Reflections Sample Clauses

Reflections. What did you learn about the problem or issue you were trying to address? What did you learn about the population served? What factors contributed to your success? What, if any, were the significant challenges encountered? How did you address both anticipated and unanticipated challenges in the course of the project?
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Reflections debriefs, social analysis: Either before or after evening prayer, a deliberate time of reflection and debriefing will be led by one of the group leaders or chaperones. This will provide participants with the opportunity to reflect on their day, express their observations and feelings, and discuss what they have learned. Reflection time is one of the most profound and important parts of each day.
Reflections b. Areas of strength
Reflections. None Tax: None Buy Side Tax: None Sell Side Tax: None Uniswap Pool Fee: .03 BOT will develop the EVEREST token website under the URL which is currently held by BOT for HMLA. BOT will be responsible for all logo design as well as token graphic design for the project. HMLA will have final approval of all designs before they are published. BOT will prepare the initial EVEREST pool on Uniswap. The pool will be paired with ETH and will be funded by HMLA. The pre-launch price will be .25 per token with a suggested pre-launch price of .10 per token. BOT will integrate the EVEREST token within the DiVinciPay merchant platform so the token can be used a participating merchants, to pay for goods and services. BOT will install DiVinciPay on the website for Web3 functionality so customers can buy the EVEREST token and have it delivered to their Ethereum based wallet, without the need for human assistance. Within 4 hours after the launch of the EVEREST pool on Uniswap, BOT will update the token information on wxx.xxxxxxxx.xx. This will instantly move the EVEREST token to above 50 on the trust scale and provide new potential buyers to the EVEREST token.
Reflections. [What did you learn as a result of this project? What factors contributed to your success? What, if any, were the significant challenges encountered? How did you address both anticipated and unanticipated challenges in the course of the project?] Impact stories [Please share a testimonial story that captures the impact or this grant. (Where anonymity is required, please use pseudonyms.)] Grantee’s capacity building [As a result of this project has the Grantee Organization: formed new partnerships? Improved its ability to meet service population needs? Refocused resources or identified new resources? Expanded services/client base? Placed greater priority on this work? Built organizational technical capacity? Other?] Will the project/ program continue beyond the term of this Grant? [yes/no] Financial Reporting: Grant fund expenditures: Please complete the following Advance Reconciliation Form for any remaining project expenses paid using Grant funds through grant expiration. Use cost categories that align with your internal accounting of grant funds. Attach copies of receipts or other evidence of payment for expenses claimed such as payroll reports or time records for program wages, salaries, and benefits, sign-in sheets, etc. Any grant funds unexpended by grant expiration must be returned to the City. ADVANCE RECONCILIATION To: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability 0000 XX 0xx Xxx., Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxxxx, XX DO NOT PAY ADVANCE RECOVERY USCM – Portland Digital Equity Service Corps Vendor #: DPO #: 97201 From: Grantee Name Address City, State Zip Code Project Name City Grant Agreement Number Reconciliation Period Date Total Grant Award: $ Total Amount Advanced: $ Actual Project Expenditures Budget Category/ Description Expenditures reported Prior Periods Expenditures reported This Period Total Expenditures Reported Remaining Balance Total Expenses this Period $ Total Amount Recovered (including previous recovery periods) $ Amount Remaining $ Prepared by: Date: Signature: By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate, and the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties fo...
Reflections. What actions can I take to improve this competency? • Download the Sample Coach Agreement from the ICF website (xxxx:// • For coaching agreements with 3 parties (coach, client, sponsor), think about how you will define each stakeholder’s roles & responsibilities, communicate status to the sponsor, and establish confidentiality. • Create and employ a coaching agreement for all clients • Here are some typical questions coaches use to establish the coaching agreement. Which set do you think contains the most effective questions? Set#1 What will help us get started? What’s on your mind? How are you? What’s up? How can I help you? What would be valuable to explore today? What would you like to work on or discuss that would really make a difference to you? How would you like to use our time together today? What would you like to focus on today? What would you like to accomplish by the end of our session? The first set of questions are open-ended to the point that the client may meander through their thoughts, delaying the client from honing in on what is most important to accomplish for this coaching session. Some coaches may ask a general question from Set #1 and then ask a follow up question from set #2. So why not be more direct in the first place with your question? Help the client begin to focus so you can help them to establish an effective coaching agreement for the session. Establishing the agreement is not intended to create some sort of rigidity. Once you and your client have agreed on the desired outcome of a session, you "step into" the issue and sometimes, your client might wander away from the topic or find an insight and another "goal" that neither could have suspected at the beginning of the session. In that case, we should become aware of that and bring that awareness back to our client. We can say something like, "I noticed we wandered off your original goal. Would you like to re-establish our agreement (design another desired outcome or goal to work on) or would you like to get back to our original topic?" As a result, it's always alive and fluid, not constricting. The agreement is there so our clients can be responsible at all times about what they want and so that we can help them get it. Resources
Reflections. While the primary researcher concluded the current study following completion of the three main areas of analysis related to healthy parenting practices, maternal self- efficacy, and experiences receiving feedback and providing advice, she also recorded additional areas of interest for future analysis. These included mothers’ comparisons of their own childhoods to their current parenting and a specific review of mother-reported changes in child behavior, especially as compared to the findings of the Legacy pair of RCTs. Owing to time and length constraints, these analyses were not completed; however, future research may benefit from exploration of these areas. Overall, the findings of the current study confirm the previous results of CDC’s evaluation of the Legacy program. Mothers demonstrate knowledge and understanding of healthy parenting practices, as well as improvements related to self-efficacy. The differences between sites indicate that mothers in Los Angeles may apply and describe certain parenting practices at a more advanced level than mothers in Miami; additional research is advised to better understand these differences. Future research may also seek to generate larger theories that speak to the differences between mothers in Miami and Los Angeles; forthcoming studies may also wish to investigate differences between sites during subsequent implementations of the Legacy program. References Addy, S., & Xxxxx, X. X. (2012). Basic Facts About Low-income Children, 2010: Children Under Age 18. New York, NY: National Center for Children in Poverty. American Psychological Association. (2013). Effects of Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness on Children and Youth. Washington, DC. Xxxxx, C., X’Xxxxxx, E., Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxxx, G., Vallotton, C., Xxxxxx, H., & Xxxxxx- Xxxxx, R. (2009). Cognitive skill performance among young children living in poverty: Risk, change, and the promotive effects of Early Head Start. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 24(3), 289-305. Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215. Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social-Cognitive View. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Xxxxxxxx-Xxxx. Xxxxxxx, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY, US: Xxxxxxx. Bandura, A. (1999). A social cognitive theory of personality. In X. Xxxxxx & O. Xxxx (Eds.), Handbook of personality (Second ed., pp. 154-196). New York: Guilford Publications....
