Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. When a position or group of positions are reclassified, the position or positions shall be placed on the salary schedule in a range which will result in at least a one (1) range increase above the salary of the existing positions and the incumbent shall remain at his/her current service step consistent with years of service.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. When a position or class of positions is reclassified to a higher range, the affected unit member(s)shall be placed on the salary schedule at his/her current step in the higher range.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. When a position or class of positions is reclassified, the position or positions shall be placed by the District on the salary schedule in a range which will result in at least a one (1) range increase above the salary of the existing position or positions, but in no event will the reclassification result in an increase of less than two and one-half (2-1/2) percent. This section shall apply only to an upward reclassification—no automatic increase shall be given for reclassifications into lower classes.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. When a position or class of positions is reclassified, the position or positions shall be placed on the salary schedule subject to negotiations.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions a. An employee whose position is reclassified to a higher classification due to the gradual accretion of higher level duties and responsibilities shall be entitled to the lowest step in the higher range which exceeds the employee's rate of pay by a minimum of five percent (5%).
b. An employee whose position is reclassified to a lower classification shall be y-rated until such time as the assigned class has a maximum salary rate which is equal to or higher than the employee's existing rate of pay.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. A reclassification can apply either to a limited number of positions within a class, or to an entire class of positions. (2013) When a reclassified worker is placed on Step A as a result of reclassification, he/ she shall be entitled to movement to Step B at the end of one (1) year. The salary of an incumbent worker shall not be reduced as a result of a reclassification. When, as a result of reclassification of a position the salary range of the position is moved downward, all incumbents serving therein shall be continued at their former rate of pay (Y-Rated) until future salary adjustments provide a salary increase for those incumbents in the new salary classification.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. When a position or class of positions is reclassified, the employee/s shall retain their current step in the new classification.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. 16 When a position(s) is reclassified, the incumbent(s) shall be placed on the same step of 17 the new range to which they were assigned prior to reclassification. If the incumbent(s) is 18 reclassified to a lower range, the incumbent(s) shall be "Y" rated. In no event shall upward 19 reclassification result in a loss of pay for a classified employee, and in no event shall the 20 reclassification change the employee’s anniversary date for the purposes of earning salary step 21 increases. Unless negotiated differently, the reclassification shall become effective the July 1st 22 following the December 15th reclassification submission date.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. When a position or class of positions is reclassified to a higher range of the classified salary schedule, such action will result in an upward salary increase of at least one (1) Range or 2.5% whichever is greater.
Salary Placement of Reclassified Positions. When, as a result of reclassification of a position, the salary range of the position is moved upward, incumbents in the reclassified position(s) shall be placed at a step on the new range which will result in an increase of at least five (5) percent, providing such placement will not exceed the final step of the new range. When such placement would result in an increase in excess of the final step, the employee shall be placed at the final step of the new range. When a reclassified employee is placed on Step 1 as a result of reclassification, he/she shall be entitled to movement to Step 2 at the end of six (6) months. When, as a result of reclassification of a position, the salary range of the position is moved downward, all incumbents serving therein shall be continued at their former rate of pay (Y- Rated) until future salary adjustments provide a salary increase for those incumbents in the new salary classification. Other than reclassification, any other downward adjustment of salary shall be considered a demotion, and shall take place only in accordance with the layoff or disciplinary procedures of this Agreement and applicable law.