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Qualifications Allowance Sample Clauses

Qualifications AllowanceEnrolled Nurse
Qualifications AllowanceAn employee on the minimum salary of an Administrative Officer Level 1 with the prescribed educational qualifications or keyboard skills will be paid an allowance to raise salary to the second salary point of the Administrative Officer Level 1 salary range.
Qualifications Allowance. A school officer at Level 2 who holds:
Qualifications Allowance. 14.1.1 A Registered Nurse Division 1 who holds a post graduate qualification shall be paid, in addition to their salary, the following amount. Only one qualification allowance for each employee shall apply. It must be demonstrated that the qualification is relevant to residential aged care, specifically one of the following areas: Gerontological nursing , Management, or Other qualification with a component that has application to nursing in Aged Care. In the case of qualifications regarding Management, such qualifications will be deemed relevant where the employee is classified at Grade 3 or above. ‘Base rate’ under this clause shall be defined as the weekly rate applicable to an employee of Grade 2 Year 2 standing. 14.1.2 A Registered Nurse who holds a post graduate certificate from a Tertiary Institution (or equivalent) shall be paid, in addition to their salary, the following amount: Post Graduate Certificate from a Tertiary Institution (or equivalent) 4.0% of base rate The term ‘or equivalent’ set out above means programs from a training or education facility that are equivalent to a University/Graduation certificate and the training/education facility verifies that in writing. 14.1.3 A Registered Nurse who holds a post graduate diploma or a degree (other than a nursing undergraduate degree) shall be paid, in addition to their salary, the following amount: A Post Graduate Diploma or Degree (or equivalent) 6.5% of base rate.
Qualifications Allowance. ‌ 47.1 An employee employed in the classification of Registered Nurse (years 1 to 8), Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nursing Unit Manager, Nurse Manager Grade 1, Nurse Manager Grade 2 or Nurse Manager Grade 3 and above (who satisfies the employer that she/he is engaged in clinical work for more than 50% of her/his time) who holds a continuing education qualification in a clinical field, in addition to the qualification leading to registration, shall be paid a continuing education allowance, subject to the following conditions set out below: (a) the allowance is only payable where the qualification is accepted by the employer to be directly relevant to the competency and skills used by the nurse in the duties of the position. The allowance will be payable from the date of application by the employee; (b) an employee holding more than one relevant qualification is only entitled to one allowance, being the allowance of the highest monetary value; 47.2 the employee claiming entitlement to a qualification allowance must provide evidence to the employer that they hold that qualification; (a) An allowance shall be absorbed into any over agreement rate being paid to an employee; (b) An allowance shall only be payable in the areas of intensive care, coronary care, cardiac or cardiothoracic nursing, perioperative nursing, anaesthetics and recovery. Emergency will be recognised in the relevant corresponding work area; and (c) Any such areas as may be agreed between the employee and if requested by the employee a workplace representative and the employer. 47.3 Subject to the provisions in subclause (i) of this clause, an employee who holds a relevant post- graduate certificate, other than a Hospital Certificate, shall be paid an allowance of an amount set out in Item 20 Table 3 – Qualifications Allowance of Part B, Monetary Rates. 47.4 Subject to the provisions in subclause (i) of this clause, an employee who holds a relevant post- graduate diploma or degree (other than an undergraduate nursing degree) shall be paid an allowance of an amount set out in Item 21 of Table 3 – Qualifications Allowance of Part B, Monetary Rates. 47.5 Subject to the provisions in subclause (i) of this clause, an employee who holds a masters degree or doctorate shall be paid an allowance of an amount set out in Item 22 of Table 3. 47.6 A Clinical Nurse Educator who holds a post graduate diploma, degree, Masters or Doctorate in education or a clinical field in addition to the qualification leadin...
Qualifications Allowance. (a) An Employee who holds a certificate or qualification, which is in addition to the minimum mandatory qualification required to be held for the particular classification, and in which the Employee demonstrates that a component (at least) is applicable to the Employee’s current area of practice and/or work shall be paid: (i) an allowance at 4% of the allowance rate for a post graduate certificate or additional certificate in relevant specialty, or (ii) an allowance at 6% of the allowance rate for a degree or diploma, (b) Provided only one allowance is payable based on the highest qualification held by the Employee. (c) The allowance rate is based on a full-time salary of DDSO Grade 2A Year 2, and is paid each fortnight. (d) Part-time Employees are paid on a pro rata basis. (e) An Employee claiming an entitlement to an allowance under clause 24.8 (a) is to provide the Employer with documented evidence that the qualification is actually held and the studies undertaken in gaining the qualification. (f) The allowance is payable from the date of lodgement of an application but commences only after an assessment by the Employer that the qualification is applicable to the Employee’s current area of practice and/or work. (g) The qualifications allowance in clause 24.8 (c) is to be paid during all periods of paid leave.