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Reflections.  A statement as to any post-project reflections – what could have been handled in a different way in hindsight? Working with the Consultant – please comment on the following issues and performance criteria  The overall work ethic  The quality of the deliverables  Did the work and the level of engagement meet your expectations?  Perceived understanding of the organisation, its needs and working environmentCommunication and engagement at all levels of the organisation  Perceived ‘value for money’  Would you be happy to re-engage the provider or recommend in the future? Contact Information Your details and contact information
Reflections. Volume 34, Issue 1. Published by SOHO since 1969. Deadline for all information and ads for the July 2003 issue is June 15. Submit articles by mail or email to SOHO, attention editor. We reserve the right to edit all articles submitted for publication. Save Our Heritage Organisation 0000 Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxx XX 00000 (000) 000-0000 • fax: (000) 000-0000 email: To obtain permission to reprint any part of this publication, please contact SOHO. Save Our Heritage Organisation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization S A V E O U R H E R I T A G E O R G A N I S A T I O N O C T O B E R 2 0 0 3 Message from the Executive Director Fire & Rain Again XXXXX XXXXX Happy Holidays. This year we have many blessings to be thankful for and although many have lost their homes, most still have their lives and their loved ones and that is truly something to be thankful for. I hope that you and yours were spared from any devastation of the fires. It has been a grim reminder of the fire ecology we live in but an important reminder of the necessity of proper management. At this time County Park and Rec officials are still surveying the losses to their historic sites. We have been traveling the backcountry this week to assess damage to private property as well. There are many important out of the way sites. We are happy to report that the historic structures in Descanso are safe with the exception of one of the 1920’s granite bungalows along Viejas Blvd. The Headquarters of Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, the historic stone Dyar house was gutted, though some of its important collection of Indian artifacts may be salvageable. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx believes the house can be rebuilt. As you know, the Town of Julian was spared, as was the Xxxxxxx Schoolhouse at Wynola. Many structures were lost in Pine Hills, but the historic lodge and its outbuildings survived even though it was surrounded by devastation. The Store and Mission at Santa Xxxxxx are safe, as is the Sawday House at Witch Creek, though the fire came within 100 feet. The fire does not appear to have reached the Winter Ranch or the Adobe Chapel at Mesa Grande. At Ballena, the Xxxxxxxxxx house was completely surrounded by fire, but the house escaped, it is surrounded by bareness. The Xxxxxxx Adobe at Santa Xxxxxx was spared and the Xxxxxxx Adobe also was saved at San Xxxxxxx after fire surrounded it. On Mussey Grade in the middle of the devastation of one of what was the most beauti...
Reflections. “Tailor-made one-to-one” versus “one size fits all” approaches A differentiating feature of INNOCULT was the participation of projects that were at different stages of maturation/evolution, a feature that enriched the COMMUNITY but introduced additional challenges to the mentoring component of the scheme. A wide poll of experts was therefore key to properly addressing the various needs of the projects and helping them evolve regardless of their initial status. Moreover, embedding the mentoring activities on a flexible timetable complemented by several other activities and events (built on a common framework for all) was considered important, allowing projects and promoters to have their specific curves of learning and progress. In a future programme would be good to devise different opportunities that allow different actors with projects at diverse stages to connect even further and explore their similarities and complementarities as well as various possible avenues for mutually beneficial collaborations. Cost-efficiency: would it be possible to achieve the same results with fewer resources? From a strictly financial point of view, experimentation is always inefficient. Piloting requires additional resources for the design and roll-out. Pilot initiatives are commonly small and hence, the costs per beneficiary are likely to be higher in comparison to the large-scale established interventions. Lastly, some pilots inevitably fail and do not produce the expected results. These aspects should be considered when analysing the cost-efficiency of INNOCULT and the supported projects. Developing a comprehensive program tailored to the needs of each project individually and all projects together influences both the final cost and the human effort, which are greater than would be if “one size fits all” approaches” were adopted. INNOCULT was a very interesting experience that helped to understand how important the support provided was for the participants and the COMMUNITY. After studying and being immersed in the cultural entrepreneurship ecosystem it is clear to the consortium that carrying out specific programs to accelerate ideas in CCSI is fundamental and recommendable, as there is a lack of cultural entrepreneurship and innovation programs. On the importance of soft skills… Soft skills are personal attributes that can affect relationships, communication, and interaction with others, which are crucial for business success and effective leadership in the high-tech ...
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