Central Dispute Resolution Committee a) There shall be established a Central Dispute Resolution Committee (CDRC), which shall be composed of two (2) representatives from each of the central parties, and two (2) representatives of the Crown. b) The Committee shall meet at the request of one of the central parties. c) The central parties shall each have the following rights: i. To file a dispute as a grievance with the Committee. ii. To engage in settlement discussions, and to mutually settle a grievance with the consent of the Crown. iii. To withdraw a grievance. iv. To mutually agree to refer a grievance to the local grievance procedure. v. To mutually agree to voluntary mediation. vi. To refer a grievance to final and binding arbitration at any time. d) The Crown shall have the following rights: i. To give or withhold approval to any proposed settlement between the central parties. ii. To participate in voluntary mediation. iii. To intervene in any matter referred to arbitration. e) Only a central party may file a grievance and refer it to the Committee for discussion and review. No grievance can be referred to arbitration without three (3) days prior notice to the Committee. f) It shall be the responsibility of each central party to inform their respective local parties of the Committee’s disposition of the dispute at each step in the central dispute resolution process including mediation and arbitration, and to direct them accordingly. g) Each of the central parties and the Crown shall be responsible for their own costs for the central dispute resolution process.
Formation and Composition The Parties to this agreement will maintain a Joint Administration and Dispute Resolution Committee (JADRC) consisting of five (5) representatives of the employers and five (5) representatives of the Provincial Bargaining Council.
Technical Committee 1. The Technical Committee shall comprise: (a) nine experts representing different regions of the Agreement Area, in accordance with a balanced geographical distribution; (b) one representative from the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), one from the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) and one from the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC); and (c) one expert from each of the following fields: rural economics, game management, and environmental law. The procedure for the appointment of the experts, the term of their appointment and the procedure for designation of the Chairman of the Technical Committee shall be determined by the Meeting of the Parties. The Chairman may admit a maximum of four observers from specialized international inter- governmental and non-governmental organizations. 2. Unless the Meeting of the Parties decides otherwise, meetings of the Technical Committee shall be convened by the Agreement secretariat in conjunction with each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties and at least once between ordinary sessions of the Meeting of the Parties. 3. The Technical Committee shall: (a) provide scientific and technical advice and information to the Meeting of the Parties and, through the Agreement secretariat, to Parties; (b) make recommendations to the Meeting of the Parties concerning the Action Plan, implementation of the Agreement and further research to be carried out; (c) prepare for each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties a report on its activities, which shall be submitted to the Agreement secretariat not less than one hundred and twenty days before the session of the Meeting of the Parties, and copies shall be circulated forthwith by the Agreement secretariat to the Parties; and (d) carry out any other tasks referred to it by the Meeting of the Parties. 4. Where in the opinion of the Technical Committee there has arisen an emergency which requires the adoption of immediate measures to avoid deterioration of the conservation status of one or more migratory waterbird species, the Technical Committee may request the Agreement secretariat to convene urgently a meeting of the Parties concerned. These Parties shall meet as soon as possible thereafter to establish rapidly a mechanism to give protection to the species identified as being subject to particularly adverse threat. Where a recommendation has been adopted at such a meeting, the Parties concerned shall inform each other and the Agreement secretariat of measures they have taken to implement it, or of the reasons why the recommendation could not be implemented. 5. The Technical Committee may establish such working groups as may be necessary to deal with specific tasks.
Recognition of Union Stewards and Grievance Committee In order to provide an orderly and speedy procedure for the settling of grievances, the Employer acknowledges the rights and duties of the Union Stewards. The Xxxxxxx shall assist any Employee, which the Xxxxxxx represents, in preparing and presenting her grievance in accordance with the grievance procedure.
Purpose of the Committee In order to xxxxxx better relations between the parties, the purpose of the Committee shall be to discuss matters of mutual concern including matters pertaining to the improvement of quality health care and safe nursing practice. The Committee shall have the power to make recommendations to the Union and to the Employer.
PROMOTIONS AND VACANCIES 3.1 The Employer will determine when a position will be filled, the type of appointment to be used when filling the position, and the skills and abilities necessary to perform the duties of the specific position within a job classification that is being filled. Only those candidates who have the position-specific skills and abilities required to perform the duties of the vacant position will be referred for further consideration by the employing agency. 3.2 An agency’s internal layoff list will consist of employees who have elected to place their name on the layoff list through Article 35, Layoff and Recall, of this Agreement and are confined to each individual agency. 3.3 The statewide layoff list will consist of employees who have elected to place their name on the statewide layoff list in accordance with WAC 000-00-000. 3.4 A promotional candidate is defined as an employee who has completed the probationary period within a permanent appointment and has attained permanent status within the agency. 3.5 A transfer candidate is defined as an employee in permanent status in the same classification as the vacancy within the agency. 3.6 A voluntary demotion candidate is defined as an employee in permanent status moving to a class in a lower salary range maximum within the agency. 3.7 When filling a vacant position with a permanent appointment, candidates will be certified for further consideration in the following manner: A. The most senior candidate on the agency’s internal layoff list with the required skills and abilities who has indicated an appropriate geographic availability will be appointed to the position. B. If there are no names on the internal layoff list, the agency will certify up to twenty (20) candidates for further consideration. Up to seventy-five percent (75%) of those candidates will be statewide layoff, agency promotional, internal transfers, and agency voluntary demotions. All candidates certified must have the position-specific skills and abilities to perform the duties of the position to be filled. If there is a tie for the last position on the certification for either promotional or other candidates, the agency may consider up to ten (10) additional tied candidates. The agency may supplement the certification with additional tied candidates and replace other candidates who waive consideration with like candidates from the original pool. C. Employees in the General Government Transition Pool Program who have the skills and abilities to perform the duties of the vacant position may be considered along with all other candidates who have the skills and abilities to perform the duties of the position. D. If the certified candidate pool does not contain at least three (3) affirmative action candidates, the agency may add up to three (3) affirmative action candidates to the names certified for the position. When recruiting for multiple positions, the agency may add an additional five (5) agency candidates and five (5) other candidates to the certified list for each additional position.
Composition of Board of Arbitration When either party requests that a grievance be submitted to arbitration, the request shall be made by registered mail addressed to the other party of the Agreement, indicating the name of its nominee on an Arbitration Board. Within five (5) days thereafter, the other party shall answer by registered mail indicating the name and address of its appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two appointees shall select an impartial chairperson.
Grievance Committee The Hospital will recognize a Grievance Committee composed of the Chief Xxxxxxx and not more than (as set out in Local Provisions Appendix) employees selected by the Union who have completed their probationary period. A general representative of the Union may be present at any meeting of the Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to deal with complaints or grievances as set out in this Collective Agreement. The Union shall keep the Hospital notified in writing of the names of the members of the Grievance Committee appointed or selected under this Article as well as the effective date of their respective appointments. A Committee member shall suffer no loss of earnings for time spent during their regular scheduled working hours in attending grievance meetings with the Hospital up to, but not including arbitration. The number of employees on the Grievance Committee shall be determined locally.
Technical Objections to Grievances It is the intent of both Parties of this Agreement that no grievance shall be defeated merely because of a technical error, other than time limitations in processing the grievance through the grievance procedure. To this end, an arbitration board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing of a grievance, in order to determine the real matter in dispute and to render a decision according to equitable principles and the justice of the case.
The Joint Committee (a) shall be composed of representatives of the Governments of the Parties; and (b) may establish and delegate its responsibilities to Sub-Committees.