SAP Support Sample Clauses

SAP Support. If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessorsprocessing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than thirty days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this thirty days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the thirty days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties come together in good faith to discuss a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the thirty days period.
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SAP Support. If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessorsprocessing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than thirty days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this thirty days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the thirty days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties come together in good faith to discuss a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the thirty days period. SAP 支援:依據資料保護法,若客戶有合法理由反對新分包處理商處理個人資料,可以書面通知 SAP 後,終止 SAP 支援,該項通知應於 SAP 告知客戶變更為新分包商後三十日內為之。若客戶未於此三十 日內通知 SAP 終止,則視為客戶接受新分包處理商。客戶得於收到 SAP 通知新分包處理商之日起三十 日內,得要求各方當事人就拒絕之意思秉持誠信商討解決方案。此項商討不得延長通知 SAP 終止之期限,且不會影響 SAP 於三十天後使用新分包處理商之權利。
SAP Support. If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessorsprocessing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than thirty days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide
SAP Support. If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessorsprocessing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than thirty days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this thirty days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the thirty days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties come together in good faith to discuss a resolution to the (a)
SAP Support. Ak Zákazník má na základe Zákona o ochrane údajov legitímny dôvod namietať voči spracovaniu Osobných údajov novým Subdodávateľom, Zákazník môže vypovedať používanie služieb SAP Support na základe písomného oznámenia spoločnosti SAP, takéto oznámenie je spoločnosti SAP potrebné poskytnúť do tridsiatich dní od dátumu, kedy spoločnosť SAP informuje Zákazníka o novom Subdodávateľovi. Ak Zákazník neposkytne spoločnosti SAP oznámenie o ukončení do skončenia tohto tridsaťdňového obdobia, považuje sa to za prijatie nového Subdodávateľa zo strany Zákazníka. Počas tridsaťdňového obdobia od dátumu, kedy spoločnosť SAP informovala Zákazníka o novom objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the thirty days period. Subdodávateľovi, Zákazník môže požiadať strany, aby sa v dobrej viere stretli a prediskutovali riešenie námietky. Takéto diskusie xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxx do konca obdobia na poskytnutie oznámenia spoločnosti SAP a nesmú ovplyvniť právo spoločnosti SAP používať nových Subdodávateľov po uplynutí tridsaťdňového obdobia.
SAP Support. If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessorsprocessing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than thirty days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this thirty days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the thirty days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties come together in good faith to discuss a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the thirty days period. // SAP サポート 「データ保護法」に基づいて、新規の「処理外注先」による「個人データ」の処理に対し て顧客が異議を唱える正当な理由がある場合、顧客は、SAP に対する書面通知を以て「SAP サポート」 を解除することができるものとする。かかる通知は、新規の「処理外注先」について SAP が顧客に通知した日から 30 日以内に SAP に提出されるものとする。かかる 30 日間以内に顧客が解除の通知を SAP に提出しなかった場合、顧客は、新たな「処理外注先」を承認したものとみなされる。新規の 「処理外注先」に関して SAP が顧客に通知した日から 30 日以内に、顧客は、異議の解消について協議するために、両当事者が誠意をもって会合することを要求できるものとする。かかる協議は、解除の通知を SAP に提出するための期間を延長するものとはならず、また新規の「処理外注先」を 30 日の期間後に使用する SAP の権利には影響を与えない。
SAP Support. If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessorsprocessing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than thirty days from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this thirty days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the thirty days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties come together in good faith to discuss a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the thirty days period. SAP Support: 정보 보호 법률에 따라 고객에게 신규 협력업체의 개인 정보 처리와 관련한 이의 제기에 합법적인 사유가 있는 경우, 고객은 서면 통지를 SAP 에 제공하여 SAP Support 를 해지할 수 있으며, SAP 에 제공될 해당 통지는 SAP 가 고객에게 신규 협력업체에 관해 통지한 날로부터 30 일을 초과할 수 없습니다. 고객이 해당 30 일 이내에 해지 통지를 SAP 에 제공하지 않는 경우, 고객은 새로운 협력업체를 허용하는 것으로 간주됩니다. SAP 가 고객에게 신규 협력업체에 관해 통지한 날로부터 30 일 이내에, 고객은 당사자들이 이의 제기에 대한 해결책을 함께 성실하게 논의할 것을 요청할 수 있습니다. 이러한 논의는 SAP 로의 해지 통지 제공 기간을 연장하지 않으며 해당 30 일 기간 종료 후 신규 협력업체를 사용할 SAP 의 권한에 영향을 미치지 않습니다.
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SAP Support. If Customer has a legitimate reason under Data Protection Law to object to the new Subprocessorsprocessing of Personal Data, Customer may terminate the SAP Support upon written notice to SAP, such notice to be provided to SAP no later than thirty days (a) П ідтримка SAP. Якщо згідно із Законом про захист Персональних даних Замовник має законну підставу, щоб заперечувати проти обробки Персональних даних новими Субпідрядниками з обробки даних, Замовник може припинити користуватися Підтримкою from the date SAP informs the Customer of the new Subprocessor. If Customer does not provide SAP with a notice of termination within this thirty days period, Customer is deemed to have accepted the new Subprocessor. Within the thirty days period from the date of SAP informing the Customer of the new Subprocessor, Customer may request that the parties come together in good faith to discuss a resolution to the objection. Such discussions shall not extend the period for providing SAP a notice of termination and does not affect SAP’s right to use the new Subprocessor(s) after the thirty days period.
SAP SupportThe primary goal of such Support Services rendered by NETCARE shall be to restore the availability and / or quality of service operations as fast as possible and to minimize the adverse impact on business operations in case of malfunctions, Incidents, problems and failures of the productive Applications and / or the productive Systems. Furthermore the SAP support shall comprise brief consulting on handling issues other than assistance with Incidents of the Applications by the First Level Support. Execution of Xxxxx Requests shall also be part of the contractual services and compensation for such shall be fully paid up by the support fee. However longer consulting services e.g. in terms of training shall not be comprised. NETCARE provides SAP support to FME based on a decentralized support concept that considers the local conditions and/or specific requirements. This support concept comprises the local SAP Service Desks (First Level Support) and if necessary the involvement of further specialists by NETCARE in order to resolve the Incidents and achieve the mutually agreed Service Levels (Second and Third Level Support). The service times and contact information of the SAP Service Desks shall be defined in the Standard Service Agreement and published on NETCARE’s Intranet. The service times and contact information will be revised and agreed between the Parties on a yearly base. This enables the user to choose the right point of contact for the specific region/location. All Incidents reported to NETCARE are registered in a ticketing system. In general First Level Support is available for all SAP users in local language. It is possible that in some countries, the First Level Support may not be provided by NETCARE in local language. In such cases the Parties shall agree on FME providing local Super-Users being able to communicate in local language and to channel any issues towards the NETCARE First Level Support. In such cases the number of Super- Users shall be limited to two users which have to be named to the NETCARE First Level Support. The following table shows the main characteristics of the SAP support: Process tickets from First Level Support included Respond to technical questions on Application Modules included Use OSS access (enter notes etc.) included Feedback to first level support included Escalation to third level support included Process tickets from Second Level Support included Feedback to First Level Support included Service Level Reporting I...

