Professional Development Hours Sample Clauses
Professional Development Hours. The District will offer, and all teachers will participate in, professional development opportunities as required in Section 380.1527 of the Michigan Revised School Code. This professional development may be a combination of district-wide, building level and teacher selected in- service. Teachers are responsible for documenting these hours using the state’s system (MOECS). Teachers are encouraged to log professional development hours online as they complete them throughout the year. The District will consider providing opportunities for teachers to earn State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH’s) and/or District Provided Professional Development (DPPD).
1) The professional development hours required of part-time/shared time teachers will be prorated (ex: a half-time (.5) teachers will complete one half (1/2) the hours required of a full-time teacher).
2) Teachers who are hired after the beginning of the school year will complete the professional development hours offered by the District subsequent to their date of hire. Teachers who are not at work due to FMLA or extended sick leave will complete the professional development hours offered by the District subsequent to their return.
3) In the event that the state reduces the requirements for staff development days, teachers will be required to complete a maximum of twelve (12) hours of training per year, which will include the District in-service day (six hours) and six (6) additional hours.
4) Failure to comply with the above annual requirement may result in the docking of one hour's pay for each hour of building and teacher choice in-service that is not completed and/or disciplinary action.
5) All teachers will engage in six (6) hours of self-selected professional development aligned with Michigan Department of Education (MDE) guidelines outside their regular work day.
6) With respect to professional development for new teachers in their first three years of their career (in accordance with Section 1536 of the school code), and the teachers in their first year in Farmington, to be better exposed to best practices in the District, it is expected that such teachers shall attend the summer probationary teacher orientation/teacher training session, and up to an additional eight (8) hours of professional development as determined by the District outside of the teacher workday without additional compensation. These hours shall be SCECH eligible from the District. The District will pay up to four ...
Professional Development Hours. The District shall continue to offer professional development and training in accordance with the Illinois State Board of Education’s guidance for professional development providers. The District will offer each teacher at least the number of Professional Development Hours (PDH) each year that is one-fifth (1/5) the number required to renew the teacher’s license. These PDHs will be offered during the teacher’s regular work schedule. In addition to the minimum number of PDHs described above, the District will offer additional PDH opportunities for teachers each year, some of these opportunities will be offered virtually and some will be offered in person.
Professional Development Hours. Effective 2000-2001, one (1) day shall be added to the work year for teaching staff unit members that shall consist of 186 days for newly hired employees and 184 days for existing employees. Said day shall be a regular length work day [7 hours], which shall be used for in- service and five (5) hours of that day shall be dedicated to activities which shall count toward each employee’s 100 hours of professional growth. This additional day shall not be scheduled during the months of May or June. The Association is invited to suggest programs for professional development and discuss same with the Board.
Professional Development Hours. For the 2018-19 school year, all members shall have the option of working additional optional professional development hours, at their daily rate of pay, that are outside the school day/calendar year. Members may not use Personal Necessity or Sick time to account for these optional professional development hours.
a. The focus will be on the development and implementation of practices that are responsive to the student needs (e.g. language development, differentiation, numeracy and literacy strategies, equity, and classroom management). The Professional Development days will be designed in consultation and collaboration with SJTA. The dates for these optional days will be calendared as follows: Elementary PD Day = Second Secondary teacher workday Secondary PD Day = Second Elementary teacher workday PN and Sick Leave may not be used to cover absence on these optional days. Compensation is based on attendance.
Professional Development Hours. 44 Beginning August 1, 2018, annually each employee shall be required to participate in 15 hours of 45 professional development (outside of time already compensated), to focus on the District’s instructional 47 Evaluation Project (TPEP), etc. Options include: 49 • Attending weekly district-offered professional development made available throughout the year 50 • Attending site-based RTI meetings 51 • Attending the annual PLC conference (in August, for the upcoming school year) 52 • Attending the AVID summer institute (in August, for the upcoming school year)
Professional Development Hours a. Professional Development hours completed? Yes/No
Professional Development Hours. For the 2017-18, and 2018-19 school years, all members shall have the option of working additional optional professional development hours at their daily rate of pay, that are outside the school day/calendar year. Members may not use Personal Necessity or Sick time to account for these optional professional development hours. The optional professional development hours must be used for professional development aligned to district/school priorities. These optional professional development hours will be scheduled as follows:
a. 2017-18 and 2018-19 Six hours of optional District sponsored professional development shall be paid at the member’s pro rata daily rate of pay. The focus will be on the development and implementation of practices that are responsive to the student needs (e.g. language development, differentiation, numeracy and literacy strategies, equity, and classroom management). The Professional Development days will be designed in consultation and collaboration with SJTA. The dates for these optional days will be calendared as follows: Elementary PD Day = Second Secondary teacher workday Secondary PD Day = Second Elementary teacher workday PN and Sick Leave may not be used to cover absence on these optional PD days. Compensation is based on attendance.
Professional Development Hours a. Professional Development hours completed?
b. Number of hours completed I understand that if I plan to attach a response, I have 2 weeks or 10 workdays. I understand that if my response is not received by / / , my evaluation will be completed without my comments. Signature shall not be understood, interpreted, or indicate agreement with the content of the material. Administrator Signature Date Employee Signature Date Employee Name: Employee ID#: Position: I understand that if I plan to attach a response, I have 2 weeks or 10 workdays. I understand that if my response is not received by / / , my evaluation will be completed without my comments. Signature shall not be understood, interpreted, or indicate agreement with the content of the material. Administrator Signature Date Employee Signature Date Employee Name: Employee ID#: Position: School Year: School Building(s):
Professional Development Hours. Staff are responsible for organizing their own professional development hours/courses. The cost of professional development hours/courses will be reimbursed by the Employer and will require prior approval of the Employer.
Professional Development Hours. Up to 20% of service hours may be spent on professional development. These hours are optional to complete but are encouraged. • These hours must be recorded on the timesheet as “Professional Development” and approved by the supervisor. They may not negatively affect the member’s ability to serve. • Some examples of acceptable member professional development activities include: o Any reflection, elective classes, symposiums, workshops, or presentations that will support the member’s service to their community o New language acquisition to better serve the community o Expanding the member’s network and developing networking skills while working with local non-profits and/or government agencies o Development, implementation, and/or involvement with peer training o An intercultural communication class to work more effectively with recent immigrants at the member’s service site o Professional conference workshops and presentations