Request to return to work part-time Sample Clauses

Request to return to work part-time. Where an employee wishes to make a request to return to work part-time, such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which the employee is due to return to work from parental leave.
Request to return to work part-time. 60.15.1 The Employer will accommodate the reasonable needs reasonable needs of an employee to return to work from Parental Leave on a part-time basis at the employee’s substantive classification where this is necessary for them to discharge adequately their responsibilities as a primary care giver and parent.
Request to return to work part-time. An Employee may request to return from a period of parental leave on a part-time basis until the child reaches school age. The Employee’s request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which the Employee is due to return to work from parental leave.
Request to return to work part-time. 11.7.1 Where an employee wishes to make a request under 11.5.1(iii), such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which the employee is due to return to work from parental leave. 11.7.2 With the agreement of the employer a female employee may work part-time in one or more periods while she is pregnant where part-time employment is necessary or desirable because of the pregnancy. 11.7.3 Before commencing a period of part-time employment under 11.7.2, the employee and the employer will agree: (i) upon the hours to be worked by the employee, the days upon which they will be worked and starting and finishing times for the work; (ii) upon the classification applying to the work to be performed; and (iii) upon the period of part-time employment. 11.7.4 The agreement reached under 11.7.3 may be varied by consent. The terms of this agreement or any variation to it will be reduced to writing and retained by the employer. A copy of the agreement and any variation to it will be provided to the employee by the employer.
Request to return to work part-time. (a) The Employer will accommodate the reasonable needs reasonable needs of an employee to return to work from Parental Leave on a part-time basis at the employee’s substantive classification where this is necessary for them to discharge adequately their responsibilities as a primary care giver and parent. (b) Where the Employer experiences a genuine inability to accommodate such a request on operational grounds, the matter will be referred to a reference group consisting of Employer and employee representatives which may include the Union in order to resolve the matter. (c) Where an employee wishes to make a request under clause 67.10(a) such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which the employee is due to return to work from Parental Leave. (d) An agreement reached between an employee and employer in relation to the employee’s request made under this clause shall be recorded as a temporary variation to the employee’s employment contract. A copy of the variation will be given to the employee. (e) An employer will not offer, propose or require an employee who makes a request under this clause to sign a new or replacement employment contract, or through any other means change the employee’s employment status.
Request to return to work part-time. Where a doctor wishes to make a request under 21.10.1(c), such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which the doctor is due to return to work from parental leave.
Request to return to work part-time. 22.16.1 Where an Employee wishes to make a request under clause 22.15.1(c), such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven (7) weeks prior to the date upon which the Employee is due to return to work from maternity or adoption leave, and will provide to the Company such information as may reasonably by required, including the proportion of time sought, and the date the relevant child will reach school age (i.e., five (5) years of age). 22.16.2 At least twelve (12) weeks prior to the relevant child reaching school age, the Employee will advise the Company whether the Employee will revert to employment on a full-time basis or seeks to continue to be employed on a part-time basis.

Related to Request to return to work part-time

  • Return to Work (a) The parties recognize the duty of reasonable accommodation for individuals under the Human Rights Code of Ontario and agree that this Collective Agreement will be interpreted in such a way as to permit the Employer and the Union to discharge that duty. To that end, the Home and the Union agree to cooperate in complying with the Ontario Human Rights Code. (b) The Home and the Union agree to ongoing and timely communication by all participants. For the purposes of expediting communication the Home and the Union agree that participants will use electronic communication where available. (c) If an employee becomes disabled, including WSIB, with the result that she is unable to perform the regular functions of her position, the Employer may determine a special classification and salary, with the hope of providing an opportunity for continued employment. Positions established under this article will not constitute new classifications and shall lapse upon the termination, resignation, or retirement of the employee in question. (d) Prior to any disabled employee returning to work from a disability including WSIB to a modified/light/alternate work program, the Employer will notify and meet with members of the bargaining unit executive to consult on a back to work program for the worker. Any agreement resulting from these discussions which conflicts with the collective agreement shall, subject to agreement by the Union, prevail over any provision of this agreement in the event of a conflict. Nothing in this language obligates the Employer to establish a modified/ light/alternative work program, except as required by law.

