Preparation and Organisation of Meetings Sample Clauses

Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The Chairperson shall convene ordinary meetings of the Project Committee at least once every 6 (six) months and shall also convene extraordinary meetings at any time upon written request of any Member.
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The Project Coordinator will convene ordinary meetings of the Steering Committee as described in the Project proposal: 1. kick-off meeting to approve the strategy for Business Plan preparation (M1) 2. meeting to approve Long-term Scientific Vision and Research Strategy, and to review the business plan outline (M6) 3. meeting to approve the final business plan for the setting up of the centre (M12) Steering Committee shall also convene extraordinary meetings at any time upon written request of any Member. The Project Coordinator shall give notice in writing of a meeting to each Member as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days preceding an ordinary meeting and 7 calendar days preceding an extraordinary meeting. The Project Coordinator shall prepare and send each Member a written original agenda. Any agenda item requiring a decision by the Members must be identified as such on the agenda. Any Member may add an item to the original agenda by written notification to all of the other Members no later than 5 calendar days preceding the meeting. During a meeting of the Steering Committee the Members present or represented can unanimously agree to add a new item to the original agenda. Meetings of the Steering Committee may also be held by teleconference or other telecommunication means. Decisions will only be binding once the relevant part of the minutes has been accepted according to Section 6.3.5 of this Consortium Agreement. Any decision may also be taken without a meeting if the Project Coordinator circulates to all Members of the Steering Committee a written document, which is then agreed by the defined majority (see Section 6.3.3) of all Members of the Steering Committee. Such document shall include the deadline for responses. Decisions taken without a meeting shall be considered as accepted if, within the period set out in article, no Member has sent an objection in writing to the Project Coordinator. The decisions will be binding after the Project Coordinator sends to all Members of the Consortium Body and to the Coordinator a written notification of this acceptance.
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The chairperson of a Consortium Body shall give notice in writing of a meeting to each Member of that Consortium Body as soon as possible and no later than the minimum number of days preceding the meeting as indicated below. Table 2 Preparation and organisation of meetings (minimum notice periods) Ordinary Meeting Extraordinary meeting Governing Board Notice 45 calendar days Agenda 14 calendar days Notice 15 calendar days Agenda 7 calendar days Executive Team Notice 30 calendar days Agenda 14 calendar days Notice 15 calendar days Agenda 7 calendar days Call Steering Committee Notice 30 calendar days Agenda 14 calendar days Notice 15 calendar days Agenda 7 calendar days The chairperson of a Consortium Body shall prepare and send each Member of that Consortium Body a written (original) agenda in accordance with the deadlines stated in table 2 preceding the meeting. In case where the quorum is not reached, and the chairperson of a Consortium Body has to convene another meeting (Section 6.2.3), they shall give notice in writing of the new meeting to each Member of that Consortium Body as soon as possible but no later than the minimum number of days preceding the meeting as indicated above. Any agenda item requiring a decision by the Members of a Consortium Body must be identified as such on the agenda. Any Member of a Consortium Body may add an item to the original agenda by written notification to all of the other Members of that Consortium Body up to 7 calendar days preceding the meeting (2 calendar days for extraordinary meetings). During a meeting the Members of a Consortium Body present or represented can unanimously agree to add a new item to the original agenda. Meetings of each Consortium Body may also be held by teleconference or other telecommunication means. Decisions will only be binding once the relevant part of the Minutes has been accepted according to Section 6.2.5. Decisions without a meeting Any decision may also be taken without a meeting if the Coordinator circulates to all Members of the Consortium Body a written document which is then agreed by the defined majority (see Section 6.2.3.) of all Members of the Consortium Body. Such document shall include the deadline for responses. No response will count as neither pro nor contra and does not count towards the quorum. However, an abstention will count to determine the quorum. Decisions taken without a meeting shall be considered as accepted if, within the period of 15 calendar days, ...
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The Chairman President of each Body shall provide an agenda to the members of the that Body (and also a copy to all the Contractors, even if not members) not later than ten fourteen calendar days in advance of the relevant meeting. The agenda must give full details and background to any proposed decision. Should a Contractor suggest adding a discussion/decision to the proposed agenda, it shall do so in writing to all the corresponding Body’s other members at least seven five (5) calendar days prior to the meeting date. Notifying such decision it with the agenda, the Chairman President of each Body shall may decide whetherthat the meeting shall be held by means of electronic mail, video conference, telephone conference or similar communication systems.
