Promotion Increase Sample Clauses
Promotion Increase. An employee selected for promotion, within the unit, to a position with a higher salary range shall receive a minimum salary increase of nine percent (9%) for a one salary level change. For a multiple salary level change, an employee shall receive a minimum salary increase of nine percent (9%) plus three percent (3%) for each salary level change beyond the first level or the minimum of the new salary range, whichever is greater.
Promotion Increase. 28 13.8 Reclassification Increase . . . . 28 13.9 Reclassification Procedure . . . . 28
Promotion Increase. When an employee is promoted to a higher classification, they will be placed on a Step in the salary range for the higher classification and that Step must provide fifty cents (.50¢) or more cents per hour wage increase
Promotion Increase. In Fiscal Year 2022‐2023, for all eligible faculty, a Post‐Promotion Increase of 2.65% shall be paid effective on faculty unit employees’ anniversary date. The Post‐Promotion Increase is a program for those senior faculty members (Full professors and Lecturer D faculty and equivalent librarian, counselor, and coaching faculty ranks) who have exhausted all their SSI eligibility.
Promotion Increase. 5F01 Any faculty member whose promotion becomes effective during the term of this Faculty Agreement shall receive a promotional increase of $5,000 (September 1, 2008), $5,000 (September 1, 2009), $5,000 (September 1, 2010), $5,000 (September 1, 2011), and $5,000 (September 1, 2012) which will become a part of the faculty member’s annual base salary. 5F02 Any full professor who has served at the rank of Full Professor for at least eight
Promotion Increase. A Registered Nurse who is promoted to a higher classification shall receive the base compensation rate in the higher classification appropriate to his/her Hospital Date of Hire as a Registered Nurse as set forth in Section 1 of this Article 4.
Promotion Increase. Each member of the faculty who is granted a promotion from Assistant Professor/Librarian II to Associate Professor/Librarian III shall receive a permanent salary increase equal to 7.5% of the associate salary floor on the effective date of his/her promotion. Each member of the faculty who is granted a promotion from Associate Professor/Librarian III to Professor/Librarian IV shall receive a permanent salary increase equal to 10% of the professor salary floor on the effective date of his/her promotion. Promotion from Librarian I to Librarian II or Lecturer I to Senior Lecturer or Associate to Senior Associate shall result in a salary increase equal to 5% of the Assistant Professor floor. No promoted faculty member will be appointed at a base salary less than the floor for the new rank. The cost of increases for promotions shall not enter into the consideration of granting or not granting the promotion.
Promotion Increase. Effective the same date as a promotion, the employee will receive an increase of at least one dollar ($1.00) per hour.
Promotion Increase. 1. A full-time faculty member upon promotion to the next rank will receive an increase in their base wage as follows:
2. part-time faculty member upon promotion to the next rank will receive an increase in their hourly rate as follows: If this increase does not bring the faculty member to the minimum for the rank, the faculty member's wage will be increased to the minimum for the rank.
Promotion Increase. An employee assigned to a higher job classification or temporarily replacing another employee in such higher classification shall be paid at the higher rate as determined in Article 11.04 above for the period so employed and will continue to progress through the scale in 11.05 (a) or (b). When an employee is replacing an employee who is two (2) or more groupings above, the relief rate will be a minimum of $125.00/month between Groups 1, 2(a), 2(b), 3(a), 3(b) and $175.00 per month for Groups IV, V, VI and VII or top out in the salary range for the group they are relieving in. When an employee is relieving in a group below their regular posted group they will maintain their regular rate of pay or up to the top of the scale they are relieving in but no higher.