  • Graduated Return to Work Where an Employee is not receiving benefits from another source and is working less than his/her regular working hours in the course of a graduated return-to-work as the Employee recovers from an illness or injury, the Employee may use any unused sick/short term disability allocation remaining, if any, for the portion of the day where the Employee is unable to work due to illness or injury. A partial sick/short term leave day will be deducted for an absence of a partial day in the same proportion as the duration of the absence is to an employee’s regular hours. Where an employee returns on a graduated return to work from a WSIB/LTD claim, and is working less than his/her regular hours, WSIB and LTD will be used to top up the employee’s wages, as approved and if applicable. Where an employee returns on a graduated return to work from an illness which commenced in the previous fiscal year, • and is not receiving benefits from another source; • and is working less than his/her regular hours of work; • and has sick leave days and/or short-term disability days remaining from the previous year The employee can access those remaining days to top up their wages proportional to the hours not worked. Where an employee returns on a graduated return to work from an illness which commenced in the previous fiscal year, • and is not receiving benefits from another source, • and is working less than his/her regular hours of work, • and has no sick leave days and/ or short-term disability days remaining from the previous year, the employee will receive 11 days of sick leave paid at 100% of the new reduced working hours. When the employee’s hours of work increase during the graduated return to work, the employee’s sick leave will be adjusted in accordance with the new schedule. In accordance with paragraph c), the Employee will also be allocated one hundred and twenty (120) short-term disability days payable at ninety percent (90%) of regular salary proportional to the hours scheduled to work under the graduated return to work. The new pro-rated sick/short-term leave allocation may not be used to top-up from part-time to full-time hours.

  • Early and Safe Return to Work The Hospital and the Union are committed to a consistent, fair approach to meeting the needs of disabled workers, to restoring them to work which is meaningful for them and valuable to the Hospital, and to meeting the parties’ responsibilities under the law. To that end, the Hospital and the Union agree to cooperate in facilitating the return to work of disabled employees. The Employer and the Union agree that ongoing and timely communication by all participants in this process is essential to the success of the process. (a) At the regular HAC meeting or at least bi-monthly the Employer will provide an updated list of information to the bargaining unit president including the following: i) Nurses absent from work because of disability who are in receipt of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits; ii) Nurses absent from work because of disability who are in receipt of Long Term Disability benefits including the last day worked; iii) Nurses who have been absent from work because of disability for more than twenty-four (24) months; iv) Nurses who are currently on a temporary modified work program; v) Nurses who are currently permanently accommodated in the workplace; vi) Nurses awaiting temporary modified work; vii) Nurses awaiting permanent accommodation in the workplace. (b) A disabled nurse returning to work from a disability including WSIB to a modified/light/alternative work program, will have a joint Return to Work Team (RTW) attend a return to work meeting. The RTW team will be comprised of the Bargaining Unit President or designate, the Occupational Health representative, the manager and Human Resources. If the Bargaining Unit President or designate attends RTW meetings on her day off, she / he will receive pay at straight time or time in lieu where possible for hours spent in RTW meetings. Such hours are invisible for the purposes of determining premium. L-2 The nurse will advise her manager and Occupational Health Services that she wishes to return to work. A disabled nurse who is ready to return to work will provide the Occupational Health Service with medical verification of her ability to return to work including information regarding any restrictions.

  • Modified Work/Return to Work (a) The parties recognize the duty of reasonable accommodation for individuals under the Human Rights Code of Ontario and agree that this Collective Agreement will be interpreted in such a way as to permit the Employer and the Union to discharge that duty. (b) If an employee becomes disabled, including WSIB, with the result that she is unable to perform the regular functions of her position, the Employer may determine a special classification and salary, with the hope of providing an opportunity for continued employment. Positions established under this article will not constitute new classifications and shall lapse upon the termination, resignation, or retirement of the employee in question. (c) Prior to any disabled employee returning to work from a disability including WSIB to a modified/light/alternate work program, the Employer will notify and meet with members of the bargaining unit executive to consult on a back to work program for the worker. Any agreement resulting from these discussions which conflicts with the collective agreement shall, subject to agreement by the Union, prevail over any provision of this agreement in the event of a conflict. Nothing in this language obligates the Employer to establish a modified/ light/alternative work program, except as required by law.