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The Chairperson shall convene ordinary meetings of the General Assembly at least once every twelve months and shall also convene extraordinary meetings at any time upon written request of any Member or whenever the Coordinator puts such a request in writing. The Chairperson shall give notice in writing of a meeting to each Member as soon as possible and no later than 14 calendar days preceding an ordinary meeting and 7 calendar days preceding an extraordinary meeting. The Chairperson shall send each Member a written original agenda no later than 14 calendar days preceding the meeting, or 7 calendar days before an extraordinary meeting. Any agenda item requiring a decision by the Members must be identified as such on the agenda. Any Member may add an item to the original agenda by written notification to all of the other Members no later than 7 calendar days preceding the meeting. During a meeting of the General Assembly the Members present or represented can unanimously agree to add a new item to the original agenda. Any decision may also be taken without a meeting if the Chairperson circulates to all Members a written document which is then signed by the defined majority of Members (see Article 6.3.3 of this Consortium Agreement). Meetings of the General Assembly may also be held by teleconference or other telecommunication means. Decisions will only be binding once the relevant part of the minutes has been accepted according to Article 6.3.5 of this Consortium Agreement.
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The Research Leader shall convene ordinary meetings of the Management Board at least once every 6 (six) months and shall also convene extraordinary meetings at any time upon written request of any Member.
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The Coordinator shall convene meetings of the GA at least once a year. The Coordinator shall give notice in writing of a meeting to each Participant no later than 30 calendar days preceding an ordinary meeting, and 10 calendar days preceding an extraordinary meeting. The Coordinator shall prepare and send each Participant a written (original) agenda no later than 7 calendar days preceding the meeting (2 calendar days for extraordinary meeting). In case where the quorum is not reached, the Coordinator has to convene another meeting and shall give notice in writing of the new meeting to each Participant possible but no later than the minimum number of calendar days preceding the meeting as indicated above. Any agenda item requiring a decision by a Participant must be identified as such on the agenda. Any Participant may add an item to the original agenda by written notification to all of the other Participants up to 7 calendar days preceding the meeting (2 calendar days for extraordinary meeting). During a meeting, the Participants can unanimously agree to add a new item to the original agenda. Any decision may also be taken without a meeting, if the Coordinator circulates to all Participants a written document which is then agreed by the defined majority (see Section 3.2.3. below) of all of all Participants. Such document shall include the deadline for responses. The agreement may also take the form of an electronic vote. The Coordinator shall immediately inform the Participants on the outcome of a written procedure. The decisions within the tasks of the GA to be taken within one (1) week may be taken without a meeting by teleconference or other telecommunication means. The rules foreseen in sections 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 shall apply.
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. According to its governance structure, URBiNAT’s Consortium Bodies will meet as follows: Project meeting Frequency (tentative) Chair Agenda and available before Adding new items to agenda Decision procedure1 General Assembly (XxxX) - ordinary meetings Bi-annual Coordinator 15 calendar days 8 calendar days qualified majority (two thirds of votes) . presence of at least 2/3 of Parties is required. XxxX - extraordinary meetings When deemed necessary, at any time upon written request of the SC or 1/3 of the members of the GA Coordinator 8 calendar days 4 calendar days qualified majority (two thirds of votes) . presence of at least 2/3 of Parties is required.
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The Project Manager will summon the Steering Group to meetings with reasonable notice, usually no less than two weeks prior to the meeting date. The convening letter should be accompanied by an agenda and the documentation needed to deal with the items on the agenda. Decisions, recommendations and discussions of the meetings are recorded in proceedings that are made available to the Parties. The Steering Group chair chairs the meeting, but can delegate the chairing of the whole meeting or particular agenda items to another person being present. If the Steering Group chair is not present, the Steering Group selects a meeting chair among the ones being present.
Preparation and Organisation of Meetings. The chairperson shall convene ordinary meetings of the Management Group at least six times per year and shall also convene extraordinary meetings at any time upon written request of any Member of the Management Group. Meetings of the Management Group will be held using remote conferencing technology, such as teleconferencing or video conferencing or other telecommunication means. The chairperson shall give notice in writing of a meeting, including the agenda, to each Member as soon as possible and not later than 7 calendar days preceding the meeting. Any agenda item requiring a decision by the members of the Management Group must be identified as such on the agenda. Any Member may add an item to the original agenda by written notification to all of the other Members not later than 7 calendar days preceding that meeting. During a meeting of the Management Group the Members can unanimously agree to add a new item to the original agenda. Any decision may also be taken without a meeting if the chairperson circulates to all Members a written document which is then signed by the defined majority of all Members of the Management Group (see Section 6.2.2). Such document shall include the deadline for responses. Meetings of the Management Group can also be held using remote conferencing technology, such as teleconferencing or video conferencing or other telecommunication means. Decisions will only be binding once the relevant part of the minutes has been accepted according to Section 6.2.5 of this Consortium Agreement.