Other considerations used in developing the pavement design(s) • The pavement for main lanes and ramps shall be designed using the functional highway classification(s) defined in Book 2 For roadways adjacent to and crossing the Project that are disturbed by the construction activities of the Project, Developer shall, at a minimum, match the in-place surface type and structure of the existing roadways. Developer shall design all tie-in work to avoid differential settlement between the existing and new surfaces.