PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGN. The company hereby engages MDC to design and perform a national financial public relations campaign for the benefit of the Company which shall be comprised of the following two components (collectively, the "Campaign"): (a) Advertisement in regional and/or national periodical publications including: (i) inclusion in MDC's proprietary in-flight magazine series which includes the in-flight magazines of United, Delta, Northwest, U.S. Air, American and South West; (ii) nationally published magazines such as Smart Money, Financial World, Golf, Inc., and Worth; (iii) periodic inclusion of the Company in the MDC Stock Report, a monthly newsletter authored by MDC focusing upon emerging growth public companies (collectively, the "Print Media"). The Company shall not appear in all of the foregoing magazines and MDC reserves the right, subject to the restrictions set forth in this Agreement, to select in consultation with the Company the proper combination of Print Media to be utilized in the Campaign. (b) MDC will maintain an Internet Web site with current information on the Company which will be updated upon a written request of the Company (which shall be no more than twice every 30 days) (the "Internet Media") This Internet service shall be provided for two years from date here of, and as compensation MDC will receive the Restricted Securities as set forth in Exhibit B. It is agreed that the term of the Campaign shall commence upon execution of this Agreement and shall terminate once the full value of the Campaign is reached as set forth in Exhibit A hereto. However, the term of this Agreement is one year from the date of execution. In connection with the Campaign, MDC shall provide Company management, distribution, follow-up, and tracking data regarding inquiries from prospective investors to the financial community, including stockbrokers, financial consultants, financial advisors or any other person or persons who are part of MDC's database, who may directly or indirectly want to participate in contacting said prospective investors on behalf of the Company. MDC shall provide the toll free phone number 1-880-XXXXXXX (008-000-0000) xx prospective investors for inquiries on the Company. The Company shall be responsible for the expense of the inbound telemarketing service; (telephone service only not to exceed $1000.00 per month) MDC shall provide a detailed invoice to the Company monthly, and the Company shall reimburse MDC for the expense of answering incoming c...
PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGN. Selling Materials – including electronic (Sales Force and MCO Account Managers) 6. Website(s)
PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGN. The County will execute a large-scale public relations campaign, to be mutually agreed upon in writing by the Parties.
PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGN. The Company hereby engages MDC to design and execute a financial public relations campaign for the benefit of the Company. It will be comprised of the following components (collectively, the "Campaign") and is designed to create a higher level of recognition for the Company's common stock throughout the investment community: (a) MDC will e-mail out 150,000 e-mails per month, to potential investors information on Saf T Lok, Inc. Potential investors will be directed to inquire directly to the Company, for more information, for a possible investment opportunity. (b) MDC will establish and maintain contact with the investment community through its Broker Representative Department to disseminate infor- mation about the Company to brokers, analysts and investment/fund managers. Our database will match the appropriate investment personnel with the Company, in order to develop and broaden the Company's shareholder base. (c) MDC will contact mutual fund managers, broker/dealers, investment banking firms, investment management firms, bank trust departments and insurance company investment units, to introduce, inform, educate and continually update them on the Company's, both long and short term, business objectives/developments. This will include a quarterly newsletter sent by fax to at least 2,000 recipients in the financial community. (d) MDC will maintain an Internet Web site, containing current infor- mation on the Company, which can be updated every 30 days, upon the written request of the Company. All leads on prospective investors generated from this Web site will be sent to the company for their distribution. This Internet service will be maintained for the dur- ation of this Agreement. (e) MDC will provide teleconference call services totaling 500 minutes once every quarter. Additional teleconference services will be billed in accordance with Exhibit C. (f) MDC will provide broadcast faxing services up to 1,000 pages per month. Additional broadcast faxing will be billed in accordance with Exhibit C. The term of the Campaign will commence upon the execution of this Agree- ment, and will terminate on October 23, 1998. In connection with the Campaign, MDC will provide the Company's management with a distribution, follow-up, and data tracking report. This report will be produced on a monthly basis. This report will include stockbrokers, financial consultants, financial advisors and other persons who are included in MDC's database. Attached hereto, as Exhibit A,...


