Procedures for Promotion. (a) During a year in which a librarian is eligible for promotion review, notice shall be sent to the librarian no later than six months prior to the next anniversary date of appointment ; any resulting promotion shall be effective on that anniversary date. The librarian shall, within two weeks of receipt of the notice, indicate in writing to the DOL whether he/she wishes to be considered for promotion.
(b) A librarian may become a candidate for promotion by self-nomination or by accepting nomination by the immediate supervisor, the LPC or the DOL or his/her designee. A nomination for promotion shall be sent in writing to the DOL.
(c) The LPC shall consider each candidate for promotion and shall forward its written recommendation to the DOL. After considering the LPC recommendation and relevant materials, the DOL shall forward all recommendations in writing to the Xxxxxxx for action.
Procedures for Promotion a) The procedures to be followed for the promotion review shall be the same as those set out in Article 10.2.3(a)-(d) for the tenure stream except as set out to the contrary in this Article and except that the term “Xxxx” in Article 10 shall be read as “Principal,” the term “Faculty Member” shall be read as including members appointed under this Article and the term “Tenure Committee” shall be read as “promotions committee”.
b) The composition of the promotions committee shall include seven (7) persons as follows:
Procedures for Promotion. (a) A librarian may become a candidate for promotion by self-nomination or by accepting nomination by the immediate supervisor, the LPC or the DOL or his/her designee. A nomination for promotion shall be sent in writing to the DOL.
(b) The LPC shall consider each candidate for promotion and shall forward its written recommendation to the DOL. After considering the LPC recommendation and relevant materials, the DOL shall forward all recommendations in writing to the xxxxxxx for action.
(c) The procedure set forth in Subsections 20.8.1A and B shall be in accordance with the timelines as set forth in Section 20.12 as set forth in the Master Academic Calendar.
Procedures for Promotion. 21.4.1 It is the responsibility of the Faculty Member to submit to the President of the college an application for promotion, with supporting documentation, on a form which the President will make available. Candidates are requested to submit a notice of intent to apply for promotion by the last day of the fall semester. The application for promotion is due on the 1st day of the spring semester. The President can approve extensions if necessary.
21.4.2 At each college there shall be one Promotion Committee comprised of four (4) bargaining unit members appointed by their respective union and two
Procedures for Promotion. (a) A librarian may become a candidate for promotion by self-nomination or by accepting nomination by the immediate supervisor, the LPC or the DOL or their designee. A nomination for promotion shall be sent in writing to the DOL.
(b) The LPC shall consider each candidate for promotion and shall forward its written recommendation to the DOL. After considering the LPC recommendation and relevant materials, the DOL shall forward all recommendations in writing to the xxxxxxx for action. Copies of the recommendations shall be sent to the librarian and the LPC at the same time they are sent to the next level of review. A copy of the Xxxxxxx’x decision shall be sent to the librarian and the LPC.
(c) The procedure set forth in Subsections 20.8.1.(a) and (b) shall be in accordance with the timelines as set forth in Section 20.12 as set forth in the Master Academic Calendar.
Procedures for Promotion. It is the responsibility of the Faculty Member to submit to the President of the college an application for promotion, with supporting documentation, on a form which the President will make available. All candidates must apply by January 5th.
Procedures for Promotion. The following procedures shall govern consideration for promotion at the college level. The CEO/President or his designee is responsible for ensuring that the procedures are followed.
1. It is the responsibility of the employee to submit to the CEO/President of the college an application for promotion, with supporting documentation, on a form which the CEO/President will make available. Candidates are requested to submit a notice of intent to apply for promotion by the last day of the fall semester. The application for promotion is due on the 1st day of the spring semester. The CEO/President can approve extensions if necessary.
2. A Promotion Committee as described below shall, by March 1, consider each applicant for promotion and shall:
a. Make a recommendation for or against promotion (the committee shall not rank applicants);
b. Inform each applicant, in writing, of the recommendation made;
c. Produce a written recommendation with supporting rationale for each person recommended for promotion in a format to be chosen by the committee. These written recommendations shall be included in the applicant’s promotion application file, but comments contained therein shall not be used in any grievance procedure. At each college there shall be one Promotion Committee comprised of four (4) bargaining unit members appointed by their respective union and two (2) members of the Administration appointed by the CEO/President or his/her designee of the respective college in which the promotion is being considered. The Board shall consult with the Unions with respect to the written instructions which it gives to promotion committees. (See Side Letter Re: Consultation.) The Promotion Committee shall keep a written record of the dates of all meetings, attendance at meetings, and materials considered and shall review the Board guidelines for their work. These records and materials shall be in the custody of the CEO/President or his designee. The committee shall not disclose its records or recommendations except as provided herein. The promotion application and all evaluative material in the applicant’s file generated since her/his previous promotion or original appointment to the college, whichever is more recent, referred to herein as the promotion application file, shall be forwarded to the Promotion Committee by the CEO/President. In making its recommendation, the Promotion Committee shall be guided by the individual’s quality of performance of professional responsibilit...
Procedures for Promotion. Although the terminal degree is normally considered essential, lack of such a degree shall not preclude a faculty member from consideration for promotion provided that he or she has the other prerequisites listed below. To be considered for promotion: From Instructor to Assistant Professor, faculty members must be serving in no less than the second year of their instructorship From Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, faculty members must be serving in no less than the fourth year of their assistant professorship From Associate Professor to Professor, faculty members must be serving in no less than the fifth year of their associate professorship Variations from these minimum service requirements shall be considered only in cases of exceptional performance with regard to the stated criteria for promotion, and require recommendations from the School Xxxx and the tenured faculty of the faculty member’s School to the FAC, which shall vote whether or not to consider such a promotion. A faculty member shall not be entitled to promotion merely because of length of service. A record of accomplishment, and not time in rank, shall be the essential criterion. Leaves of absence are not normally considered as periods of service in rank. However, if faculty members have received leaves under conditions they feel should afford them consideration of time in rank credit based on the academic merit of the particular experience associated with the leave, they may seek approval from the FAC for such credit prior to commencement of the leave. The FAC shall forward its recommendation to the Xxxxxxx and President for their approval. The decision of the Xxxxxxx and President shall be final and binding and not subject to appeal. A faculty member who was not granted time in rank credit prior to beginning a leave based on the academic merit of his or her leave experience may not request that it be granted retroactively. A candidate having been granted time in rank credit based on the academic merit of his or her leave experience shall be bound by the original decision of the Xxxxxxx unless demonstrable extenuating circumstances intervene during the period of the leave preventing performance of his or her intended leave experience. Requests for such consideration must be made to the FAC as soon as practicable. The FAC shall forward its recommendation to the Xxxxxxx and President for their approval. The decision of the President shall be final and binding and not subject to ...
Procedures for Promotion. 5.1 Applicants Apply for Promotion 5.11 Completing a University Application
Procedures for Promotion. Recommendation by the Division/Department/Unit Personnel Committee The Division/Department/Unit Personnel Committee shall prepare a written promotion recommendation for each eligible Employee to the Division/ Department/Unit Chair. The written recommendation shall be supported with written reasons based on the performance standards, Division/Department/ Unit criteria, and materials as specified in Sections 17.5 and 17.6.