For P Sample Clauses

For P. P.S. teachers assigned to more than one building, the department supervisor and one of the certified building administrators shall each make at least one formal observation. These observations shall be merged into a single, joint evaluation. The teacher will be notified in advance as to which certified building administrator will be involved in this process. It is understood that this process will take place in the same year unless the teacher and administrators agree to have one administrator do both observations.
For P. E. and Music classes the following overload limits will apply: a. At the secondary level, physical education (P.E.) and performing music classes will be 40 students per class, with a total daily class load/enrollment maximum of 200.
For P. P. S. teachers assigned to one building, the department supervisor and building principal shall each make at least one formal observation. These observations shall be merged into a single, joint evaluation.
For P. E. Lecture Only: 15 PE 100, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 (xxxx THETR 194), 198C RECREATION ED 18 (18 activity) Rec 110 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE (EMS) 20 (lab = lecture) FIRE SCIENCE/TECH 17 (lec) FIRE SCI COORD AS NEEDED
For P. E. and Music classes the following overload limits will apply: a. At the secondary level, physical education (P.E.) and performing music classes will be 40 students per class, with a total daily class load/enrollment maximum of 200. P.E. and music teachers may choose to take larger classes and total daily class loads without the overload pay to accommodate their program needs. No teacher shall be required to exceed these limits. b. At the elementary level, the overload levels for P.E. and music classes will begin at 26 students in K-3 and 30 students in grades 4-6. In elementary classes consisting of more than one grade level, actual enrollment shall not be more than the student-P.E. and music teacher ratio per class for the lower grade level.
For P. Employees shall be encouraged to learn the duties of other positions and every opportunity shall be afforded them to learn the work of such other positions in their own time or during their working hours when it will not unduly interfere with the performance of their duties, The Authority will not unreasonably withhold training opportunities to any employee who has indicated a desire to learn the work of other positions. For this purpose, applicants for training for promotion shall be selected in order of seniority except as otherwise agreed between the Authority and the Union. Trainees may, on application, be permitted to exchange positions for temporary periods without affecting the rates of the employees concerned. When reducing forces, senior employees with sufficient ability to do the work will be retained in employment, When a permanent position is to be abolished, the permanent incumbent of the position shall be given at least three months' notice and copies of the notice shall be furnished to the President and Chairperson of the Local. When a permanent positionis abolished, the permanent incumbent of that position, providing he has at least five (5) years' seniority, shall be retained in the employment of the Authority provided: Employees may be assigned and by the Authority to any vacant or newly created position without bulletining the positions. In the application of this article, the Authority will make all reasonable efforts to train senior employees whose positions are abolished in order to permit their assignment to .vacant or positions where the rate of pay is the closest to that of their abolished positions. An employee assigned under to a position shall retain his rate of pay, but he will receive subsequent general increases in the form of a lump sum at year-end without affecting his rate until it equals the rate of the position to which he has been assigned. An employee who occupies a position under the terms of a) shall be deemed to bid on future bulletined positions, provided it is not than his abolished position and he is able to fulfill the duties of the position. The employee may decline an assignment under a), electing to displace a junior employee in accordance with Article without retaining his level of pay, except that he must indicate his choice in writing within two (2) months following notice of abolition. The Authority will specify the proposed assignment within one month of the notice of abolition. The provisions of this Ar...
For P. O. Box address - Sort the items according to the 3rd and 4th digits (e.g. 901643 or 912305)
For P. ∈ C(Cp), zP a well-behaved uniformizer at P , and m > 0, let Since Fd Bm(P, zP ) := {Q ∈ C(Cp) | v(zP (Q)) ≥ m } . has a convergent power series expression on the entire open polydisk DP1 × · · · × DPd , on any closed sub-polydisk it will actually give an element of that sub-polydisk’s affinoid coordinate ring, which is a Xxxx xxxxxxx [XXX00, Section 7.1.1]. For any choices of P1, . . . , Pd and zP1 , . . . , zPd and m > 0, the set 1 d (Cd)ΛC ∩ (Bm(P1, zP ) × · · · × Bm(Pd, zP )) will have finitely many irreducible components as an affinoid subset of Bm(P1, zP1 ) × · · · × Bm(Pd, zPd ), by [BGR84, Sect. 7.1.1, Cor. 8]. These components can be zero- dimensional or positive-dimensional.
For P. If there is one observation (x = 1), the 95 percent confidence interval around the estimated proportion has a lower bound of np(1-p)n-1 = 0.975 and an upper bound of np(1-p)n-1 = 0.025, both solved for p. 18 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (New York: XxXxxx-Xxxx, 1956).
For P albatrus). To overcome this issue it may be interesting to do a back casted analysis, to see which breeding sites may have previously qualified as IBAs but no longer do so.