  • Public Relations The parties to this Agreement mutually undertake to do all possible to ensure that in relationships with the general public every effort will be made toward the end that tactful associations are established and maintained particularly where temporary inconvenience may be caused due to construction in progress. Each party hereto undertakes to mutually discuss and correct instances which may arise prejudicial to such good relations.

  • Labour Management Relations Committee In recognition of the mutual benefits of open communications and on-going consultation between the faculty and the employer, the Labour/Management Relations Committee will meet on a regular basis and have equal representation for the Union and the Employer. The LMRC will serve as an open forum for the free and candid discussion of matters of mutual concern to faculty members and management.

  • Financial Public Relations Firm Promptly after the execution of a definitive agreement for a Business Combination, the Company shall retain a financial public relations firm reasonably acceptable to the Representative for a term to be agreed upon by the Company and the Representative.

  • CENTRAL LABOUR RELATIONS COMMITTEE C4.1 OPSBA, the Crown and OSSTF agree to establish a joint Central Labour Relations Committee to promote and facilitate communication between rounds of bargaining on issues of joint interest.

  • LABOUR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS 9:01 No employee or group of employees shall undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the Employer without the proper authorization of the Union. The Employer shall not meet with any employee or group of employees undertaking to represent the Union without the proper authorization of the Union. In representing an employee or group of employees, a representative of the Union shall be the spokesperson. In order that this may be carried out, the Union shall supply the Employer with the names of its Officers and representatives. Likewise the Employer shall supply the Union with a list of its Designated Authorities and Chairs where the Chair is not the Designated Authority. Neither the Union nor the Employer shall be required to recognize such representatives until written notification has been received. 9:02 The Union and the Employer acknowledge the mutual benefit of joint consultation and agree, therefore, that there shall be a joint labour/management committee consisting of three (3) representatives from and selected by each party. There shall be one (1) regularly scheduled Labour/Management Committee meeting in each four (4) month term or semester (January to April, May to August, September to December). In addition, meetings shall be arranged at the request of either party through the Labour Relations Department, by submitting in writing the topics to be discussed. Such meetings shall take place, at a mutually-agreeable time, within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the request for the meeting. Meetings shall not be used to discuss matters which are the subject of a grievance nor to discuss any matters which are, at the time, the subject of collective bargaining. The committee shall function in an advisory capacity only, making recommendations to the Union and/or the Employer with respect to its discussions and conclusions, and shall not have the power to add to or modify the terms of this agreement. A representative of each party shall be designated Co-Chairperson, and the two persons so designated shall alternate in presiding over meetings.

  • Media Relations 7.1 Elected officers or appointed committee chairpersons of the Union shall be allowed to speak or comment to the media while on duty provided they change into civilian clothes and provided further, that they do not purport to represent the views of the Department. The Chief's office shall be informed in advance, whenever possible, of such contact with the media. No member shall leave their duty or work station without specific prior approval of the Chief of the Department or authorized management official. Approval shall include consideration of the operating needs and work schedules of the Department or division to which the member is assigned.

  • Customer Relations A. Actively promote DCP Holding Company in all Marketing, Sales, Public Relations, and Community activity. B. Strategize that the DCP Holding Company product is placed effectively before the public with emphasis on “Agent/Broker” C. Continually monitor the success, quality and effectiveness of DCP Holding Company marketing

  • Grievance Commissioner System This is to confirm the discussion of the parties during collective bargaining that they are committed to encouraging early discussion and resolution of labour relations issues at the local level and seek to resolve grievances in a timely and cost efficient manner. To that end, this is to confirm that pursuant to Article 8, the parties agree that the Employer and Union at individual nursing homes may agree to utilize the following process in order to resolve a particular grievance through the utilization of a joint mediation-arbitration procedure:

  • Investor Relations Firm Promptly after the execution of a definitive agreement for a Business Combination, the Company shall retain an investor relations firm with the expertise necessary to assist the Company both before and after the consummation of the Business Combination for a term to be agreed upon by the Company and the Representative.

  • Statewide HUB Program Statewide Procurement Division Note: In order for State agencies and institutions of higher education (universities) to be credited for utilizing this business as a HUB, they must award payment under the Certificate/VID Number identified above. Agencies, universities and prime contractors are encouraged to verify the company’s HUB certification prior to issuing a notice of award by accessing the Internet (xxxxx:// or by contacting