Recency. All college credits, professional development hours/points and CEUs are subject to 5- year recency (earned during the 5-year period prior to August 1 of the current year, including college credit transcripted for the preceding academic year through the summer term), for the purpose of salary movement during employment. For the purpose of initial salary schedule placement, there is no recency requirement.
Recency. The first aspect is to evaluate the recency of the Offeror’s past performance. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant, and is critical to establishing the relevancy of past performance information. Per Section L, Factor II, Paragraph (f), Offerors shall provide Past Performance references from the past three (3) years from the proposal due date on page 1.
Recency. An assessment of the past performance information will be made to determine if it is recent. To be recent, the effort must be ongoing or must have been performed during the past three (3) years from the date of issuance of this solicitation. For those efforts currently being performed, the Offeror must have been performing for at least six (6) months from the date of issuance of this RFP. Past performance information that fails this condition will not be further evaluated.
Recency. As it pertains to Past Performance information, is a measure of the time that has elapsed since the past performance reference occurred. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant.
Recency. The first is to evaluate the recency of the offeror’s past performance. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant, and is critical to establishing the relevancy of past performance information. For the purpose of this solicitation, recency is performance occurring within the last five (5) years.
Recency. For the purposes of this source selection, recent past performance is defined as contracts performed within three (3) years of the date of the issuance of the solicitation. A relevancy determination of the offeror’s present and past performance, including joint venture partners and/or major subcontractors will be made. In determining relevancy for individual citations, consideration will be given to the effort, or portion of the effort being proposed by the offeror, joint venture partner, or subcontractor whose citation is being reviewed and evaluated. The Government is not bound by the offeror’s opinion of relevancy. The relevancy table and data obtained from other sources will be considered in establishing the relevance of present and past efforts. Relevancy contemplates contracts of a similar magnitude, nature and complexity to include dollar value and contract type. All performance data obtained will be reviewed and evaluated to determine how closely the work performed under those relates to the proposed efforts. Past and present performance data identified by offerors in their proposals will be confirmed, as deemed necessary. The Government may consider as relevant efforts performed for other agencies of the federal, state or local governments and commercial customers. The following relevancy criteria will be applied to each effort provided. The relevancy of the work performed on past performance and present efforts will be assessed for the Technical subfactors and the Cost/Price factor (however, all aspects of performance that relate to this acquisition may be considered). Rating Definition Very Relevant Present/past performance effort involved essentially the same scope and magnitude of effort and complexities this solicitation requires. Relevant Present/past performance effort involved similar scope and magnitude of effort and complexities this solicitation requires. Somewhat Relevant Present/past performance effort involved some of the scope and magnitude of effort and complexities this solicitation requires. Not Relevant Present/past performance effort involved little or none of the scope and magnitude of effort and complexities this solicitation requires. Each offeror shall be assigned one of the ratings in the table below. Pursuant to DFARS 215.305(a)(2), the assessment will consider the extent to which the offeror’s evaluated past performance demonstrates compliance with FAR 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns, and FAR 52.219-9, S...
Recency. The first step is to evaluate the recency of each of the offeror’s past performance projects. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant, and is critical to establishing the relevancy of past performance information. Performance of each reference must be completed within the previous three (3) years of the quotation due date to be considered recent. Projects which are not recent will not be further considered and will not be factored into the offeror’s overall Performance Confidence Assessment Rating.
Recency. The Offeror’s past performance will be determined to be recent if the data used in conducting performance risk assessments does not extend past five years prior to the issue date of the solicitation, but may include performance data generated during the past five years without regard to the contract award date.
Recency. For purposes of this evaluation, past efforts will be considered “recent” if they were performed for at least six months during the past three years prior to the due date of proposals, per Section L Efforts that do not meet these criteria will not be considered.
Recency. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant, and is critical to establishing the relevancy of past performance information. Per Section L, paragraph 4.3.1, Past Performance References from the three years prior to the proposal due date will be considered recent.