Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Sample Clauses

Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle facilities as required or shown on the project’s schematic. All pedestrian and bicycle facilities must be designed in accordance with the latest Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), and the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities DRAINAGE
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle facilities as required or shown on the project’s schematic. All pedestrian and bicycle facilities must be designed in accordance with the latest Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), and the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities DRAINAGE 161.1. Data Collection. The Engineer shall provide the following data collection services: 1. Conduct field inspections to observe current conditions and the outfall channels, the cross drainage structures, drainage easements, the tributary channel, and land development projects that contribute flow to the tributary. Document field inspections with digital photos. 2. Collect available applicable data including GIS data and maps, site survey data, construction plans, previous reports and studies, and readily available rainfall history for the area. Particular sources of data collected must include, but are not limited to, the State, County, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 3. Collect available Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), Flood Insurance Study (FIS) study data, and models. DocuSign Envelope ID: E767BC6F-115E-4461-9416-A68BBF4757F6 4. Review survey data and coordinate any additional surveying needs with State. 5. At the State’s request, existing drainage structures shall be represented in a 3D MicroStation model. 6. Meet with local government officials to obtain historical flood records. Interview local residents or local government employees to obtain additional high-water information if available. Obtain frequency of road closure and any additional high-water information from the District Maintenance office. 7. Submit a letter report to the State Project Manager detailing completion of data collection.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle facilities as required or shown on the project’s schematic. All pedestrian and bicycle facilities must be designed in accordance with the latest Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), and the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities DRAINAGE 161.1. Data Collection. The Engineer shall provide the following data collection services: 1.1.1. Conduct field inspections to observe current conditions and the outfall channels, the cross drainage structures, drainage easements, the tributary channel, and land development projects that contribute flow to the tributary. Document field inspections with digital photos.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. The Engineer shall coordinate with the Owner to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle facilities as required or shown on the project’s schematic. All pedestrian and bicycle facilities must be designed in accordance with the latest Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), and the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. The Engineer shall design the Owner’s Vybe Trail if within the project limits. Certain Vybe details will be provided by the Owner. FUNCTION CODE 160(161) - ROADWAY DESIGN
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle facilities, in the form of shared use paths (SUP), as required or shown on the project’s schematic, or as otherwise approved by the State.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. The project scope focuses on installing highway lighting and minimizing vehicle's oncoming glare; pedestrian and bicycle improvements are not feasible within the project scope. This is a freeway and bicycle and pedestrian access is prohibited.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. Sidewalks and/or side paths shall be required on both sides of the street for new street construction per the table below and the street section illustrated in Appendix 7, Street Cross Sections. Arterial 5’6’ 8’12’ 4’8’ Collector 5’6’ 8’12’ 4’8’ Mixed Use Local 6’8’ n/a 4’6’ Local Street 5’6’ n/a 4’6’ Alley (Residential) 5’6’ n/a n/a Alley (Commercial) 5’6’ n/a n/a Sidewalks shall be constructed as accessible facilities per the draft Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) requirements, including, but not limited to, the following elements: a. Maximum cross slope of 2%. b. Accessible ramps at all intersections. c. Spot obstructions may not cause a constriction in the access route smaller than three feet. d. Bumps may not exceed 0.5 inches in height. Striped crosswalks shall be required at all intersections in mixed use districts and may be required in other districts per Town Engineer. The verge in mixed use districts is typically paved with tree xxxxx and street furnishings instead of a continuous landscaped or grassed buffer.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. The Engineer shall coordinate with the FBPTRA to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle facilities as required or shown on the project’s schematic. All pedestrian and bicycle facilities must be designed in accordance with the latest Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), and the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities. DRAINAGE
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. The Consultant shall coordinate with the City to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Pedestrian and bicycle facilities must be designed in accordance with the latest ADAAG, the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS), and the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, National Association ofCity Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Street Design Guide and Urban Bikeway Guide, and 2016 Mobility Bond Corridor Design Standards. Consultant shall submit to TDLR (through Registered Accessibility Specialists) for review at 90% in compliance with the Chapter 469 of the Texas Government Code, State of Texas Architectural Barriers Actto verify compliance with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS): • Register the project with TDLR • Perform plan review of the project construction documents • Perform the final inspection of the project upon completion The proposal excludes services to determine compliance with other federal, state, or local accessibilityrequirements such as Public Rights-of-Way Guidelines (PROWAG) and accessibility requirements of building and housing codes such as the International Building Code (IBC).
Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. 5.1. TOWN will maintain, at TOWN expense, TOWN constructed sidewalks, curb ramps, curb, gutter, pedestrian/bicycle multi-use pathway, and undercrossings, within the limits shown in Exhibit A. Maintenance shall include making any repairs necessary to keep sidewalk and pathway, curb, gutter, and curb ramps in a good state of repair including, but not limited to, eliminating significant variation in height between adjoining sidewalk panels by repairing, replacing, grinding, or patching concrete to provide a walking surface that is safe for users and free of hazardous sidewalk conditions. Maintenance also includes, but is not limited to, removal of dirt, debris, weeds, and any deleterious item or material on or about the sidewalk. Maintenance shall also include perpetuating clear widths that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and related Caltrans Design Information Bulletins.