Qualifications Allowance. (a) A Director or Assistant Director who holds a Graduate Certificate in Childcare Management or equivalent will be paid an all-purpose allowance, calculated at 5% of the weekly rate for an Assistant Director (Children’s Services employee Level 5.4).
Qualifications Allowance. (a) A Registered nurse will be entitled to a qualification allowance set out below, subject to the following: (i) A Registered nurse holding more than one qualification is only entitled to one qualification allowance, being the allowance for the highest qualification held. (ii) The employee must demonstrate and the employer must agree that the qualification is relevant to the performance of the employee’s work in residential aged care and specifically in one of the following areas: - gerontological nursing, or management, or another qualification with a component that has application to nursing in aged care. (iii) In considering whether a component of the qualification is relevant, the nature of the qualification and the current area of practice of the qualification holder are the main criteria. Other considerations may include the clinical or other area of work of the Registered nurse, the classification and position description of the Registered nurse and whether the qualification would assist the Registered nurse in performing her or his role and/or assist in maintaining quality patient care and/or assist in the administration of the area in which the Registered nurse is employed. (iv) ‘Base rate’ under this sub-clause shall be defined as the weekly rate applicable to a Registered Nurse, Grade 1, pay point 4. (v) A Registered nurse claiming entitlement to a qualification allowance must provide to the employer evidence of that Registered nurse holding the qualification for which the entitlement is claimed. Payment shall be from the first pay period on or after evidence of the qualification is submitted to the employer or the date the qualification is obtained, whichever is the later. (vi) For the avoidance of doubt, a qualification allowance cannot be claimed by a Registered nurse in respect of that employee’s base qualification leading to registration as a Registered nurse with the exception of an honours degree. a Master’s degree or a Doctorate. (vii) Certificates obtained from training or education facilities shall be recognised provided that the programs are equivalent to a University/Graduation certificate and the training/education facility verifies that in writing. (viii) A Registered nurse who holds a Hospital Certificate or Graduate Certificate (or equivalent) shall be paid, in addition to their salary, 4.0% of the base rate. (ix) A Registered nurse who holds a Post-Graduate Diploma or a Degree (or equivalent) (other than a nursing undergraduate...
Qualifications Allowance. 10.1. DoE commits to identifying the qualifications relevant to the roles of Nurses in DoE, and the parameters and requirements for eligibility within 12 months of certification of the agreement. 10.2. The qualifications allowance will be available for payment to eligible employees from 1 April 2019. 10.3. Accelerated paypoint advancement and qualifications allowance (a) The following provisions apply to an employee Nurse Grade 6 and 7 who holds a qualification or advanced qualification recognised by the employer as relevant to the employee's current position which is in addition to the qualification required for registration as a registered nurse or registered midwife with XXXXX. (b) A qualification is: (i) a graduate certificate, graduate diploma, or a qualification of equivalent value; or (ii) a second bachelor degree. (c) An advanced qualification is a master’s degree or PhD. (d) Accelerated paypoint advancement An employee who obtains a qualification or advanced qualification, and who is not at the maximum paypoint of their classification, will be advanced by one paypoint from the date the qualification is accepted by the employer but will retain their existing increment date. (e) Qualification and advanced qualification allowance (i) The qualification allowance is calculated on the basis of 3.5% of the wage rate of a Nurse Grade 5, paypoint 7. (ii) The advanced qualification allowance is calculated on the basis of 5.5% of the wage rate of a Nurse Grade 5, paypoint 7. (iii) The qualification allowance and advanced qualification allowance is payable for all purposes of this Award. (f) The qualification allowance and advanced qualification allowance is payable as follows: (i) Employees at the maximum paypoint: (A) An employee who qualifies for an allowance under clause 10.2(a) and who is at the maximum paypoint of their classification is entitled to receive the relevant allowance from the date the qualification is accepted by the employer. (B) There is no requirement for such an employee to be at the top paypoint for 12 months before receiving the relevant allowance. (ii) Employees at the second last paypoint: When an employee is on the second last paypoint at the time of receiving the accelerated advancement in paypoint in accordance with clause 10.2(d), which would then place them on the maximum payment, the relevant allowance is payable from their next increment date and not upon the completion of 12 months' service at the maximum paypoint. (iii) Emp...
Qualifications AllowanceIn addition to weekly salary, a Registered Nurse Division 1, who holds a Hospital Certificate/Graduate Certificate, or a Post Graduate Diploma or Degree, or a Masters of Doctorate Degree, shall be paid the following qualification allowance: Hospital Certificate or Graduate Certificate 4.0% of employee’s weekly base rate Post Graduate Diploma 6.5% of employee’s weekly base rate Masters or Doctorate 7.5% of employee’s weekly base rate