Section 6.2.2 Sample Clauses
Section 6.2.2. Full-time employees’ days of work shall be five (5) consecutive days of work followed by two
Section 6.2.2. 28 Time during working hours may be allowed Association Representatives for attendance at 29 meetings with the District. Time will be allowed for representatives to discuss grievances with 30 involved employees. All employees must report to their supervisors before these meetings, 31 formal or informal, take place during the work day.
Section 6.2.2. 14 All less than year-round employees shall earn vacation credits according to the following:
15 A. An employee with less than three (3) years of service shall earn eight (8) vacation days 16 per year.
17 B. An employee with three (3) years or more of service will earn one (1) additional day per 18 year to a maximum of twenty (20) days per year.
19 C. In computing vacation credit hours, each day shall equal one (1) regular shift based upon 20 the employee’s FTE for the year.
Section 6.2.2. 18 Time during working hours will be allowed Union representatives for attendance at meetings 19 with the District. Time will also be allowed for representatives to discuss with the employees 20 grievances and appropriate matters directly related to work situations in their area or craft. 21 Union representatives will guard against the use of excess time in the handling of such matters.
Section 6.2.2. 39 No employee may retire with more than thirty (30) days of vacation credit.
Section 6.2.2. 3 The second shift shall consist of seven and one-half (7½) hours of work out of eight (8) hours of time 4 coinciding with a thirty (30) minute uninterrupted lunch period as near the middle of the shift as is 5 practicable, and also including a fifteen (15) minute first half and a fifteen (15) minute second half 6 rest period, both of which rest periods shall occur as near the middle of each half (½) shift as is
Section 6.2.2. Subsidiaries.............................................................46
Section 6.2.2. 14 Time during working hours may be allowed Association representatives for attendance at 15 meetings with the District. Time may also be allowed for representatives to discuss with the 16 employees’ grievances and appropriate matters directly related to work situations in their area 17 or craft. District granted release time shall be made up by the employee concerned, as directed 18 by the District. 22 ARTICLE VII 23 24 HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME 25 26 Section 7.1. 27 The workweek shall consist of five (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday, followed by two (2) 28 consecutive days of rest, Saturday and Sunday; provided, however, the District may assign an 29 employee to a workweek of any five (5) consecutive days which are followed by two (2) consecutive 30 days of rest which shall be treated as Saturday and Sunday in that order.
Section 6.2.2. 27 The third shift will consist of seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours, for eight (8) hours 28 compensation, including a thirty (30) minute uninterrupted lunch period as near the middle of 29 the shift as is practicable, and also including a fifteen (15) minute first half and a fifteen (15) 30 minute second half rest period, both of which rest periods will occur as near the middle of each 31 half shift as is practicable. The third shift will be paid a differential of ten cents ($0.10) per 32 hour, excluding the Security Personnel.
Section 6.2.2. Each shift of more than five (5) hours per day shall be allowed a thirty (30) minute 37 uninterrupted, unpaid lunch period and each employee working four (4) consecutive hours shall receive 38 a fifteen (15) minute rest period during the four (4) hour period.