Recency. All college credits, professional development hours/points and CEUs are subject to 5- year recency (earned during the 5-year period prior to August 1 of the current year, including college credit transcripted for the preceding academic year through the summer term), for the purpose of salary movement during employment. For the purpose of initial salary schedule placement, there is no recency requirement.
Recency. The first aspect is to evaluate the recency of the Offeror’s past performance. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant, and is critical to establishing the relevancy of past performance information. Per Section L, Factor II, Paragraph (f), Offerors shall provide Past Performance references from the past three (3) years from the proposal due date on page 1.
Recency. An assessment of the past performance information will be made to determine if it is recent. To be recent, the effort must be ongoing or must have been performed during the past three (3) years from the date of issuance of this solicitation. For those efforts currently being performed, the Offeror must have been performing for at least six (6) months from the date of issuance of this RFP. Past performance information that fails this condition will not be further evaluated.
Recency. As it pertains to past performance information, is a measure of the time that has elapsed since the past performance reference occurred. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant.
Recency. Only contract period of performances within five years from the date of the TEST2 original solicitation will be considered in the past performance evaluation. Within this five year period, more recent performance will receive greater consideration in the performance confidence assessment than those with more distant performance, assuming all other considerations to be equal. If the contract is still ongoing, it must have a documented performance history. The Government will not consider performance on a newly awarded contract that has no documented performance history (in other words, projects that are less than six months under contract.) Offerors with no past performance experience shall so state. Relevancy: For purposes of this procurement, relevancy will be assessed using the following definitions for the responsibilities being proposed: Relevancy Table Very Relevant Present/past performance effort involved essentially the same or similar scope, magnitude of effort and complexities this solicitation requires. Relevant Present/past performance effort involved much of the scope, magnitude of effort and complexities this solicitation requires. Somewhat Relevant Present/past performance contractual effort involved some of the scope, magnitude of effort and complexities than this solicitation requires. Not Relevant Present/past performance effort involved little or none of the scope and magnitude of effort and complexities this solicitation requires. This evaluation will consider what the corporate parent, affiliate, or other organizational entities (division(s), business units, segments) are responsible for and/or proposing to do on the TEST2 effort and the specific resources (workforce, management, facilities, or other resources) to be employed and relied upon, such that the corporate parent, affiliate, or other organizational entity your company will have meaningful involvement in contract performance, in determining relevancy. More recent and more relevant past performance will receive greater consideration in the performance confidence assessment than less recent or less relevant past performance. The performance confidence assessment will be based on the recency, magnitude, complexity and content of the projects being evaluated for past performance, as compared to the effort in the RFP. Contracts that exhibit all specific trades and type of work required under the solicitation statement of work will be considered more relevant than contracts limited t...
Recency. The first is to evaluate the recency of the Offeror’s past performance. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant, and is critical to establishing the relevancy of past performance information. For the purposes of this solicitation, recent contracts are defined as those on which performance has been conducted three years prior to the posting date of the solicitation.
Recency. First, the Government will evaluate each past performance reference to determine recency. To be recent, the effort must have been performed during the three (3) years prior to date for receipt of offers. Evaluation will focus only on work experience already performed. Yet-to-be performed work, experience prior to the last three (3) years, and work performance for less than a year (12-months) will not be considered.
Recency. First, the Government will evaluate each past performance reference to determine xxxxxxx.Xx be recent, the effort must have been performed for six (6) months or longer during the five (5) years prior to date for receipt of offers. Evaluation will focus only on work experience already performed. Yet-to-be performed work, experience prior to the last five (5) years and work performed for less than six (6) months will not be considered past performance and will not be further considered.
Recency. For purposes of this evaluation, past efforts will be considered “recent” if they were performed for at least six months during the past three years prior to the due date of proposals, per Section L Efforts that do not meet these criteria will not be considered.
Recency. Recency is generally expressed as a time period during which past performance references are considered relevant, and is critical to establishing the relevancy of past performance information. Per Section L, paragraph 4.3.1, Past Performance References from the three years prior to the proposal due date will be considered recent.