Timesheets Sample Clauses
Timesheets. Employees are required to submit complete and accurate electronic time sheets. In the event that a time sheet is revised or changed, the supervisor will promptly notify the employee.
Timesheets. The Employee shall complete timesheets in accordance with the directions of the Employer. Timesheets shall be completed accurately and any false completion of timesheets may result in immediate termination of employment.
Timesheets. 5.1 At the end of each week of an Assignment (or at the end of the Assignment where it is for a period of 1 week or less or is completed before the end of a week) you shall deliver to Nursdoc a timesheet duly completed to indicate the number of hours worked during the preceding week (or such lesser period) and signed by an authorised representative of the Client. You shall follow such procedure for approval of a Timesheet as Nursdoc may require from time to time. Where this is not reasonably possible you shall, in any event, ensure you submit Timesheets within thirty (30) days of the end of the period to which the Timesheet relates.
5.2 For the avoidance of doubt, where your Assignment is for a Client, that uses an electronic timesheet or booking system, the point of authorisation by the client will be per the electronic system and not per any other form of Timesheet.
5.3 If you are not able to submit a Timesheet within the period set out in clause 5.1, you must inform Xxxxxxx as soon as reasonably practicable and may only submit Timesheets outside of these time periods with the prior written agreement of Nursdoc.
5.4 Subject to clause 5.5 Nursdoc shall pay you for all hours worked regardless of whether Nursdoc has received payment from the Client for those hours. You will normally receive payment from Nursdoc in respect of a Timesheet(s) approved /signed in accordance with clause 5.1 above within 30 days of Nursdoc receiving a valid Timesheet(s), regardless of whether Nursdoc has received payment from the Client..
5.5 Where you fail to submit a properly authenticated timesheet, Nursdoc shall, in a timely fashion, conduct further investigations into the hours claimed by you and the reasons that the Client has refused to sign a timesheet in respect of those hours. This may delay any payment due to you. Nursdoc shall make no payment to you for hours not worked.
5.6 For the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of the Working Time Regulations, your working time shall only consist of those periods during which you are carrying out your activities or duties as part of the Assignment. Time spent travelling to the Client’s premises, lunch breaks and other rest breaks shall not count as part of your working time. This clause
Timesheets. 5.1. At the end of each week of an Assignment (or at the end of the Assignment where it is for a period of 1 week or less or is completed before the end of a week) the Agency Worker shall deliver to the Employment Business a timesheet duly completed to indicate the number of hours worked during the preceding week (or such lesser period) and signed by an authorised representative of the Hirer.
5.2. Subject to clause 5.3 the Employment Business shall pay the Agency Worker for all hours worked regardless of whether the Employment Business has received payment from the Hirer for those hours.
5.3. Where the Agency Worker fails to submit a properly authenticated timesheet the Employment Business shall, in a timely fashion, conduct further investigations into the hours claimed by the Agency Worker and the reasons that the Hirer has refused to sign a timesheet in respect of those hours. This may delay any payment due to the Agency Worker. The Employment Business shall make no payment to the Agency Worker for hours not worked.
5.4. For the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of the WTR, the Agency Worker’s working time shall only consist of those periods during which s/he is carrying out activities or duties for the Hirer as part of the Assignment. Time spent travelling to the Hirer’s premises (apart from time spent travelling between two or more premises of the Hirer), lunch breaks and other rest breaks shall not count as part of the Agency Worker’s working time for these purposes. This clause 5.4 is subject to any variation set out in the relevant Assignment Details Form or any variation to the relevant Assignment Details Form which the Employment Business may make for the purpose of compliance with the AWR.
Timesheets. (a) At the end of each week of an Assignment (or at the end of the Assignment where it is for a period of less than one week or is completed before the end of a week) the Temporary Worker shall deliver to the Employment Business his/her timesheet duly completed to indicate the number of hours worked by the Temporary Worker during the preceding week or such shorter period and signed by an authorised representative of the Client.
(b) If the Temporary Worker fails to comply with Clause 11 (a) above, the Employment Business shall be entitled to make further enquiries of the Temporary Worker, the Client and/or any other relevant third party in order to ascertain the actual hours worked by the Temporary Worker and in respect of which payment of fees would be due. The Employment Business will make such enquiries as soon as is reasonably practicable but the Temporary Worker should be aware that this may delay any payment of fees to him/her. The Employment Business is not obliged to make any payment to the Temporary Worker for hours not worked by him/her. Should it subsequently become apparent that the Temporary Worker has been overpaid then the Employment Business reserves the right to deduct any such overpayment from any subsequent fees due to the Temporary Worker and/or to recover any such overpayment (or part thereof) by way of legal proceedings against the Temporary Worker.
(c) For the purposes of the Working Time Regulations 1998 (as amended) the working time of the Temporary Worker shall only consist of those periods during which s/he is carrying out his/her activities for the Client as part of the Assignment. For the avoidance of doubt, time spent travelling to the Client’s premises, lunch breaks and other rest breaks shall not count as part of the Temporary Worker’s working time.