Related to SAP Support

  • Customer Support If Customer is entitled to receive Customer Support as part of a separately purchased Service Plan, Sage warrants that while Customer’s Service Plan is in effect and if it has paid all required Service Plan fees, Sage will use qualified personnel to provide Customer Support in a professional manner consistent with industry standards. Customer’s sole remedy under this section 5.2 is limited to Sage’s re-performance of the Customer Support services giving rise to Customer’s claim.

  • Child Support (Applicable if the Party is a natural person, not a corporation or partnership.) Party states that, as of the date the Agreement is signed, he/she: a. is not under any obligation to pay child support; or b. is under such an obligation and is in good standing with respect to that obligation; or c. has agreed to a payment plan with the Vermont Office of Child Support Services and is in full compliance with that plan. Party makes this statement with regard to support owed to any and all children residing in Vermont. In addition, if the Party is a resident of Vermont, Party makes this statement with regard to support owed to any and all children residing in any other state or territory of the United States.

  • TAX SUPPORT SERVICES BNY Mellon shall provide the following tax support services for each Fund:  Provide various data and reports as agreed upon in the SLDs to support TRP’s tax reporting and tax filing obligations, including: · Wash sales reporting; · QDI reporting; · DRD reporting; · PFIC analysis; · Straddle analysis; · Paydown adjustments; · Equalization debit adjustments · Tax compliance under §851, §817(h); · Foreign bond sale analysis (§988); · Troubled debt analysis; · Estimation of income for excise tax purposes; · Swap analysis; · Inflation adjustments; · §1256 adjustments; · Market discount analysis; OID adjustments; · CPDI analysis; · Shareholder tax reporting information (e.g. FTC, UGG income, foreign source income by country, exempt income by state);  Provide data, and reports based on such data, maintained by BNY Mellon on its fund accounting platform as reasonably requested by TRP to support TRP’s obligations to comply with requests from tax authorities and TRP’s tax reporting and tax filing obligations.  Assist with other tax-related data needs as mutually agreed upon in writing from time-to-time.

