Full Professor Sample Clauses

Full Professor. The qualifications for promotion to the rank of Full Professor must include continuing performance consistent with the rank of Associate Professor and a distinctive contribution to academic life above the standard required for promotion to Associate Professor. Distinction is defined in the following ways: (a) To be recognized as a distinctive teacher, the candidate must present evidence of superior performance as a teacher and evidence of superior contributions to the teaching of the discipline. (b) Distinctive scholarly activity is scholarly activity recognized at national or international levels. Both the quality and quantity of such work shall be considered by the DRC, the URC and the external referees. (c) Distinctive service to the University and academic community would be evidenced by the candidate having made contributions of leadership and innovation involving decisions and policies that have had a major beneficial influence. The holding of any office, administrative position or memberships are not, in themselves, meritorious but must be accompanied by evidence of contributions that are recognized as outstanding examples of service.
Full Professor. Faculty are eligible to apply for promotion to Full Professor during their third (3rd) year of service as a Senior Associate Professor at the College, unless they have received a “does not meet expectations” rating on their most recent performance review.
Full Professor. A doctorate or terminal degree appropriate to the appointment, and ten
Full Professor. The doctorate in librarianship, an equivalent degree, a second master’s degree, or other terminal degree appropriate to the field, and ten (10) years successful professional experience shall be required. A library faculty member lacking the doctorate or second master’s degree may be appointed to the rank of Full Professor only in exceptional cases and where expertise in their field is clearly equivalent or superior to that associated with the doctorate or second master’s degree.
Full Professor. An Associate Professor will be promoted to Full Professor after the completion of eight (8) years of service as a full-time faculty member in a tenure track position at the College and the completion of forty-five (45) professional improvement credits in educational activities. 1. These activities may include seminars, workshops, classes, conferences, factory schools, field experience, research and development, artistic performance, and publication. 2. Full Professors are eligible to be mentors as outlined in Article VII, Section 5, E.
Full Professor. Members appointed with a bipartite appointment shall be appointed at one of the following ranks:
Full Professor. Defined in Section 4.3. Quarterly Faculty – Defined in Section 4.7. Reduction in Force (including the concepts of “layoff,” “recall” and “seniority”) – Described in Article 15.
Full Professor. An Instructional Faculty Member who holds this rank normally has met the criteria for Associate Professor and has a) a lengthy and meritorious record of effective teaching at all levels, b) international recognition and high standing in the discipline, c) sustained and productive contribution to the advancement of scholarship, and d) significant service to OUC, the profession and the community.
Full Professor. Faculty are eligible to apply for promotion to Full Professor after three (3) years as a Senior Associate Professor at the College.
Full Professor. (a) The Full Professor is someone who, because of his or her qualifications and his or her commitment to the work of the University, is recognized by the latter as a permanent and full member of a Faculty or institute of the university. In order to be promoted to this rank, a professor must: (i) hold a doctoral degree or, in exceptional cases, an equivalence, as described in 14.9 below; (ii) have had his or her competence as a professor demonstrated by the evaluations of his or her teaching; (iii) be capable of directing important research projects; (iv) have, since promotion to the rank of Associate Professor, carried out research that demonstrates an ongoing progress in the advancement of knowledge in his or her area of specialization. Thus, he or she will be the author of an original work, with original understood as meaning that the work is at the origin of a development or an evolution in his or her discipline. In addition, the work is to establish the author as a recognized authority on the subject outside of Saint Xxxx University. This originality and this authority will be recognized by the teaching personnel committee of the professor’s Faculty and confirmed by at least three out of four of his or her peers from outside of Saint Xxxx University, specialists in the same area as that of the professor. Normally, at least one of the four specialists must work outside Canada. The candidate may suggest, in a consultative way, names of specialists in his or her area of specialization. In judging the authority and originality of the work of the candidate, those involved will make use of guidelines, a non-exhaustive list of which has been prepared for this purpose. (v) have accepted and satisfactorily fulfilled reasonable administrative tasks within the University community; (vi) have successfully taught full time in a university for a period of at least ten years, two of which must have been at Saint Xxxx University as Associate Professor, or have acquired a professional experience of equal worth and deemed relevant to teaching at the university level. Sabbatical leaves may be included, but not study leaves. (b) A Full Professor is a member of the council of the teaching unit to which he or she is attached; he or she is eligible for the posts of Xxxx, Vice-xxxx and Secretary. (c) A Full Professor enjoys tenure within the teaching unit, subject to article 53 of the Statutes of Saint Xxxx University. To obtain tenure, however, he must have been a full-time ...