PROFESSIONAL EDUCATORS. This agreement between the Board and Association covers a few specific provisions that govern the conduct of the Board and teachers. An overriding principle is that certified teachers are Professional Educators, and as such, are governed by the highest ideals of the profession. Teacher conduct is governed by Federal and State laws, State Board of Education rules, the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators, district policy, and school procedures. Professional educators are classified as Exempt Employees under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. As a Professional, the educator is paid a salary to accomplish the job they are assigned. Although this agreement defines areas such as hours of a workday, the Board and Association acknowledge that Professional Educators put in many more hours to accomplish the tasks. The workday is established to provide for the orderly operation of the schools, safety of students, and convenient access of parents to teachers. As professionals, the administration and staff will cooperate in allowing for some flexibility during the defined workday as long as it does not negatively impact student education or safety. Also, administration and staff will cooperate in allowing for some flexibility outside the defined workday as long as it does not negatively impact personal responsibilities. For the 2021-2022 school year, the Board has approved a calendar for a 190-day contract year, which includes seven national holidays. The calendar will include five (5) professional development/work days before school, one full workday at the end of each trimester and two (2) full professional development days during the school year. The workday for employees has been set at 7.5 hours per day. The District and GCEA recognize the importance of consistent building and staff meetings throughout the school year. Additional meetings may be scheduled by building or district administration .5 hours in length no more than twice per month outside the normal workday. *While this contract and the Board’s approved calendar for the 2021-2022 school year is preliminarily based on a 190 day schedule, however:  Should the District’s overall ADA for the 2021-2022 school year, as determined by the District’s November ISEE report data, see a reduction greater than 1% (2020-2021 school year ADA as documented by Midterm ADA Report 2289.16) the District and GCEA will collaborate on cost saving avenues with the final decision left to the Board. Regar...
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATORS. This agreement between the Board and Association covers a few specific provisions that govern the conduct of the Board and teachers. An overriding principle is that certified teachers are Professional Educators, and as such, are governed by the highest ideals of the profession. Teacher conduct is governed by Federal and State laws, State Board of Education rules, the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators, district policy, and school procedures. Professional educators are classified as Exempt Employees under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. As a Professional, the educator is paid a salary to accomplish the job they are assigned. Although this agreement defines areas such as hours of a workday, the Board and Association acknowledge that Professional Educators put in many more hours to accomplish the tasks. The workday is established to provide for the orderly operation of the schools, safety of students, and convenient access of parents to teachers. As professionals, the administration and staff will cooperate in allowing for some flexibility during the defined workday as long as it does not negatively impact student education or safety. Also, administration and staff will cooperate in allowing for some flexibility outside the defined workday as long as it does not negatively impact personal responsibilities. For the 2019 - 2020 school year, the Board has approved a calendar for a 190-day contract year, which includes seven national holidays. The calendar will include five (5) professional development/work days before school, one full workday at the end of each trimester and two (2) full professional development days during the school year. The workday for employees has been set at 7.5 hours per day.
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATORS. As defined by the Health Ministerial Decree n. 520 – 1998, the Professional Educator (PE) is the social and health worker which, in possession of a qualifying university degree, implements specific educational and rehabilitation projects, as part of a treatment plan developed by a multidisciplinary team, aimed at a balanced development of the personality with educational / relational objectives in a participation context and recovery to daily life.


  • Professional and Education Leaves (a) Leave of absence with pay or without pay may be granted to employees to attend professional and educational meetings, courses, or other events which may be judged beneficial to the employee's professional development, especially as it relates to her responsibilities with the Employer.

  • Contract for Professional Services of Physicians Optometrists, and Registered Nurses

  • Professional Service Consultant agrees that all services and work performed under this agreement will be accomplished in a professional manner, in accordance with the accepted standards of Contractor’s profession.

  • Professional Services Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of the rendering of or failure to render profes- sional services;

  • Professional Services Fees You agree to pay us the professional services fees in the amounts set forth in the Investment Summary. Those amounts are payable in accordance with our Invoicing and Payment Policy. You acknowledge that the fees stated in the Investment Summary are good-faith estimates of the amount of time and materials required for your implementation. We will bill you the actual fees incurred based on the in-scope services provided to you. Any discrepancies in the total values set forth in the Investment Summary will be resolved by multiplying the applicable hourly rate by the quoted hours.

  • General Education University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher

  • Professional Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit, as applicable.

  • Contract for Professional Services of Physicians, Optometrists, and Registered Nurses In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 2254.008(a)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.

  • Special Education Teachers Elementary/Secondary Special Education Coordinators shall be compensated for an extended work day in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000).

  • Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training