  • CLAIMS SUPPORT The Board shall complete and submit the Trust Plan Administrator’s Waiver of Life Insurance Premium Plan Administrator Statement to the Trust Plan Administrator for life waiver claims when the Trust Plan Administrator does not administer and adjudicate the LTD benefits.

  • PRODUCT SUPPORT Partners may provide support for Products and other value-added services, and Partner is responsible for the performance of any services it provides. If Customer purchases Microsoft Support Services through a Partner, Microsoft will be responsible for the performance of those services subject to the terms of this Agreement.

  • Technical Support State Street will provide technical support to assist the Fund in using the System and the Data Access Services. The total amount of technical support provided by State Street shall not exceed 10 resource days per year. State Street shall provide such additional technical support as is expressly set forth in the fee schedule in effect from time to time between the parties (the “Fee Schedule”). Technical support, including during installation and testing, is subject to the fees and other terms set forth in the Fee Schedule.

  • Research Support (a) Having regard to the resources reasonably available for such purposes, the Operator will cooperate with AHS to provide such participation by its Staff as may be reasonable in relation to the carrying out of research within the Province. (b) The Operator agrees to promptly notify AHS in the event that it undertakes or agrees to participate in any form of clinical trial, research project, instrument use, or similar activity which in any way relates to the Services provided under this Agreement. The Operator shall, upon request, provide AHS with written evidence of Client disclosure and consent to research.

  • Software Support During the Term, Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide all Software updates and qualified Software upgrades in accordance with the terms of the Service Contract as such materials become commercially available for distribution. Purchaser’s use of all Software, updates, and upgrades of Software shall be subject to this Agreement, the Original Terms, and the applicable XXXX.

  • Technical Support Services 2.1 The technical support services (the "Services"): Party A agrees to provide to Party B the relevant services requested by Party B, which are specified in Exhibit 1 attached hereto ("Exhibit 1").

  • Services and Support 1.1 In exchange for your continued compliance with this Agreement, and any modification to this Agreement made by Intuit in accordance with Sections A.1.1, you shall have access to the Software/Subscription in accordance with the following provisions: (a) If you purchased a Subscription based license for the Software, which generally means that you will be paying for your use of the Software and Services on a monthly or annual basis, you shall receive as part of your active Subscription, so long as Intuit is receiving the applicable payment from you: (i) access to the features of the Software subscribed to by you; (ii) Updates and Enhancements; (iii) Version Protection, each defined in Section B.1.2 below; and (iv) additional products, services and/or discounts when and if they should be made available to you. If you have purchased a subscription that includes Support you will also be entitled to receive Support Services as defined below. Software licenses obtained through a subscription are eligible for Enhancements during the active subscription period only. The Subscription is cancellable by you in accordance with this Agreement, but you will not be entitled to any refunds if you cancel after the 60-Day Money Back Guarantee period, as defined in Section B.6. If you cancel your Subscription or if we do not receive the payment for your Subscription, or if the Subscription is in any way terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, you will no longer have access to the Software and all related Services defined above upon the expiration of the current Subscription term, but you will retain access to your company data file stored on your device, which can be reinstated to a readable QuickBooks format upon reactivation of your Subscription or with the purchase of a license on the Software. (b) If you purchased your license to the Software under a one-time, upfront payment at retail or directly from Intuit and not under a Subscription, you shall receive: (i) a license to the specific version of the Software product you have selected that, subject to the license grant and restrictions in Section A.1.1, allows you access to the features of the Software; and (ii) Updates and Enhancements to the Software in accordance with the terms of the Termination provisions. Intuit's obligations under this Section B.1.1 are contingent upon you installing all updates and error corrections within thirty (30) days of being notified of their availability by Intuit (or its Representatives). QuickBooks 2015 Software purchased on a separate standalone basis are eligible for enhancements on a when-and-if available basis through May 31, 2018, which is the current support period for QuickBooks 2015.

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