Recreation Leave Sample Clauses
Recreation Leave. Relationship with By-laws and other instruments The provisions of this clause set out all entitlements in relation to recreation leave, and replace all By-law entitlements relating to recreation leave.
Recreation Leave. (a) An employee (except for a casual employee) is entitled to:
(i) four weeks paid recreation leave per year;
(ii) an additional two weeks paid recreation leave per year if normally stationed in the Northern Territory or under any condition the Commissioner so determines. This will not affect and will be in addition to the entitlement under clause 57.3(a)(iii); and
(iii) an additional seven (7) consecutive days including non-working days paid recreation leave per year for a seven day shift worker, provided that a shift worker rostered to perform duty on less than 10 Sundays during a year is entitled to additional paid recreation leave at the rate of half a day for each Sunday rostered.
(b) A rostered overtime shift of three (3) hours or more which commences or ceases on a Sunday will count in the calculation of entitlements in clause 57.3(a)(iii).
Recreation Leave. 3.1 An employee who is regularly rostered to work their ordinary hours of duty over 7 days of the week, and works more than half of the Sundays and Public Holidays in a year, will qualify for an additional one weeks recreation leave in lieu of the standard four weeks annual leave.
Recreation Leave. Subject in all cases to the Secretary’s or delegated nominee’s convenience, employees after one year's service, may be granted one day's recreation leave on pay each leave year, but an employee leaving the Ministry shall not be paid for this leave if it has not been taken at the time of ceasing work. This leave must be taken within the year in which it is granted, if not taken it will be forfeited.
Recreation Leave. 12.1 For ongoing staff members, recreation leave accrues at the rate of 20 working days per year.
12.2 When approving recreation leave, the wishes of the staff member will be considered providing operational requirements permit.
12.3 Staff members are to take at least 2 consecutive weeks recreation leave every 12 months, except in special circumstances by agreement with the Commissioner or delegate or delegate.
12.4 When a staff member has accrued 6 weeks or more recreation leave, the Commissioner or delegate may direct them to take at least 2 weeks leave.
12.5 The NRC office is closed over the Christmas/New Year period, except in special circumstances and by agreement with the Commissioner or delegate.
12.6 The NRC Holiday is granted as 1 additional paid day of leave nominated as the next business day after Boxing Day.
12.7 All staff members are required to take the same 1 week of leave during the Christmas/New Year period, using a combination of available recreation leave, public holiday, NRC Holiday, and if relevant, time in lieu, additional paid leave or leave without pay.
12.8 Staff members are encouraged but not required to take 1 further week of consecutive leave during this period.
12.9 Recreation leave does not accrue during leave without pay other than:
a) during absences due to natural emergencies or major transport disruptions, when all other paid leave is exhausted;
b) during any continuous period of sick leave taken without pay when paid sick leave is exhausted;
c) during any incapacity for which compensation has been authorised under the
d) during any periods that when aggregated, do not exceed 5 working days in any period of 12 months.
12.10 Staff members may take recreation leave on half pay in conjunction with and subject to the provisions applying to maternity, adoption or other parent leave.
12.11 On cessation of employment, a staff member is entitled to be paid the monetary value of their accrued recreation leave balance.
12.12 If a staff member dies during their employment with the NRC, their nominated beneficiary or next of kin will be paid the monetary value of any recreation leave and extended leave they have accrued as at the date of their death.
Recreation Leave. (a) A full-time officer accrues recreation leave at the rate of one and 2/3 days for standard hours of duty worked in that month. Part-time officers accrue recreation leave pro-rata based on their standard hours of duty.
(b) Recreation leave may not be taken in advance of accrual.
(c) Recreation leave will not accrue for any period of leave which does not count for service.
(d) The following categories of officers accrue additional recreation leave:
(i) shift-workers regularly rostered for Sunday and holiday duty forming part of the ordinary hours of attendance per week shall be allowed seven consecutive days leave (including non-working days) in addition to the period of recreation leave prescribed in subclause (a);
(ii) caretakers in residence are entitled to an additional one days recreation leave for each public holiday for which they are required to remain on residence, subject to a maximum of five days leave per annum;
(iii) officers in remote localities (see Clause 31); and
(iv) officers entitled to disability leave (see Clause 32).
(e) Where employment ceases, the officer will be paid the value of any unused recreation leave. Payment is calculated on the termination salary and includes the following allowances where applicable:
(i) Enhanced Responsibility Allowance, if it was received for a continuous period of at least 12 months preceding the date of cessation;
(ii) Payment for shift work, restriction duty or overtime where it was received regularly i.e. in 50% or more of the pays received in the 12-month period preceding cessation. In this case the average fortnightly payment during that period will be included; and
(iii) First Aid Allowance, Superior Performance Rating (Premium Step) and AAHL Site Allowances.
(f) Recreation leave is cumulative.
(g) Leave to be taken
(h) Where an officer has on either 1 January or 1 July a recreation leave credit of 45 days or more (or 50 days or more in the case of shift workers), CSIRO will direct the officer to take a specified number of days of recreation leave within a three month period. The period specified will be a period equivalent to 10/45 (rounded to the nearest whole day) of the recreation leave credit at the notice date.
(i) If the officer fails to take the required leave (days) specified in the direction by 1 April (where directed on 1 January) or 1 October (where directed on 1 July) salary will not be paid for the recreation leave period, instead the officer will be provided with paid recreation l...
Recreation Leave. (a) Full-time staff are entitled to paid recreation leave, with an additional 17.5% loading, at the rate of four weeks each year. Recreation leave accumulates progressively during the year. Fractional staff are entitled to recreation leave on a proportionate basis. Where a staff member’s leave entitlement equals or exceeds six working weeks, the staff member’s supervisor can direct the staff member to take at least two working weeks of the leave entitlement within a three month period from the date of direction. The supervisor must give at least two months’ notice to the staff member of such direction.
(b) Leave loading is equal to 17.5% of salary for the period of leave accrued and is calculated on the ordinary salary/wage rate of payment (excluding weekends, public holidays, overtime and penalty rates). Leave loading will be payable in the pay period immediately prior to Christmas.
(c) A staff member who has accumulated an equivalent of six weeks recreation leave may request to have a proportion of their recreation leave paid out. Where a staff member requests a pay out of recreation leave, a recreation leave entitlement equivalent to four weeks leave must be retained, and the staff member must demonstrate they have taken a period of recreation leave equivalent to the amount to be paid out in the preceding 12 month period. The maximum amount of recreation leave to be paid out in any calendar year will be two weeks.
Recreation Leave a) An employee (except for a casual employee) is entitled to:
(i) four weeks paid recreation leave per year;
(ii) an additional two weeks paid recreation leave per year if normally stationed in the Northern Territory or under any condition the Commissioner so determines.
Recreation Leave. (i) Notwithstanding the provision of this clause, an Employee may elect, with the consent of the Employer, to take recreation leave not exceeding five days in any calendar year at a time or times agreed between the parties.
(ii) An Employee and Employer may agree to defer payment of the recreation leave loading in respect of single day absences, until at least five consecutive recreation leave days are taken.
Recreation Leave. (a) Clause 48.26 of Determination No. 1 of 2011 is varied for the life of this Agreement and replaced with the following:
(i) Leave without pay that does not count for service for the purposes of accruing leave will reduce the recreation leave accrual on the same progressive basis during a year.