  • Modified Work/Return to Work Programs The Employer and the Union recognize the purpose of modified work/return to work programs, is to provide fair and consistent practices for accommodating nurses who have been ill, injured or permanently disabled, to enable their safe return to work. The parties undertake to provide safe and meaningful employment for all nurses based on the following objectives and principles:

  • Entitlements Upon Return to Work ‌ (a) An employee who returns to work after the expiration of maternity, parental, or pre-adoption leaves shall retain the seniority the employee had accumulated prior to commencing the leave and shall be credited with seniority for the period of time covered by the leave. (b) On return from maternity, parental, or pre-adoption leaves, an employee shall be placed in the employee's former position or in a position of equal rank and basic pay. (c) Notwithstanding Clauses 18.1(b) and 18.6, vacation entitlements and vacation pay shall continue to accrue while an employee is on leave pursuant to Clause 21.1 providing: (1) the employee returns to work for a period of not less than six months, and (2) the employee has not received parental allowance pursuant to 21.6; and (3) the employee was employed prior to March 28, 2001. Notwithstanding Clause 18.6(a) vacation earned pursuant to this clause may be carried over to the following year, or be paid out, at the employee's option. (d) Employees who are unable to complete the return to work period in (c) as a result of proceeding on maternity, parental or pre-adoption leave shall be credited with their earned vacation entitlements and vacation pay providing the employee returns to work for a period of not less than six months following the expiration of the subsequent maternity, parental or pre-adoption leave.

  • Return to Duty The SAPC will meet with a Covered Employee who has tested positive for alcohol and/or drugs. The SAPC will discuss what course of action may be appropriate, if any, and assistance from which the employee may benefit, if any, and will communicate a proposed return-to-work plan, if necessary, to the employee and department. The SAPC may recommend that the Covered Employee voluntarily enter into an appropriate rehabilitation program administered by the Covered Employee’s health insurance carrier prior to returning to work. The Covered Employee may not return to work until the SAPC certifies that the employee has a negative test prior to returning to work. In the event that the SAPC does not schedule a return-to-work test before the Covered Employee’s return-to-work date, the SAPC shall arrange for the Covered Employee to take a return-to-work test within three (3) working days of the Covered Employee notifying the SAPC in writing of a request to take a return-to-work test. If a Covered Employee fails a return-to-work test, the employee shall be placed on unpaid leave until testing negative but shall not be subject to any additional discipline due to a non-negative return-to- work test. The SAPC will provide a written release to the appropriate department or division certifying the employee’s right to return to work.

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  • Returning to Work (a) Returning to work early (i) During the period of parental leave an Employee may return to work at any time as agreed between the Employer and the Employee, provided that time does not exceed four weeks from the recommencement date desired by the Employee. (ii) In the case of adoption, where the placement of an eligible child with an Employee does not proceed or continue, the Employee will notify the Employer immediately and the Employer will nominate a time not exceeding four weeks from receipt of notification for the Employee’s return to work. (b) Returning to work at conclusion of leave (i) At least four weeks prior to the expiration of parental leave, the Employee will notify the Employer of their return to work after a period of parental leave. (ii) Subject to 51.23(b)(iii), an Employee will be entitled to the position which they held immediately before proceeding on parental leave. In the case of an Employee transferred to a safe job pursuant to clause 51.12 above, the Employee will be entitled to return to the position they held immediately before such transfer. (iii) Where such position no longer exists but there are other positions available which the Employee is qualified for and is capable of performing, the Employee will be entitled to a position as nearly comparable in status and pay to that of their former position. (c) Returning to work at a reduced time fraction (i) To assist an Employee in reconciling work and parental responsibilities, an Employee may request to return to work at a reduced time-fraction until their Child reaches school age, after which the Employee will resume their substantive time-fraction. (ii) Where an Employee wishes to make a request under 51.23(c)(i) such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which the Employee is due to return to work from parental leave.