Payment During Leave. (a) A qualification allowance will be paid during all periods of leave except, in respect to a Registered Nurse, sick leave beyond 21 days in any twelve month period and long service leave.
(b) In the case of annual leave, a qualification allowance is added to those components detailed at subclause 57.9 that form the ‘projected roster’ leave loading mode. If the Employee receives the 17.5% leave loading mode, the Employee does not receive the allowance in addition to leave loading.
Payment During Leave. An employee in receipt of higher duties allowance who proceeds on paid leave shall continue to be paid the allowance during the leave if the allowance would have been paid but for the granting of leave.
Payment During Leave i. payment to the employee during the leave of absence shall be in approximately equal monthly instalments commencing one month following the start of the leave of absence.
Payment During Leave. PEN or PSO – the above allowances are to be paid during all periods of leave .
Payment During Leave. Where a non-rostered shift employee receiving an allowance under subclause 1 proceeds on approved leave (excluding leave granted in accordance with the Long Service Leave (State Employees) Act 1994), personal leave or leave in lieu of overtime, the employee will continue to receive that allowance if the duties continue after the period of leave. (2010)
Payment During Leave. During paid Sick Leave the allowances described in this clause continue if the Employee remains in the work location and cease if the Employee returns to their base location. The allowances are not paid during Annual or Long Service Leave.
Payment During Leave. (a) A Staff Member, whose service has been all Full-Time or all at the same Part-Time fraction, is paid during long service leave at the Staff Member’s normal salary.
(b) A Staff Member, whose time fraction has varied during service, is paid at a proportionate rate during long service leave. The rate is determined by calculating an average of the Staff Member’s time fractions over the period of eligible service, provided the requirements of the NES or the XXX Xxx, as appropriate, are satisfied.
Payment During Leave. The District and the unit member who is to go on sabbatical leave shall develop a payment schedule mutually acceptable to the unit member and the District at least thirty (30) days before the commencement of leave.
Payment During Leave. It was noted that the overtime portion in staff pay slip accounts for 38% of the gross pay. This amount is not paid during the leave. The payment during leave should be equivalent to salary a person earns on a monthly basis. It has thus been agreed that the guards will be getting full monthly salary same as that earned during working days when they are on leave.
Payment During Leave a) The allowances in 20.3 are to be paid during all periods of leave except sick leave beyond 21 days in any twelve-month period and long service leave. In the case of annual leave, where the annual leave loading is on a projected roster basis (not a 17.5% basis) the qualifications allowance is added to the following components below:
(i) All payments for ordinary hours of work.
(ii) Shift work premiums according to roster or projected roster.
(iii) Saturday, Sunday premiums according to roster or projected roster.
(iv) In charge allowances.