RECRUITMENT & TRAINING. The MDLZ Group will need to recruit and train staff to replace those who leave pursuant to item 2 above.
RECRUITMENT & TRAINING. 6.1 The PCSOs shall be recruited and trained to the Authority’s normal PCSO standard. They will be subject to the North Wales Police Authority Support Staff Discipline and Grievance procedures 6.2 All PCSOs will be subject to the North Wales Police Authority Support Staff standard Terms and Conditions of Service 6.3 All PCSOs will be subject to a probation period of at least six months
RECRUITMENT & TRAINING. 3.1 The District Council will arrange for the Neighbourhood Wardens to be recruited and trained to the Council’s normal standard and subject to the Horsham District Council Staff Discipline & Grievance procedures. 3.2 The Warden Supervisor may be able to provide limited cover for Warden duties during times of absence, including but not limited to annual leave, sickness or maternity leave. However, in the event of staff absence it may be necessary to alter shift patterns for the lone working Warden to reduce any risks associated with times of day and activity. 3.3 All Neighbourhood Wardens will be subject to the Horsham District Council standard terms and conditions of service.
RECRUITMENT & TRAINING. In an effort to assist eligible employees with the job application process, the City will hold quarterly training sessions available to eligible employees. The training sessions will include such topics as resume building, development of interviewing skills, and xxxx interviews. Eligible employees who wish to participate will be provided time during their normal working hours to attend the training, subject to supervisory approval which will not be unreasonably withheld. City will make reasonable accommodations to allow employees whose normal working hours do not coincide with the training an opportunity to attend.


  • Recruitment When advertising for employees, the contractor will include in all advertisements for employees the notation: "An Equal Opportunity Employer." All such advertisements will be placed in publications having a large circulation among minorities and women in the area from which the project work force would normally be derived. a. The contractor will, unless precluded by a valid bargaining agreement, conduct systematic and direct recruitment through public and private employee referral sources likely to yield qualified minorities and women. To meet this requirement, the contractor will identify sources of potential minority group employees, and establish with such identified sources procedures whereby minority and women applicants may be referred to the contractor for employment consideration. b. In the event the contractor has a valid bargaining agreement providing for exclusive hiring hall referrals, the contractor is expected to observe the provisions of that agreement to the extent that the system meets the contractor's compliance with EEO contract provisions. Where implementation of such an agreement has the effect of discriminating against minorities or women, or obligates the contractor to do the same, such implementation violates Federal nondiscrimination provisions. c. The contractor will encourage its present employees to refer minorities and women as applicants for employment. Information and procedures with regard to referring such applicants will be discussed with employees.

  • Job Training ‌ The Employer and the Union shall establish a Joint Committee on Training and Skill Upgrading for the following purposes: (1) for planning training programs for those employees affected by technological change; (2) for planning training programs to enable employees to qualify for new positions being planned through future expansion or renovation; (3) for planning training programs for those employees affected by new methods of operation; (4) for planning training programs in the area of general skill upgrading. Whenever necessary, this Committee shall seek the assistance of external training resources such as the Federal Human Resources Development Canada and Provincial Ministry of Labour, or other recognized training institutions.

  • Non-Recruitment The Executive agrees that the Company has invested substantial time and effort in assembling its present workforce. Accordingly, the Executive covenants and agrees that during the Term and the Post-Termination Period, he shall not, directly or indirectly through any other person or entity, solicit, induce or influence (other than pursuant to general, non-targeted public media advertisements), or attempt to solicit, induce or influence, any employee of the Company to leave his or her employment.

  • Training a. The employer, in consultation with the local, shall be responsible for developing and implementing an ongoing harassment and sexual harassment awareness program for all employees. Where a program currently exists and meets the criteria listed in this agreement, such a program shall be deemed to satisfy the provisions of this article. This awareness program shall initially be for all employees and shall be scheduled at least once annually for all new employees to attend. b. The awareness program shall include but not be limited to: i. the definitions of harassment and sexual harassment as outlined in this Agreement; ii. understanding situations that are not harassment or sexual harassment, including the exercise of an employer's managerial and/or supervisory rights and responsibilities; iii. developing an awareness of behaviour that is illegal and/or inappropriate; iv. outlining strategies to prevent harassment and sexual harassment; v. a review of the resolution of harassment and sexual harassment as outlined in this Agreement; vi. understanding malicious complaints and the consequences of such; vii. outlining any Board policy for dealing with harassment and sexual harassment; viii. outlining laws dealing with harassment and sexual harassment which apply to employees in B.C.

  • Trainings Appointment of any length involving two (2) or more Consumers who might need to split up to join different trainings, group discussions, etc.

  • Employee Training The Provider shall provide periodic security training to those of its employees who operate or have access to the system. Further, Provider shall provide LEA with contact information of an employee who LEA may contact if there are any security concerns or questions.

  • Periodic Recruitment The State reserves the right to add new Contractors during the term of the Centralized Contract via periodic recruitment. OGS will formally announce when the periodic recruitment Solicitation is issued. It is at the discretion of OGS when a future periodic recruitment shall commence. A periodic recruitment will be publicly announced through all standard means including, but not limited to: the NYS Contract Reporter; and OGS website. All OGS Centralized Contracts awarded under the Periodic Recruitment will commence upon OGS approval. All Contracts will co-terminate on the then current end date of the Centralized Contract or at the end of any approved extension or renewal period

  • Technical Training The CAISO and the Participating TOs shall respond to reasonable requests for support and provide relevant technical training to each other’s employees to support the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of the CAISO Controlled Grid and to comply with any NERC or WECC operator certification or training requirements. Examples of such technical training include, but are not limited to: (1) the theory or operation of new or modified equipment (e.g., control systems, Remedial Action Schemes, protective relays); (2) computer and applicator programs; and (3) CAISO (or Participating TO) requirements. The Parties shall enter into agreements regarding the timing, term, locations, and cost allocation for the training.

  • Employee Orientation Each and every person working for a contractor, including sub- contractors, will be given an orientation to familiarize them with the site safety program. Unless otherwise specified, each sub-contractor is responsible for the orientation of their workers.

  • On-the-Job Training (10-16-07) (Rev. 4-21-15) Z-10