Timesheets. 7.1. At the end of each week of an Assignment, unless instructed otherwise, the Agency Worker shall deliver to the Company a fully and accurately completed timesheet indicating the number of hours worked during the preceding week (or such lesser period) and signed by an authorised representative of the Hirer.
7.2. Subject to clause 7.3 the Company shall pay the Agency Worker for all hours worked regardless of whether the Company has received payment from the Hirer for those hours.
7.3. Should the Agency Worker fail to submit a properly completed or authorised timesheet, the Company shall conduct an investigation regarding the hours claimed by the Agency Worker and the reasons for the Hirer’s refusal to sign a timesheet in respect of those hours. The Company shall endeavour to complete the investigation in a timely manner however this may delay any payment due to the Agency Worker.
7.4. For the purposes of the WTR, the Agency Worker’s working time shall only consist of those periods during which he/she undertakes work for the Hirer as part of the Assignment. Subject to any amendments made to the Agency Worker’s basic working conditions during the term of this Agreement, and set out in the relevant Assignment Schedule in compliance with Regulation 5 of the AWR, time spent travelling to the Hirer’s premises, lunch breaks and other rest breaks shall not count as part of the Agency Worker’s working time for these purposes, unless otherwise detailed in the assignment schedule.
Timesheets. 9.1. At the end of each week of an Assignment (or at the end of the Assignment where it is for a period of 1 week or less or is completed before the end of a week) you shall deliver to the Company, unless otherwise agreed, no later than 6.00 pm on the Friday of the assignment week, a timesheet duly completed to indicate the number of hours worked during the preceding week (or such lesser period) and signed by an authorised representative of the Client.
9.2. Subject to the provisions of clause 9.3, the Company shall pay you for all hours worked regardless of whether the Company has received payment from the Client.
9.3. Where you fail to submit a properly authenticated timesheet the Company shall, in a timely fashion, conduct further investigations into the hours claimed by you and the reasons that the Client has refused to sign a timesheet in respect of those hours. This may delay any payment due to you. The Company shall make no payment to you for hours claimed but not worked and you may be subject to the Company’s disciplinary procedure if you seek payment for hours you have not worked.
Timesheets. If applicable, each Employee shall submit to Prudential hardcopy timesheets with all required information properly completed, including, but not limited the number of hours worked. Each timesheet shall include: the signature of the Prudential and Vendor Project managers; a clear indication of the time period covered by the timesheet; the number of hours of approved overtime for the period (if any); and the initials of the Prudential officer authorizing such overtime. Alternatively, in the event that Prudential requests that Vendor and its Employees use a time management or time tracking system (whether made available on-line or in hard copy) for the submission of time to Prudential in connection with an Engagement Schedule, Vendor agrees to use, and agrees to require its Employees to use, such system to submit to Prudential all time worked by such Employees. Prudential may provide additional terms and conditions regarding the use of the time management or time tracking system from time to time and Vendor agrees to comply with such terms. Vendor further agrees that the time submitted by an Employee on the Prudential time tracking system, once approved by the authorized Prudential approver, shall be dispositive of the time charged for that Employee for the applicable period and such time shall not be altered or disputed by Vendor after its submission to Prudential through the time tracking system absent Prudential's written approval. Prudential has the right to dispute incorrect charges or time submitted by Employees at any time and Vendor will promptly correct any such incorrect charges or time submissions. If Prudential requires Vendor to use a time tracking or time management system for the electronic submission of timesheets pursuant to this Section, and the electronic timesheet is approved by Prudential, Section does not apply and handwritten approval and submission of hardcopy timesheets will not be provided by Prudential or required of Vendor.
Timesheets. If the timesheet is changed, anytime, after it is signed by the employee, a copy of the modified timesheet must be given to the employee, with the change identified and reason(s) for the change(s) clearly stated and the identity of the person making the change clearly indicated, within seven (7) calendar days of the change. Signed timesheets are due to the Human Resources Office by 10:00
a. m. every Monday of payweek.
Timesheets. 5.1. At the end of each week of an Assignment (or at the end of the Assignment where it is for a period of 1 week or less) the Hirer shall sign the Employment Business' timesheet verifying the number of hours worked by the Agency Worker during that week.
5.2. Signature of the timesheet by the Hirer is confirmation of the number of hours worked. If the Hirer is unable to sign a timesheet produced for authentication by the Agency Worker because the Hirer disputes the hours claimed, the Hirer shall inform the Employment Business as soon as is reasonably practicable and shall co-operate fully and in a timely fashion with the Employment Business to enable the Employment Business to establish what hours, if any, were worked by the Agency Worker. Failure to sign the timesheet does not absolve the Hirer of its obligation to pay the Charges in respect of the hours worked.
5.3. The Hirer shall not be entitled to decline to sign a timesheet on the basis that it is dissatisfied with the work performed by the Agency Worker. In the event that the Hirer is dissatisfied with the Agency Worker the provisions of clause 10.1 below shall apply.