Roadway Design Sample Clauses

Roadway Design. If requested by the State, the Engineer shall use Bentley’s OpenRoads 3D Design technology in the design and preparation of the roadway plan sheets. The Engineer shall provide roadway plan and profile drawings using CADD standards as required by the State. The drawings must consist of a planimetric file of existing features and files of the proposed improvements. The roadway base map must contain line work that depicts existing surface features obtained from the schematic drawing. Existing major subsurface and surface utilities must be shown if requested by the State. Existing and proposed right-of-way lines must be shown. Plan and Profile must be shown on separate or same sheets (this depends upon width of pavement) for main lanes, frontage roads, and direct connectors. The plan view must contain the following design elements: 1. Calculated roadway centerlines for mainlanes, ramps, cross streets and frontage roads, as applicable. Horizontal control points must be shown. The alignments must be calculated using GEOPAK. 2. Pavement edges for all improvements (mainlanes, direct connectors, ramps, cross streets, driveways and frontage roads, if applicable).
Roadway Design. Traffic Management Systems (Permanent)
Roadway Design. The Engineer shall provide roadway plan and profile drawings using Computer- Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) standards as required by the State. The plan view shall contain the following design elements: • Calculated roadway centerlines for mainlanes, ramps, cross streets and frontage roads, as applicable. Horizontal control points shall be shown. The alignments shall be calculated using GEOPAK. • Pavement edges for all improvements (mainlanes, ramps, cross streets, driveways and frontage roads, if applicable). • Lane and pavement width dimensions. • The geometrics of ramps, auxiliary lanes. • Proposed structure locations, lengths and widths. • Direction of traffic flow on all roadways. • Control of access line, & ROW lines and easements. • Begin/end super elevation transitions and cross slope changes. • Limits of rip rap, block sod, and seeding. • Existing utilities and structures. • Benchmark information. • Radial call outs, curb location, Concrete Traffic Barrier (CTB), guard fence, crash safety items and American with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) compliance items. • Removal items. The profile view shall contain the following design elements: • Calculated profile grade for proposed mainlanes, ramps, cross streets and frontage roads, if applicable. Vertical curve data, including "K" values shall be shown. • Existing and proposed profiles along the proposed centerline of the mainlanes, the outside shoulder line of ramps, and the outside gutter line of the designated frontage roads. • Water surface elevations at major stream crossing for 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100-year storms. • Calculated clearances, taking into account the appropriate super elevation rate. • The location of interchanges, mainlanes, grade separations and ramps (shall include cross sections of any proposed or existing roadway, structure, or utility crossing).
Roadway Design. The Engineer shall provide roadway plan and profile drawings using CADD standards as required by the State. The drawings shall consist of a planimetric file of existing features and files of the proposed improvements. The roadway base map shall contain line work that depicts existing surface features obtained from the schematic drawing. Existing major subsurface and surface utilities shall be shown. Existing and proposed right-of-way lines shall be shown. Plan and Profile to be shown on separate or same sheets (this depends upon width of pavement) for main lanes, frontage roads. The plan view shall contain the following design elements: 1. Calculated roadway centerlines for mainlanes, ramps, cross streets and frontage roads, as applicable. Horizontal control points shall be shown. The alignments shall be calculated using GEOPAK. 2. Pavement edges for all improvements (mainlanes, ramps, cross streets, driveways and frontage roads, if applicable). 3. Lane and pavement width dimensions. 4. The geometrics of ramps, auxiliary and managed lanes. 5. Proposed structure locations, lengths and widths. 6. Direction of traffic flow on all roadways. Lane lines and arrows indicating the number of lanes shall also be shown. 7. Drawing scale shall be 1”=100’ 8. Control of access line, & ROW lines and easements. 9. Begin and end superelevation transitions and cross slope changes. 10. Limits of rip rap, block sod, and seeding. 11. Existing utilities and structures. 12. Benchmark information. WAs Used DocuSign Envelope ID: 56C9F445-711D-4155-8CAC-4A873A2298E4 13. Radii call outs, curb location, Concrete Traffic Barrier (CTB), guard fence, crash safety items and American with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) compliance items. The profile view shall contain the following design elements: 1. Calculated profile grade for proposed mainlanes (cite direction), ramps, cross streets and frontage roads. Vertical curve data, including “K” values shall be shown. 2. Existing and proposed profiles along the proposed centerline of the mainlanes, the outside shoulder line of ramps, and the outside gutter line of the designated (east and west) bound frontage roads. 3. Calculated vertical clearances at grade separations and overpasses, taking into account the appropriate superelevation rate, superstructure depth and required clearance. 4. The location of, mainlanes, grade separations and ramps (shall include cross sections of any proposed or existing roadway, structure, or ut...
Roadway Design. The Engineer shall prepare roadway plans, profiles and typical sections for the proposed improvements as requested by the State. Prior to the 30% submittal the Engineer shall schedule a workshop to review profiles and cross-sections with the State. The profile and cross sections shall depict the 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 year (if available) water surface elevations. The drawings must provide an overall view of the roadway and existing ground elevations with respect to the various storm design frequencies for the length of the project. This must enable the State to determine the most feasible proposed roadway profile. The State approval of the proposed profiles and cross sections must be procured before the Engineer continues with the subsequent submittals. The roadway plans must be complete and organized in accordance with the latest edition of the State’s PS&E Preparation Manual. A. DRAINAGE DESIGN 1. DATA COLLECTION a. Conduct field inspections to observe current conditions and the outfall channels, the cross drainage structures, drainage easements, the tributary channel, and land development projects that contribute flow to the tributary. Document field inspections with digital photos. DocuSign Envelope ID: E6BC4953-CD40-42B4-8A24-1AF55737BB1F b. Collect available applicable data including GIS data and maps, site survey data, construction plans, previous reports and studies, and readily available rainfall history for the area. Particular sources of data collected must include, but are not limited to, the State, County, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). c. Collect available Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), Flood Insurance Study (FIS) study data, and any effective HECRAS or HEC-2 models. d. Review survey data and coordinate any additional surveying needs with State. e. At the State’s request, existing drainage structures shall be represented in a 3D MicroStation model. f. Meet with local government officials to obtain historical flood records. Interview local residents or local government employees to obtain additional high-water information if available. Obtain frequency of road closure and any additional high-water information from the District Maintenance office. g. Submit a letter report to the State Project Manager detailing completion of data collection.
Roadway Design. The Engineer shall provide roadway plan and profile drawings using CADD standards as required by the State. The drawings must consist of a planimetric file of existing features and files of the proposed improvements. The roadway base map must contain line work that depicts existing surface features obtained from the schematic drawing. Existing major subsurface and surface utilities must be shown if requested by the State. Existing and proposed right-of-way lines must be shown. Plan and Profile must be shown on separate or same sheets (this depends upon width of pavement) for main lanes, frontage roads, and direct connectors. The plan view must contain the following design elements: